2020-2021 学年浙江省台州市仙居县八年级(下)期末英语试 卷 第二部分笔试部分二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 15 分,共 15 分)阅读下面 短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出最佳选项. 1.(15 分)Detective(侦探)Green arrived home late on a Friday night after finishing a long and busy week of work.He was looking forward to a relaxing (1)   . But as he opened the door and walked ( 2 )     , his daughter Betty came over to him,tears running down her face. "Oh my god.What (3)   ,dear?"Mr.Green asked. "Terry broke my favorite ( 4 )     !"she cried.She was talking about her little brother,who often caused trouble around the house. "Terry,is this (5)   ?Did you really break Betty's glass?"Mr.Green asked. "No way!I walked into the kitchen (6)    I heard her start to cry,and there she was in front of the freezer ( 冰 柜 ) , with broken glass everywhere.I'm sure she broke it (7)   "Terry said. "I see.That's interesting.Betty , can you tell me the ( 8 )     time you saw the glass?"Mr.Greer asked. "I filled it with water and put it in the freezer earlier this afternoon so it would be (9) later.I just wanted to have a cold drink to go with the spicy food I had for (10)   ."she said. "Okay.Well ,I can tell you that it's (11)   Terry's fault nor your fault ,﹣you're about to learn a little science lesson , in fact ( 12 )     with a smile , "When water freezes,it expands(扩张)(容器)and freeze it,it'll (13)    the container.That's why Betty's glass broke she filled it with water and left it in the freezer for too (14)   . After hearing the words.Betty's face turned red and said (15)  unforgettable lesson! (1)A.festival B.party C.weekend D.vacation   to Terry.What an (2)A.inside B.off C.away D.out (3)A.finished B.changed C.appeared D.happened (4)А.cup B.glass C.toy D.sunglasses (5)A.easy B.true C.perfect D.different (6)A.when B.until C.if D.unless (7)A.itself B.yourself C.myself D.herself (8)A.first B.second C.next D.last (9)A.sweet B.cold C.hot D.salty (10)A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.dessert (11)A.both B.all C.neither D.either (12)A.continued B.answered C.asked D.shouted (13)A.hit B.close C.break D.cover (14)A.early B.long C.often D.quickly (15)A.sorry B.hello C.goodbye D.thanks 三、阅读理解(本题有 10 小题,每小题 6 分,共 20 分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 2 . ( 6 分 ) Are you the only child in your family ? Do you want to have more sisters or brothers?On May 31,China introduced a new policy (政策)that allows every family to have up to three children.This was to fight China's aging problem Zhao Zhihan,Beijing,16 years old. It might be hard to have three children for a family that doesn't have enough money.Parents would have to work really hard to support the family.If I lived in a family like this as a child.I would feel upset and stressed out. Liu Yifei.Taiyuan,13 years old. I'm very sensitive and I worry that my parents will pay less attention to me if they have another child.There's no doubt that they will spend more time on the younger kid and I have to do everything by myself.What if no one make meals or take me from and to school? Li Jinyan,Lanzhou,14 years old. Although I already have a younger brother,I want to have a sister as well.I'm a girl,so I think a sister would understand me better.And when I'm old enough to leave home and go to college Wang Yizhan,Taizhou,15 years old. To be honest , I don't care if my parents have another child.It is OK to have a younger brother or sister.I don't mind playing with them or taking care of him as long as my parents feel happy. (1)The new policy allows every family to have     children. A.at least 3 B.more than 3 C.up to 3 D.up to 2 (2)From the text above,we can know that    . A.Zhao Zhihan feels quite happy about the new policy B.Liu Yifei worries about getting less love from her parents C.Li Jinyan wants to have a sister because she is too young D.Wang Yizhan can't stand having a younger brother or sister (3)You can probably read the passage in a    . A.diary B.magazine C.novel D.storybook 3 . ( 6 分 ) ① Safety is very important to everyone.Do you know how to protect yourself in different situations? ②If there is a warning sign near the water,don't go into it.Only swim in the area where there is a lifeguard.Never swim alone.When you see someone drowning,never jump into the water to save him or her even if you can swim.Remember to ask adults for help in time.When you go boating,you must wear a life vest. ③Pay attention to traffic safety.Always remember to keep to the right on the road.Never run

doc文档 浙江省台州市仙居县2020-2021学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷

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