第一组 1His talents are not fully a____________ in that large company. 2We were seeing a ____________(纪录片) film about that war then. 3You may not know the fight was started by a gang of ________(青年). 4As a composer,his room is so m________ that there is no place to sit. 5 It is said that the competition is open to teams and ____________(个人). 6 My grandmother planned to take part in a performance c____________. 7 After the show,we got the p__________ to visit those backstage workers. 8 He has given professional support to the local team f____________ for 30 years. 9 For a lesson on learning to play the piano,the hourly charge is ____________(现在) 35 yuan. 10 Later,I got the opportunity to interview the famous writer whose latest book is ____________(畅销的). 第二组 1 What made her angry was his t________ behavior. 2 He was a talented musician in his ________(青少年). 3 In my heart I feel that everything I do is a________ to me. 4 She is among the best of our young female ________(雕刻家). 5 To my happiness,he ________(忠诚地) lived up to his promise. 6 Which organization do you ________(当前) communicate with? 7 Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new ________(畅销的) CD,with James Pickering on the piano. 8 I begin to seek the right ________(富于感情的) way to protest discrimination. 9 I a________ your giving me so much of your time and so many inspiring words. 10 Sports like tennis,track and field,swimming,gymnastics,and wrestling are all sports where ________( 个人的) performances are tallied(计分) into team scores. 第三组 1 The novel c________ of ten chapters proved to be a hit. 2 It is polite for us to r__________ to an email as soon as possible. 3 Facing such a c________ situation,she didn’t know what to do. 4 As a matter of fact,depression is an extremely negative __________(情感). 5 The music,no matter how frequently __________(表演),is very popular. 6 He found that it was difficult to m________ a foreign language,though he was talented. 7 His shoulders were ________(宽阔的) and his waist was narrow,which was impressive. 8 As a kindergarten teacher,she has made their childhood so ________(欢乐的) and impressive. 9 Word came that the young man referred to by the boss,would be in c________ of this factory. 10 By about six weeks of age,most babies begin to show a day/night sleeping ________(式样). 第四组 1 He is a c________ of serious music.I like his music a lot. 2 Chaplin was not just a ________(天才),but he was among the most influential figures in film history. 3 He had a heated quarrel with the ________(售票员) on the bus. 4 To the old man,there’s nothing more j________ than his son’s arrival. 5 The doctor also tries to figure out how we ________(反应) to sickness. 6 Regarded as a promising composer,can you tell me how to c________? 7 While she was on the stage,the ________(紧张的) feeling made her tremble. 8 I hope all of us can ________(奋斗) together and show our best to the world. 9 He ignored the traffic ________(信号) and caused an accident. 10 Though he is a potential performer,he acted a ________(不重要的) character in this film. 第五组 1 When I was in trouble,she didn’t h________ to give me a hand. 2 As we expected,the talks ________(进行) in a friendly atmosphere. 3 If you can do that,you can come through the ________(紧张的) situations. 4 As a responsible person,I will not let ________(小的) issues disturb my work. 5 Showing great passion in music,the child asks his parents to buy him a p________. 6 He is a g________ and an influential singer,composer and dancer. 7 When I was crossing the street,the policeman raised his hand as a s________ to stop. 8 From the Internet,we can know the valley is three miles long and half a mile b________. 9 When it came to famous people,her father was the best ________(指挥家) in China. 10 He went ________(后台) to observe how the performers prepared for the performance. 第六组 1 The man found the box buried b________ a pile of leaves. 2 Unfortunately,the f________ beat the young girl completely. 3 His mother takes him to have art classes m________. 4 The management plan has four main ______________(组成部分). 5 The girl drew a picture of the striking ________(景色) in five minutes. 6 Suddenly a frightening __________(尖叫声) came from the old house. 7 His mother likes __________(古典的) music while his father likes pop. 8 The ________(观看者) was so excited that he suddenly stood up to clap. 9 His ________(反应) to the incident was totally beyond my expectation. 10 He became very famous as an inventor of surprising ________(视觉的) effects. 第七组 1 The problem is

doc文档 Unit 7 Art 单词拼写 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册

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Unit 7 Art 单词拼写 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册  第 1 页 Unit 7 Art 单词拼写 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册  第 2 页 Unit 7 Art 单词拼写 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册  第 3 页 Unit 7 Art 单词拼写 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册  第 4 页 Unit 7 Art 单词拼写 2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册  第 5 页
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