课型 第(1)教时 课题 Staying healthy 新授 三维目标 Language objective: To use like doing sth. to express one’s inclination Skill objective: maintain an interaction by asking and answering To make difference between indoor and outdoor activities Emotion objective: Make the students know more about the interests of each other 教学重点 Like doing sth. My favorite activity is… It’s an indoor/ outdoor activity. 教学难点 Like doing sth. My favorite activity is… It’s an indoor/ outdoor activity. 策略方法 Powerpoint 流程和环 节 师生双边活动 教师 学生 I. pre-task 1. Ask the students to listen to song and fill in the blanks. Then let the students sing the song together. 1. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks 2. Show some pictures and ask the students to tell the activities in the pictures. II whiletask 累计教时数( ) 2. Look at the pictures and tell some activities. 3. Give the students the sentence structures and let them say something about the activities they like. I like __________________. I love__________________. I really enjoy___________. 3. Say something about the activities they like 1. Show five pictures of activities. Among them, one is different from the other four. Let the students odd it out. 1. Odd the picture out 2. Ask the students “why should we odd this one out?” to lead in the kinds of activities: indoor and outdoor. 2. Learn the new words: indoor; outdoor 3. Give some activities to the students. Some are indoor activities and some are outdoor ones. Ask them to divide these activities. Write ‘I’ for indoor activities and ‘O’ for outdoor activities. 3. Divide some activities into indoor activities and outdoor activities 4. Play the cassette, ask the students to listen to the tape and try to repeat the text sentence by sentence. Then act it out. 4. Listen and read the text and act it out 5. Do pair work 5. Show a list of activities. Let the students do pair work like this: S1: I like … That’s my favourite indoor/outdoor activity. S2: I like …, too. S3: I don’t like … I like … That’s my favourite indoor/outdoor activity. Ⅲ. post-task Ask the students to make a questionnaire to ask their partner about their favorite activities. Then write a report. What’s your favorite activity? Where do you have it? Is it an outdoor or indoor activity? Are you good at it? When do you play/ have it? IV assignment Read and recite page 21-22 Workbook 6A Some other relative exercises 课题 Staying healthy 三维目标 Language objective: use “how often” to ask the frequency of some activities Skill objective: find out some specific information by asking and answering Emotion objective: To care more about one’s health 教学重点 How often; once/twice/ three times a month/ a year 教学难点 How often; once/twice/ three times a month/ a year 策略方法 Powerpoint 流程和环 节 师生双边活动 教师 学生 I. pre-task 1. Show Joe’s activity plan for March. Teach some phrases about frequency. five times a month; twice a month; once a month; never; four times a month; once a week 1. Learn some phrases about frequency 2. Ask the students do pair work according to Joe’s activity plan like this: S1: How often do you play basketball? S2: I play basketball five times a month. 2. Do the pair work according to the given activities and frequency 3. Let the students ask their own classmates about 3. Ask 课型 Ask their partners some questions and make a report 第(2)教时 新授 累计教时数( ) their own S1: S2: S1: S2: II whiletask Ⅲ. post-task their own favorite activities and the frequency of having them. What’s your favourite activity? My favourite activity is ____. It’s an indoor/outdoor activity. How often do you _________? I ______________. classmates about their own favorite activities and the frequency of having them 6. Play the cassette, let the students listen to the tape and try to repeat the text sentence by sentence without the given text. Then ask some pairs to read the text. 6. Listen to the tape and try to repeat the text than read in pairs. 7. Show Joe’s bad habits to let the students make a dialogue. • go to bed late: three times a week • practise swimming: twice a year • help do the housework: never A: How often does Joe … B: He … He never … Teach the new words: practise (v.)—practice (n.) Housework 8. Since Joe’s habits are not good. Let the students make some suggestion for him. 7. Make a dialogue according to Joe’s bad habits. Learn some new words. 8. Make some suggestion for Joe. 9. Give some activities and their frequency of practice. As

doc文档 Unit 4 教案2021-2022学年牛津上海版六年级英语下册

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