2022 学年牛津上海版英语六年级第二学期 Unit 3 教案 Unit 3 the dragon Boat Festival Period 1 Content: page 14 Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives 1. Can use “wh” questions to find out the reason 2. Go over and can use the simple past tense about past activities and states 3. Can use the simple present tense to talk about present states Ability objectives Can collect useful information to tell a story Emotional objectives Learn more about our traditional culture Focus 1. Asking ‘wh’ questions to find out the reason 2. Using the simple past tense to talk about past activities and states. 3. Using the simple present tense to talk about present states. Warming up 1. Daily talk: Introduce the Festival. 2. Quick response: What do people in Beijing like doing? What do tourists usually do in Tokyo? What do people in Thailand like eating? Have you been to Beijing yet? How do you get there? How long does it take to travel to Beijing? What do you like best? Does your friend like it? How long do you plan to stay there? What time will your plan leave for Shanghai? Pre-task preparation 1. Go over the simple past tense and some past forms of special verbs Remind students of the use of the past tense in the story. Is was been being Take took taken taking Die died died dying Lose lost losen losing Become became become becoming Jump jumped jumped jumping 2. New words: advice (advise), give advice to / take advice, emperor, however, die, lose, famous, poet, poem, sad, battle, lunar month, celebrate (celebration), Dragon Boat Festival/ races, 3. Show students some pictures of Dragon Boat Festival, and ask students what they know about this festival. Ask them why do people eat rice dumplings. 4. Give students some time to read the story individually. 5. Ask students: Was Qu-yuan sad? Why? While-task procedure 1. Play the recording. Students listen and follow in their books. 2. Play it again. Students listen to it and repeat. 3. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the words and the use of different tense when talking about the past and the present in the story. (simple past tense) 4. Have the students complete the list and write down the answer to the questions on page 11 5. Give students some time to retell the story Consolidation Written: Copy and remember the new words Workbook page 19 Oral: Read the text fluently and try to retell it. Collect some stories about Chinese traditional festival Period 2 Content: page 14 Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives 1. Can use adjectives to describe objects 2. Can use “wh” questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person. 3. Can use prepositions to indicate time 4. Learn to use connectives to link contrasting ideas. 5. Can use the simple present tense to express preferences 6. Can use prepositional phrases to describe objects. Ability objectives Learn the common knowledge about Dragon Boat Festival and collect information about this festival Emotional objectives Try to know about more of Chinese traditional culture Focus 1. Using adjectives to describe objects 2. Using connectives to link contrasting ideas. 3. Using the simple present tense to express preferences. 4. Using prepositional phrases to describe objects. Warming up 1. Daily talk 2. Quick responses Who is Qu Yuan? When was he born? Why did he jump into the river/ What was the date that day? What do people do to remember him? Pre-task preparation 1. Ask students: What do people usually do at Dragon Boat Festival? What do people eat? Tell some kinds of rice dumplings Which kinds of dumplings do you like better, salty ones or sweet ones? 2. New words and expressions: a salty/ sweet rice dumpling, bean, hate 3. Play the recording: look and learn. Students listen to it and follow in their books. 4. Play the recording: look and read. Students listen and follow in their books. 5. Play the recording again and students read after it. 6. Ask and answer: Do you like rice dumplings? Yes, I like them/ I do. No, I hate them/ I don’t. Does your sister/ mum/friend like salty dumplings? Yes, she likes them/ she does. No, she hates them/ she doesn’t. While task procedure 1. Explain some phrases: one (pron.) ones (in the text, this word means dumplings), with, without 2. Group work in four. Do a survey form in circle and write. They are required to use the target language in their report like this: I love…, but I hate My classmates likes…, but I he/ she hates… We both like …, but Write these phrases on the

doc文档 Unit 3 课时教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语六年级下册

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