茂名市新世纪 2021 年初三第四次模拟考试英语试卷 二、语法选择(本大题有 10 小题,每小题:1 分,共 10 分) I took a par-time job in a computer shopping center this summer vacation. One Sunday afternoon, there were 31.________ customers than usual, so I began to read books.Suddenly, I found an old woman 32.________ walked very slowly. It seemed that she needed help. Several minutes later, she came over again. She entered and said, " Excuse me, sir. 33.________ I borrow your phone for a while? My phone doesn't work.” Hearing this, I decided to give 34.________ hand to the old lady. I passed my phone to her. She said 35.________it was wonderful that she finally got help and she wanted to pay me for that. But I refused. At last,s she thanked me and said goodbye to me. A week later, the old lady came again 36.________ a young man. I thought she came to ask for help again. However,the young man said to me, "Hello, this is my grandmother. I'm usually busy and I 37.________ little time to help her. "He continued, "I went to see her this weekend and she told me about your kind action. It happens that my company needs some new computers, 38.________ I come here. I'm very thankful to you. " 200 computers 39.________ in total that day. As a result, I was praised by my boss. How lucky I was! So never stop 40.________others when you can do so.Sometimes, a small action will bring you something good. ( )31. A. few B. fewer C. little D.less ( )32.A.which B.whom C.who D. whose ( )33.A.Need B.Should C.Can ( )34. A.a ( )35.A.that B.why C.what D.when ( )36.A.as B.by C.with D.from ( )37.A.have ( )38.A.but B.so C.or D.and ( )39.A.sell B.sold C.are sold D.were sold ( )40.A.help B.an B.has B.to help C.the C.save C.helping D.Must D./ D.saves D.helped 三、完形填空(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Jason, a 12 - year - old middle school student, studied hard. But he seldom asked questions 41.________ he didn't want to trouble his teacher. His teacher was very 42.________ . After getting along with the students for sometime, the teacher finally 43.________ the phenomenon(现象) and asked Jason the reason. Jason said, "I’m sorry, Sir. I am afraid that I may cause 44.________ to you if I ask you questions again and again! The teacher thought for a while and said to him, "You go and light a candle first. "Jason 45.________ this, but he did so. Then the teacher said, "Go and get some more candles and use the first one to light them. " Jason did the same. After he did that, the teacher asked, "All the other candles are lit by the first candle, but has the light of the first candle been gone? " Jason 46.________ , "No " The teacher smiled, "I will not lose anything after sharing the 47.________ I have with You. On the contrary(相反的), I will find greater happiness and satisfaction. So, if you have any problem, please feel 48.________ to come to me. " We should know that a person’s knowledge is 49.________ limited(有限的). But remember that after many people discuss and ask each other 50.________ advice for a long time, our knowledge will be improved. So , if you meet any problem you don't understand,just ask others. ( )41. A. because B. although ( )42. A. kind ( )43. A. left out ( )44. A. differences ( )45. A.was surprised at B. careful C. whenever C. careless B. brought out B. difficulties D. whether D. friendly C. found out D.worked out C. problems D. questions B. was afraid of C.was good at D.was excited about ( )46. A. shouted B. looked ( )47. A. happiness B. knowledge ( )48. A. nervous B. bored C. relaxed D. interested ( )49. A. usually B. probably C. hardly D. luckily ( )50. A. at C. of D. for B. with C. replied C. situation D. cried D. relationship 四、阅读理解(本大题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A Sunshine school will hold the yearly school sports meeting this week. ● Timetable 8:00 - 8:30am Ceremony: During this time, the headmaster will tell us the rules of the sports meeting. 9: 00 - 10: 00am Running: This part includes personal match (for 20 minutes) and group match(for 40 minutes). One can take part in both kinds. 10: 00 - 11: 00am Basketball: It is a group match. All the teams need to make sure all the members can take part in it. 11: 00 - 11: 30am Broadcast(广播): Everyone can write some encouraging words for players. These words will be read to encourage them to try their best. ● Lunch 1:30 - 2:30pm High Jump: This personal project is challenging and difficult. Anyone who is interested in it and in good body condi

doc文档 广东省茂名市新世纪学校2020-2021学年九年级下学期第四次模拟考试英语试卷

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