高一上学期 期中测试 B 卷 本试卷共计 120 分,作答时间 100 分钟。 I. 语法填空.(10*1.5’=15’) A man bought a donkey at the market. Now the man owned several donkeys already and he knew each one’s character very well. One of the donkeys was very strong and brave. Another was eager to please people by working quickly but soon got exhausted. One donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as he 1___________________ (possible) could all day long. He always tried to be the last when the other 2___________________ (animal) were being loaded up so that he would get the 3___________________ (light) load. The man led the new donkey into the yard. For a moment he stood 4___________________ (snif) at his new companions. Then, without hesitation, he came up to the lazy donkey and began feeding comfortably at 5___________________ side. 6___________________ it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new donkey out of the yard, straight back to the market. “You cannot have given him 7___________________ fair trail yet,” said the merchant. “It is only ten minutes since you 8___________________ (buy) him.” “I don’t need to try him any more,” replied the man. “I know just 9___________________ he is like from the friend that he chose for himself. 10___________________ (take) him away and give me my money back.” II. 完形填空(20*1.5’=30’) From the age of five, I was constantly surrounded by fear. It started when I was sent to boarding school. I used to 1 the bed and, the first night it happened, I knocked on the nuns' (修女) door to ask for 2 . Instead, they made me do the walk of 3, carrying a packet of wet sheets through all the 4 as they announced, 'Make way for the bed-wetter,' and 5 the children to laugh and shout horrible things. That happened 6. I grew into a problem 7 and spent much time in bars drinking to forget the hopelessness and 8 . That's where I met my first husband, who turned out to be a 9 man. It was only when he 10 me into a state of unconsciousness that things changed. I knew I couldn't go back-if I did, I would 11. So I decided to remove the layers of pain and cruelty and 12 them with happiness and success. I started to read books about how to think highly of yourself. I got into 13 and won competitions, I realised, 'I am not a 14 person like the nuns and my husband told me.' I decided to take the 15 I used in sport - my determination to keep 16 -and apply them to everything in my life. That's when I 17 I was a really good business person. Whatever your past has been, don't 18 it for who you are today. Try and find something 19 in it. That's the only possible way to 20 those things, be brave and turn everything around. 1. A. wet B. make C. warm D. clean 2. A. direction B. help 3. A. pride B. comfort 4. A. toilets B. offices C. permission D. advice C. shame D. apology C. classrooms D. dormitories 5. A. forced B. persuaded C. encouraged D. reminded 6. A. naturally B. regularly C. eventually 7. A. teenager B. mother C. adult 8. A. failure B. loss C. disappointment 9. A. violent B. gentle C. responsible B. talked C. scared D. secretly D. wife D. fear D. forgetful 10. A. brought D. beat 11. A. survive B. change 12. A. associate B. replace 13. A. sport 14. A. guilty C. die C. compare B. debt C. shape B. useless D. fight D. fill D. trouble C. desperate D. horrible 15. A. skills B. tips C. principles D. methods 16. A. cool B. changing C. fit D. going 17. A. imagined B. forgot C. discovered D. suspected 18. A. aim B. blame 19. A. positive B. relevant C. repeat C. necessary D. make D. unforgettable 20. A. give up B. come across C. let alone D. get over III. 阅读理解 (20*2’=40’) A On February 3, 1931, the peace of New Zealand's Hawke's Bay region was destroyed when the area was hit by the worst earthquake in New Zealand's history. At 10:46 am on that summer's day, the quake hit with a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale (里氏地震). The centre of the quake lied some 15 to 20 kilometers north of the two main centers, Napier and Hastings. The quake lasted for two and a half minutes. Many people died in the earthquake. A fire broke out immediately after the quake. The fire started in a chemist's shop and spread quickly. Then the Fire Department in Napier came to help, but they were at a loss to control the fire as a result of losing their water supply. However, the water supply in Hasting, was still usable, allowing them to fight back against the fire. Th

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