2021-2022 学年山东省菏泽市东明县八年级(上)期末英语试 卷 二、语言知识应用(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)第一节单项填空(共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 1.(1 分)﹣﹣I saw Mike talking with a girl outside the classroom. ﹣﹣ girl is his sister Kate.She is in our school too.(  ) A.A B.An C.The 2.(1 分)In early 2020,teachers had to give lessons the internet because of the COVID﹣ 19.(  ) A.At B.for C.on 3.(1 分)﹣ Let me see.A potato,three tomatoes. beef do we need? ﹣ A kilo is OK.(  ) A.How many B.How much C.How heavy 4.(1 分)It was dark in the room.We could hardly see A.anything B.nothing 5.(1 分)It took the lady a long time to A.choose .(  ) C.something a new skirt.Finally,she took a black one.(  ) B.improve C.shake 第二节完形填空 6.(10 分)Do you know the(1)   Titanic?Did you(2)    it?Many people saw it.Do you like the movie ?I(3)    it very much.There are (4)    main persons in the movie , a girl and a young man . Rose , she is a kind and ( 5 ) girl.Jack,he is a kind and handsome young man,but he is poor.They met on a big (6) .They come from two different ranks(阶层),but they(7)    each other.The ship sank(沉没).For saving the girl,the young man (8)   .I like it very much.And what do you ( 9 )     the film ? Maybe you like it , maybe you can′t ( 10 ) it.But I like it,the film Titanic is pretty good. (1)A.soap opera B.movie C.talk show (2)A.see B.look C.listen to (3)A.don't like B.can't stand C.like (4)A.three B.two C.four (5)A.beautiful B.ugly C.handsome (6)A.ship B.car C.bus (7)A.love B.don't love C.likes (8)A.ran B.walked C.died (9)A.think B.think of C.think about (10)A.leave B.stand C.talk 三、阅读理解(共 3 小题;每小题 10 分,满分 30 分) 7.(10 分)Hi Lisa, How are you?Sorry for not replying to you for a while.I have been quite busy.Anyway ,I am writing to you to invite you to my birthday party next Thursday at 5 :00 pm.Believe it or not,a whole year has passed already. I am having a small party at my home.I have only invited our close friends and I hope you would come to the party.It will be fun like last year.Sam,Carla and Tom are coming.Suzanne might show up.It will be fun.We will play games like last year.I would be thankful if you could bring some juice. You probably have forgotten the location of my home.My building number is 365 ,Green Avenue and it is opposite to Hot And Spicy Restaurant. I hope you can come to the party as we haven't gathered for quite some time.Wish to see you soon. Yours, Alan (1)When will Alan have a birthday party?     A.Next Sunday. B.Next Saturday. C.Next Thursday. (2)Where will Alan have his party?     A.In a hotel. B.At his home. C.In a restaurant. (3)Who won't come to the party?     A.Mary. B.Sam. C.Carla. (4)What does the underlined phrase "show up" mean?     A.发现 B.展示 C.露面 (5)What may Lisa take to Alan?     A.Flowers. B.A notebook. C.Juice. 8.(10 分)American boys and girls love to watch TV.Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six a day in front of the TV set.Some even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. TVs are like books or films.A child can learn bad things and good things from them.Some programs(节目) help children to understand the news;others show people and places from other counties or other time in history.With TV a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals(大海) to see a ship Boys and girls can see a play,a concert or a game at home. TV brings many places and events into our homes.Some programs show crime (犯罪活 动) and other things that are bad for children,so parents sometimes help them t0 find other interesting things to do. (1)Some children spend eight hours or more    on Saturday. A.studying B.playing games C.watching TV (2)On TV children can see    . A.games B.big animals C.almost everything (3)Children usually spend    a day in school. A.six hours B.more than eight hours C.only a few hours (4)"TV brings many places and events into our homes." means    . A.TV makes things happen in homes B.we can know many places and events without going to see them C.we can see houses and buildings on TV (5)Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is    for children. A.a bad program B.an animal C.a game 9.(10 分)AI(人工智能) makes our lives easier and better.Let's see the amazing AI. Cool driverless bus A bus door opens and you get on.Wait!Where is the driver?Here is a new kind of driverless bus called Apolong.It has 14 seats and doesn't need a driver.The bus follows traffic rules.It stops as soon as it sees a stop light. Your close friend Hi , every

doc文档 山东省菏泽市东明县2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试卷

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