话题一 日常生活 Cloze 1 Our life has been taken over by modern technology, for good of course. Young people 1 the fast speed that technology can move at. But there is a group of people who cannot 2 . It is the group of people who are caught up between traditional and 3 society, sort of like the middle child in technology advancement — not exactly old and 4 change, but trying very hard to become modernized, ending up being 5 in the middle. They are 40 to 60 years old and 6 the latest iPhone or Samsung phone or Huawei. They buy an iPad just 7 they can afford to, and play the same games on a larger screen. They are almost like the teenagers five years ago, ___8___ on their phone playing a game or using social media. They’re everywhere. And I saw something today that made me extremely ___9___. On a train, a mother was ___10___ playing a Candy Crush-like game. Her daughter was smiling beside her. The little girl, about five years old, was talking to her mother about her day, ___11___ the next stop’s name cheerily --- with obviously desperate attempts to get her mother’s ___12___. The mother? All she did was nod and say the occasional “mmhm”. With her eyes on the ___13___, she concentrated on completing the level. I watched the girl make a final ___14___ to get her mom to look at her, and when she failed, she ___15___ and fell silent and defeated. It broke my heart, and got me ___16___: What kind of game can make you ___17___ that you have the most beautiful thing in the world, a person you love with all your heart? What does it ___18___ when you won’t even look into her eyes or listen to her? The scene was so familiar years ago when parents ___19___ that their children were too interested in their mobile devices. Look at how the tables have turned now. I’m ___20___ whether to laugh or to cry. But all I can do now is hope that this storm passes. 1. A. increase B. challenge C. celebrate D. accelerate 2. A. make up B. keep up C. turn up D. fix up 3. A. stressful B. complicated C. developing D. modern 4. A. resisting B. accepting C. expecting D. considering 5. A. lost B. stuck C. set D. involving 6. A. own B. sell C. pick D. bring 7. A. as B. when C. until D. because 8. A. seldom B. never C. always D. ever 9. A. sad B. happy C. confused D. curious 10. A. tired of B. good at C. focused on D. used to 11. A. shouting B. whispering C. murmuring D. uttering 12. A. advice B. attention C. support D. reward 13. A window B. girl C. book D. screen 14. A. talk B. sigh C. attempt D. practice 15. A. sighed B. sealed C. spoke D. enclosed 16. A. working B. realizing C. learning D. wondering 17. A. forget B. feel C. imagine D. recognize 18. A. change B. mean C. prove D. explain 19. A. admitted B. decided C. complained D. questioned 20. A. uncertain B. uninterested C. afraid D. serious 【答案】 1—5 CBDAB 6—10 ADCAC 11—15 ABDCA 16—20 DABCA Cloze 2 If there is one thing I have learned over the years,it is that life in this world is bittersweet.It has been and it 1 will be.I realized this early and every day I see further 2 of it.It is something that we all just have to 3 . When I was a boy, I cherished my books and toys,but then I 4 them all when our house was 5 in the middle of one night.When growing up,I loved the isolated(孤立的)woodlands and meadows that were my 6 ,but often I found myself playing 7 .At school,I found learning fun and 8 ,but I was never as popular as I wanted to be.In college,I enjoyed the excitement of being out on my own,yet I still missed the love and 9 of home. As I grew into adulthood,I fell in love and had my heart 10 .I graduated from college,but I never 11 the success I thought l would get.I had three beautiful 12 that taught me so much about love,yet I watched my two sons 13 daily with Autism(孤独症).I cherished the love that my Mom and Dad gave me,and then I 14 them die before I was 50. Life is bittersweet which is full of ups and downs,twists and turns,successes and 15 .Whether life makes us bitter or sweet, 16 ,is up to us.Anyhow,we could 17 something from it.It is during the 18 times that we grow the strongest and our goodness is most 19 .Stay strong.Love much.Live well.Please 20 your goodness and make this world a sweeter place for all. 1.A.rarely B.forever C.almost D.always 2.A.information B.action C.experience D.evidence 3.A.respect B.accept C.decline D.fight 4.A.borrowed B.picked C.lost D.destroyed 5.A.burned down B.built u

doc文档 话题一 日常生活-冲刺2020年高考:完型填空热点话题专练

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