Unit1 提优测试卷 (考试时间:90 分钟总分:120 分) Ⅰ.单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) ( )1.There are about students in our school. A.three thousands B.three thousands of C.three thousand of ( )2.— D.three thousand is it from your home to the nearest hospital? -About 20 minutes'walk. A.How far B.How long ( )3.I hope A.visiting C.How much D.How often the Summer Palace. B.you to visit C.to visit D.to visiting ( )4.—How many members does your club have? There are members in my club. A.two hundred and twenty and two B.two hundred twenty-two C.two hundred twenty and two D.two hundred and twenty-two ( )5.He is quite polite and friendly others. A.for D.at B.with C.to ( )6.—I love to sit on the floor and the beach and the sea. —Me too. A.look out of B.look out at C.look out D.look for ( )7.Which of the following words stresses the last syllable? A.expensive B.beautiful C.company D.volunteer ( )8.—May I speak to Daniel,please? -Sorry,he's not at home.Can I ask him A.to call you back B.call you back when he returns? C.call back you D.call back you ( )9.—Hello, ? This is Tom Green.May I speak to Andy? A.who're you B.who's that calling C.are you Tom Green ( )10.I live A.on;in D.who is this speaking a small room my parents. B.on;with C.in;with ( )11.He has books and he reads A.a lot of;a lot B.a lot;lot ( )12.- D.with;with C.lots of;lot of D.a lot of;a lot of is it from here to the library? —It is ten minutes'walk. A.How old B.How far ( )13.-Would you like to C.How many D.How much me your photos? -I am glad to. A.share ( The B.show )14.There are C.take D.make rooms on the left.Which one do you live in ?- one. A.five;fourth B.fifth;four C.fifth;fourth D.five;four ( )15.---It is cool! A.Where is your bedroom? B.What do you think of my bedroom? C.What do you like about my bedroom? D.What would you like for your bedroom? Ⅱ.完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) Mr Smith sees a woman in the street with some children.The children are all wearing white caps,blue coats 1 yellow trousers. “Are all these children 2?"he asks the woman. “Yes,3,”she answers. “Do you always dress ( 给 … … . 穿 衣 ) them 4 the same clothes ? ” asks Mr Smith."Yes , "answers the woman.“When I have only four5,I dress them in the same clothes because I 6 to lose(丢 失 ) any of them.It is 7 to see my children among other children , because they are all wearing the same clothes.And now,when I have 8 children , I dress them like this because I don't want to take other children home by mistake ( 弄 错 ) .When there are other children among 9,it is easy to see them,because their clothes are 10.” ( )1.A.and B.or ( )2.A.mine B.his ( )3.A.we are B.I am ( )4.A.on B.in C.but D.so C.hers D.yours C.they are C.for D.you are D.with ( )5.A.students B.sons C.daughter ( )6.A.don't want B.want C.like ( )7.A.difficult ( )8.A.two B.hard B.three ( )9.A.yours B.mine ( )10.A.white B.blue D.children D.don't have C.easy D.different C.four D.nine C.his D.hers C.yellow D.different Ⅲ.阅读理解(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) A I'm Daniel.My dream home is very large , but it is near the sea and has a beautiful balcony.I can play with my friends there.We can lookout at the beach and the sea.There are always a lot of people there. I want to have two beds in all the bedrooms , so many people can be with me , and I can sleep in any one of them.I will ask my friends to spend weekends with me and then we can have great fun in the house,on the beach or in the sea.There is no kitchen in my dream home because I dislike cooking.We can eat at restaurants.There are always many good ones near the sea.I like flowers and trees,so I want to have two beautiful gardens.One is in front of the house and the other is at the back.My pet dog likes to sleep and play in them.Of course , my house must have many showers.And each bedroom has a TV for me programs.That's my dream home. ( )1.What's Daniel's dream home like? A.It's not beautiful but has a balcony. B.It's very big and near the sea. C.It has a large kitchen. D.It's near the garden. ( )2.Which of the following is RIGHT about Daniel? A.Daniel has a computer in every bedroom. B.Daniel likes to be quiet at weekends. C.Daniel can sleep on the beach. D.Daniel likes to spend weekends with friends. to enjoy ( ) 3.The word“ones"in"There are always many good ones near the sea”is A.restaurants B.kitchens C.one D.meals ( )4.Where does the pet dog sleep and play? A.In the

doc文档 Unit1提优测试卷2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册

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