Unit3 英译中 序号 英文 1 wedding 2 ceremony 3 decorate 4 formal 5 tradition 6 bride 7 eye-catching 8 sari 9 custom 10 impression 11 bridegroom 12 entrance 13 anything but 词性 中文 14 ordinary 15 romantic 16 flight 17 occasion 18 in the air 19 merry 20 band 21 costume 22 samba 23 twist 24 clap 25 march 26 current 27 beer 28 roast 29 be caught up in 30 annual 31 engine 32 fire engine 33 acid 34 stuff 35 vehicle 36 earn 37 mirror 38 apartment 39 hunt 40 chain 41 pass down 42 income 43 per 44 comb 45 package 46 promote 47 fall on 48 lunar 49 observe 50 nation 51 honour 52 in honour of 53 generation 54 source 55 identity 56 previous 57 duty 58 precious 59 eve 60 china 61 plate 62 sort 63 pork 64 bite 65 select 66 settle 67 convenient 68 neat 69 couplet 70 represent 71 midnight 72 snack 73 set off 74 firecraker 75 firework 76 fortune 77 lantern 78 riddle 79 willow 80 creep 81 tear 82 sleeve

doc文档 Unit3 英译中单词默写表 Excel版 2021-2022译林牛津版高中英语必修第二册

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