备战 2022 高考英语七选五热点话题+体裁分类训练 (高考模拟+名校真题) 专题 18 5G 技术 Passage 1 (2021·浙江·宁波市鄞江中学高二阶段练习) 6 ways our post-pandemic (疫情后) world will be different The future has never been easy to forecast, and the coronavirus makes life even more unpredictable. To gather informed views on how we most likely will live, learn, work, and communicate when we reach the new normal, National Geographic interviewed a range of experts and leaders. New Ways to Learn 1. Although equal access to tech remains a barrier, tools will be designed that may bridge divides. Students will use technology to help with homework, set goals, and measure progress. Balance Work and Life The future of work won’t be fully remote, but it won’t be limited to offices, either. It’ll be a mixture. Smaller offices will be centers for occasional in-person collaboration, while improved digital tools—such as better video chatting—will support workers at home. Besides, more emphasis on balancing productivity with personal needs will allow employees to organize their work hours to fit their schedules. 2. Tech Leads the Way Broadband(宽带) access has never been equal. 3. Yet advances in high-speed 5G telecom networks will fuel an increase in fields from telemedicine to banking, education, and transportation. This will be a tidal wave of change. More efficient networks will reduce costs and help small businesses affected by the pandemic reach new customers and grow. Get Out and Stay Out U. S. national parks saw dramatic drops in visitors last spring—but then numbers exploded this spring, as did sales for RVs and bikes. 4. People are going outdoors more often this year and also shifting from adventure sports requiring travel—skiing, climbing, backpacking—to closer-to-home activities such as bird-watching, gardening, and bike riding. 5. Public concern in the United States about global warming hit an all-time high last November, according to researchers at Yale and George Mason Universities. Large majorities of Americans think human-caused global warming is real, and they feel worried and even personally responsible. Surprisingly, a survey in April found that COVID-19 hadn’t replaced concern over the climate—though it had reduced media coverage of it. A.Remote Possibilities B.One Planet, Two Crises C.Therefore, flexibility will be the ultimate job benefit. D.The pandemic exposed that divide. E.One positive aspect of schools closing may be how districts are innovating to improve learning from home. F.Many cities have closed streets to make room for outdoor dining, public events, and parks. G.The Internet has made it possible for millions of people to work remotely, but it’s put us at risk of cyber- attacks. Passage 2 (2021·全国·高三专题练习) Slowly but surely, we're moving closer to the super- fast 5C world that tech companies have been promising us for years. But do we really know it all?6. ◆It's not quite here yet. Though we've seen a lot of positive progress, we still have a long way to go before 5G is anywhere near as available as 4G is right now. But most in the industry agree that 2020 is the earliest when 5G will ever begin to touch most consumers. And even then, early 5G networks could come with their fair share of growing pains.7. ◆It's not going to be cheap. 8.Some companies haven't commented on specific pricing yet, but, as most have pointed out, data costs have historically climbed as network speeds increase. There's little reason to think that trend won't continue. It's not all bad news, though. Experts are optimistic that data prices will come down in the long run once 5G starts to be widely available. But it's impossible to say how long that change could take. ◆9. It's obvious that 5G networks will bring fast data connections. However, part of its appeal is that it makes It's obvious that 5G networks will bring fast data connections. However, part of its appeal is that it makes mobile networks better, meaning that networks can support many more data connections than what was previously possible. Have you ever been to an event where your data connection slowed down or stopped working?10. But 5G networks have a much higher ability to support up to a million devices per square kilometer. A.It's really, really fast. B.It's not just about speed. C.Extra speed comes at a higher cost. D.Here are three major disadvantages of 5G. E.Let's clear out some misunderstandings about it. F.That's because present networks can easily be overloaded. G.Unbalanced coverage or negative effects on

doc文档 专题18 5G技术-备战2022高考英语阅读七选五热点话题+体裁分类训练(高考模拟+名校真题)

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