2022 学年牛津上海版英语六年级第二学期 Unit 5 教案 Period 1 Content: page 33 Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives 1. Can use adverbs to express sequence of time 2. Can use adjectives to make comparisons 3. Can use the future tense to talk about future events Ability objectives Learn to use future tense to describe a person or the future events Emotional objectives Learn to imagine their future life and make a proper objective for themselves. Language focus 1. Using adverbs to express sequence of time 2. Using adjectives to make comparisons. 3. Using the future tense to talk about future events. Teaching procedure Warming up 1. Daily talk: my favorite festival 2. Ask students which person they like best, including their family members and other famous people, and tell the reason. Encourage them to tell what kind of person they would like to be in the future. Pre-task preparation 1. Ask students look at the pictures and learn how to express the weight and height of a person: is 165 centimeters tall; weigh 55 kilograms heavy. Ask students how tall they are and how much they weigh. 2. learn how to use adjectives to make comparisons 3. learn the new words while-task procedure 1. Tell students that Kitty want to know what she will be like in the future, so she use the magic camera. Give students some time to read the text in Read and match silently and individually. 2. Listen to the tape and repeat. 3. Complete the Read and match. Teacher explains it to students if necessary. 4. Ask students to pay attention to the following words and phrases: first, next, then, finally. Post-task activities 1. Ask students to draw a picture of themselves in 15 years, and try to express what they will be like at that time. Students talk about themselves in a group of four of five. Invite some to show their pictures and describe their future 2. Ask students to exchange their pictures and try to express their classmates in the future 3. Ask students to read a passage about Peter and try to complete his notes of future Consolidation 1. Copy the new words and phrases and try to remember them. 2. Copy the text and translate it into Chinese. 3. Read the text fluently. 4. Make a photograph of own and write notes. Period 2 Content: page 34 Teaching objectives Knowledge objective 1. Learn to use the simple present tense to express interests 2. Learn to use the future tense to talk about the future events 3. Learn to use the proper adjectives to describe people 4. Learn to use formulaic expressions to show agreeing Ability objectives 1. Learn to use future tense to describe a person or the future events Emotional objectives 2. Learn to imagine their future life and make a proper objective for themselves. Language focus 1. Using the simple present tense to express interests.(love/ be good at..) 2. Using the future tense to talk about future events (will/ will not) 3. Using adjectives to describe people. (slim/ good looking/ fat) 4. Using formulaic expressions to show agreeing (Yes, I agree./ No, I don’t agree. He/ She will possibly be …) Teaching-procedure Warming up 1. Daily talk: what I will be in the future. 2. Go over the jobs that we have learned before. Students look at the pictures and say the job, and then tell what they usually do. Pre-task preparation 1. Learn the new words: singer, baker and reporter. Teach these words by using “teach, teacher; drive, driver”. Make students understand that we can add “er” to some verbs to get the nouns. 2. Ask students to look at the pictures and learn some new words and phrases: slim, good looking, be good at”. Ask them to use these words to make sentences to describe a person. 3. Practise the phrase “be good at”. Ask students to say the people who do different kinds of jobs are good at. Make sure they know “be good at + n./ doing” 4. Use some adjectives and “be good at” to describe the person in the picture. while-task procedure 1. Read the short passage individually. 2. Listen to the passage and read it again. Then encourage students to guess what Peter and Jill will be in 15 years’ time. 3. Learn the phrases “Yes, I agree./ No, I don’t agree. She/ He will possibly be..” 4. Students practice these passage and dialogue according to the tape. 5. Ask students to make a dialogue according the given frame work in pairs. S1: What do you like? S2: I like … S1: What are you good at? S2: I’m good at … S1: I think you will be a/an _____ in 15 years’ time. S2: Yes, I agree./No, I don’t agree. I’ll possibly be a/an

doc文档 Unit 5 课时教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册

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Unit 5 课时教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册 第 1 页 Unit 5 课时教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册 第 2 页 Unit 5 课时教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册 第 3 页 Unit 5 课时教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册 第 4 页 Unit 5 课时教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册 第 5 页
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