2021-2022 学年四川省德阳市旌阳区七年级(上)期末英语试 卷 第二部分读(共三节, 满分 30 分)第一节完形填空 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所 给的 A. B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.(10 分)Hello!Nice to meet you.My name is Linda Smith.Linda is my (1)   name and Smith is my last name.I'm(2)   English girl.Here is a photo of my family.These are my grandparents ,Paul and Cindy.This is my father and his name is Bill.This is my mother and(3)   name is Grace.And these are my uncle and aunt.My uncle's name is Eric and my aunt's name is Lucy.Alice is their (4)   ,so she is my cousin.Frank is their son.He is my cousin,too.Here is a dog in the photo.It's Frank.The(5)   of it is black. (1)A.first B.last C.family D.English (2)A.a B.an C.the D./ (3)A.his B.her C.he D.she (4)A.daughter B.son C.sister D.brother (5)A.name B.friend C.phone D.color 2.(20 分)Mr.Clark has a small restaurant.The restaurant is small but (1)  (提供) breakfast , lunch and dinner ( 2 )   breakfast,customers (顾客) can(3)  hamburgers there are good and(4)   .It offers   Monday to Sunday.For   bread,eggs,hamburgers and milk.The  .For lunch,customers can eat rice,chicken and vegetables.They can eat noodles , ( 5 )     .The noodles are ( 6 )   dinner,customers can eat noodles,fruit salad and vegetable salad.(7)    good!For  you like ice ﹣cream?The ice cream in the restaurant(8)   good and tastes(尝起来) good.Kids like it very much! Mrs.Clark(9)   in the restaurant,too.She thinks it's relaxing to work there.And her daughters,Mary and Ann(10)   her after class.They can have some ice cream after working! (1)A.big B.much C.easy D.tidy (2)A.at B.for C.from D.in (3)A.have B.see C.let D.think (4)A.fun B.sure C.tidy D.welcome (5)A.second B.too C.so D.well (6)A.how B.only C.really D.then (7)A.Are B.Do C.Is D.Can (8)A.looks B.sounds C.takes D.gets (9)A.goes B.finds C.works D.comes (10)A.buy B.be C.love D.help 第二节阅读理解 (共 4 小题,每小题 6 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从 每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 3.(6 分) Name:Alan Name:Sally Age:12 Age:13 School:Yuying Middle School School:No.8 Middle School Grade (年级) :6 Grade:7 Favorite color:Blue Favorite color:Red Phone number:276﹣9810 Phone number:287﹣4601 Name:Jane Name:Erie Age:11 Age:14 School:No.5 Middle School School:No,8 Middle School Grade:8 Grade:9 Favorite color:Purple Favorite color:Yellow Phone number:309﹣2874 Phone number:510﹣3927 (1)Alan's favorite color is    . A.purple B.blue C.yellow D.red (2)Sally is    . A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14 (3)Jane's phone number is    . A.276﹣9810 B.287﹣4601 C.309﹣2874 D.510﹣3927 4 . ( 8 分 ) Bob is my cousin.He is only five years old.He likes eating meat ( 肉 ) very much.He always has meat for lunch and dinner.He doesn't like vegetables or fruit.So he is a little fat.My aunt worries about him and doesn't want him to have so much meat. It's Sunday.Bob and my aunt go to the zoo to see animals.They see tigers and bears.Bob likes them very much.It's time for lunch.The keepers (饲养员) bring some meat for the tigers and bears. "Mom,do tigers and bears have meat every day?" Bob asks. "Yes,they do," my aunt says. "It's time to have lunch.Let's eat out.What do you want for lunch? " "Meat. " "Oh,Bob.You are a little fat.Eating much meat is not good for you." "No , Mom.Tigers and bears eat meat every day , and they are very strong.I want to be strong (1)Which of these foods may (可能) Bob like?     A.Salad. B.Strawberries. C.Chicken. D.Tomatoes. (2)Bob and his mother go to the zoo on    . A.Saturday morning B.Saturday afternoon C.Sunday morning D.Sunday afternoon (3)Bob think eating meat can make people    . A.happy B.strong C.clever D.beautiful (4)Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)?     A.Bob doesn't want to eat out. B.Bob wants to bring food for animals. C.Bob's mother doesn't like eating meat. D.Bob's mother worries about Bob's health. 5.(8 分)Dear, Hello,my name is Jeff.I am 10 years old.I live in Nairobi,Kenya.I have my sisters and my brother.My mother's name is Anna and my father's name is Anthony. My brother is big.He is 14 years old.And my sisters are 7.They are twins. I like to play football and computer games with my brother.My sisters like to play tennis and badminton.They also like to play computer games.We go to school from Mondays to Fridays and stay home on weekends. I go to Davidson Elementary School with my sisters and my brother goes to Kenyatta School. I have many lessons at school mathematics,English,French,geography,sports,computer and art. In math we have many question

doc文档 四川省德阳市旌阳区2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末英语试卷

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