备战 2022 中考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练 (中考真题+各地模拟题) 专题 38 电影长津湖 Passage 1 (2022·湖南冷水滩·九年级一模) Welcome to Movie World to see the great movies! The Battle at Lake Changjin Type: A war film Came out: September 30th The main story: In the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea(抗美援朝时期), Chinese soldiers with strong will fought for victory. Price: ¥45 for adults Water Boys Type: A youth film Came out: September 30th The main story: Five boys who were not good at schoolwork joined the school swimming team and learned a lot. Price: ¥ 40 for adults Little Canned Men Type: A fantasy film Came out: September 30th The main story: Five little canned men(罐头小人) helped the twin brother and sister get better at study and learn how to live a happy life. Price: ¥ 50 for adults 1.If people want to watch a war film on September 30th ,they can see ________. A.Water Boys. B.The Battle at Lake Changjin. C.Little Canned Men. 2.How many boys joined the school swimming team in Water Boys? A.Five. B.Four. C.Three. 3.From the chart above, we can know that _______. A.The Battle at Lake Changjin mainly tells the story of Korean soldiers. B.Little Canned Men came out on the same day as the other two movies. C.If Jim and his father want to see a movie about Chinese soldiers, they can choose Water Boys. Passage 2 (2021·重庆八中九年级一模) The Battle(战役)at Lake Changjin, one of the most expensive films ever made in China. With three well-known directors—Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam—the 176minute-long film tells us about the battle between the US army and Chinese People’s Volunteers(CPV).The joining of CPV quickly turned the situation of the whole war but most of them lost their lives. The movie recreates the real fight on the Korean Peninsula(朝鲜半岛)during the cold winter in 1950. Breaking over 10 records, the movie has earned around 2 billion yuan since its opening on Sept 30. On the popular social media(社交媒体), most people praised the soldiers and showed great respect for them. They also said that the movie filled their heart with national pride and reminded them to be thankful for today’s peaceful life, especially during the on-going China-US tension(紧张局势). Most professionals say that the movie’s success has lived up to the expectation. Through the efforts to bring that history to life, the movie has raised Chinese war films to a new high level, showing great progress in the production of Chinese films. However, some professionals believe that Chinese film industry still has a long way to go. The waste of money and the shortage(缺乏)of international influences will not be good for the longterm development of the Chinese film industry. 4.Which of the following words best describe the film? A.real but boring. B.meaningful and successful. C.expensive and terrible. D.funny and educational. 5.What can we infer from the passage? A.The CPV should be remembered for what they have done in the battle. B.The film successfully helped the film market to get warm. C.The success of the film largely depends on three famous directors. D.Most professionals think the film will harm the China-US relationship. 6.What is the influence of the movie? A.It causes the on-going China-US tension. B.It raises national pride among Chinese people. C.It has collected 2 billion yuan to help CPV. D.It also brings some problems to the Chinese film market. 7.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.The movie reminded us to start a war if necessary. B.The movie’s success is totally unexpected. C.The Chinese movie market is getting better but still faces problems. D.Money shouldn’t be wasted to produce a war film. Passage 3 (2022·河南·郑州外国语中学九年级一模)Watching movies is fun. Here is some information about four movies in 2021. The Battle at Lake Changjin Dune Director: Director: Chen Kaige, Xu Ke, Lin Chaoxian Stars: Wu Jing, Yi Yangqianxi The story takes place in the winter of 1950. In the freezing cold Changjin Lake region, a bloody battle between the United States and China begins. Denis VilleneuveStars: TimotheeChalamet,Rebecca Ferguson,Zendaya This film tells the story of a duke’s family and army, who are killed on a desert planet called Arrakis. The duke’s son then starts his own adventure (历险) with his mother. Hi, Mom The Legend of Sealed Book Director: Wang Shuchen Voice artists: Ding Jianhua, Bi ke This animation first came out in 1983. It was upgraded (升级) to 4K this year. The hero, Dansheng, is a boy trying to learn supernatural powers to help common people. The anim

doc文档 专题38 电影长津湖-备战2022中考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练(中考真题+各地模拟题)

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