2022 学年牛津上海版英语六年级第二学期 Unit 10 教案 Period 1 Contents: page 70, 71 Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives Ability objectives Emotional objectives Teaching procedure Warming up 1. Daily talk 2. Show students the map of the world. Ask them: how much of the earth is water? Why do you think water is very important? What can you find on the land? Pre-task 1. Ask: what can you find in the forest? Encourage students to tell all the things that they know ahout the forest. 2. Show the pictures and ask students to learn the new words and expressons. 3. Give students four questions and ask them to read the questions. 4. Gvie them some time to read the first paragraph of the text and then ask them to answer the questions. Invite some students to give the answers to check if they have understand the questions. What is a forest? What do forests provide for birds, animals and insects? What do birds do in trees? Where do small animals and insects build their homes? What are the food for insects, birds and animals? 5. Give students some time to read the second paragraph individually. Then ask them to tell if the statements are true or false All the people cook food with wood We get wood from forests. We can use wood to make paper and furniture, but we cannot use it to make houses. Many animals cannot live without forests. While-task procedure 1. Play the recording of the text and ask students to read it after the tape 2. Read one sentence by one sentence. Remind students of the pronunciation 3. Give students some time to read the text in a group 4. Ask students to retell the students with the help of the pictures. 5. Ask students to fill in the blanks and complete the display board. We make our nests _______________ We __________ food and shelter for __________, _________ and __________. I ____________________ in the hollows of the tree. __________, __________ and __________ of the trees are our food. Many people use us to __________ houses, __________ and __________. Forests are __________ to all animals. People must __________ cutting down forests. Post-task discussion 1. Ask: what do you think of forests now? 2. Ask students to have a group discussion: what will happen if there are no forests on the earth. Help them to aware of the importance of forests and the necessarity of protection of forests. Homework • Workbook 6B, page 66. • Recite ‘Listen and say’. Period 2 Contents: page 72, 73 Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives 1. Learn to use prepositions to indicate the source: get from 2. Learn to use nouns to refer to uncountable objects. 3. Learn to use infinitives to indicate purposes: use to do Ability objectives 1. learn to scan a text to locate specific information 2. can use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of the unknown word and a complete expression 3. can write out a piece of work using visual support including illustrations Emotional objective Learn the different sources from our earth and be aware of their importance Teaching procedure Warming up 1. Daily talk 2. Review the text on page 71. Ask students to read some sentences and tell if they are true or false and correct the false ones. 3. Fill in the blanks according the text on page 71 Pre-task preparation 1. learn the new words of the different source and materials according to the pictures and ask student to practice them 2. Ask students to match the materials and source and use the pattern: get… from While-task procedure 1. Play the recording and ask students to read after it 2. Practice the text. Only show the pictures and ask students to retell the sentences 3. have a brainstorm and ask students to tell what else we can get from our earth and what we can use them to make Post-task activities 1. Ask students to make a dialogue like this What can we use … to make? We can use … to make… Where can we get …? We can get … from… 2. Show the pictures of different objects and ask students to tell what we can use to make them. And write a report about that Homework Recite ‘Listen and say ’Workbook 6B, pages 62 and 63. Workbook 6B, page 67 Period 3 Contents: page 74 Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives Ability objectives Emotional objectives Teaching procedure Warming up 1. Daily talk 2. Give students one minute to think about the following questions and try to answer them What do we get from the ground? What do we use it/them to do? What do we get from trees? What do we use it/them to do? Where do we get plastic from? Wh

doc文档 Unit 10教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版六年级英语下册

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Unit 10教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版六年级英语下册 第 1 页 Unit 10教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版六年级英语下册 第 2 页 Unit 10教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版六年级英语下册 第 3 页 Unit 10教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版六年级英语下册 第 4 页 Unit 10教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版六年级英语下册 第 5 页
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