词汇通关月考测试卷(Day 61--Day 80) (全卷共四大题 100 小题。每小题 1 分,满分 100 分。请在 40 分钟内完成) 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 一、单词拼写 请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。共 25 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 25 分。 1. Sometimes they think she is too greedy, for she is never _________(感到满足的) with what she owns. 2. Fortunately, the affair was _________(解决) to the complete satisfaction of the buyer. 3. We all know that you like the house very much, but it is a pity that it is not for _________(出售/销售). 4. In my opinion, their money should be _________( 存 / 储 蓄 ) for books rather than spent on snacks or entertainments. 5. Faced with such an obstacle (挫折), you ought to keep up your courage to shoulder the responsibility rather than be _________(害怕的) of it. 6. The little boy was _________ (责备) by his parents for getting up late. 7. Recently, the Tencent Website launched an online survey on the topic whether science and arts education should be _________ (分开). 8. Would you like to _________ (分享) your experience with the rest of the class? 9. We all think that their argument _________ (听起来) quite reasonable in a certain sense. 10. A terrible earthquake, measuring at 8.0 Ms, _________(打击/侵袭) Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China on May 12th, 2008. 11. I was told that they were arrested for _________ (提供) drugs to street dealers. 12. Hardly had he returned home when he _________ (撕开) the letter open. 13. We are so _________(感激的) for the support we received. 14. It is reported that _________(盗窃) have happened recently. 15. This story may be _________(难以置信的), but it still has a realistic significance now. 16. I was _________ (不愿意的) to cooperate without having more information. 17. People seem ________(没意识到的) of how much energy they can save by simple steps. 18. We will have to _________ (更新) the textbook next summer. 19. Rose was _________ (心烦的) because she has lost her ticket. 20. Many people tend to spend their time on worthless things, such as _________ ( 闲逛) about in the street, gossiping in the office, sleeping too much during the day. 21. When it was time for the _________ (志愿者) to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. 22. He gave the police a vivid _________(描述) of the accident. 23. In my opinion, no one agrees that a _________(富有的) person without good health can be happy. 24. If one is brought up in a family that is _________ (浪费的), he is likely to be lazy when he grows up. 25. We should take effective measures to protect _________ (野生的) life. 二、词义猜测 请根据句意指出下列句子中划线单词的词性与汉语意思。共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,满 分 25 分。 1. But, after knowing his mother’s sacrifice for him, he was moved by her greatest love for him. (词性: _____ _意思: _________) 2. The players saluted the fans before leaving the field. (词性: ______意思: _________) 3. A saucer is a small curved (曲面的) plate on which you stand a cup. (词性: ______意思: _________) 4. Most of the young children in China like to eat sausages and chips. (词性: ______意思: _________) 5. Although she is confident enough, I am still skeptical of her chances of winning. (词性: ______意思: ____ _____) 6. Scissors are a small cutting tool for cutting things such as paper and cloth. (词性: ______意思: _________) 7. Information must be stored timely so that it is secure from accidental deletion. (词性: ______意思: ______ ___) 8. Please be careful of what you say. She is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. (词性: ______意思: ____ _____) 9. Thanks to her skillful handing of the affair, the problem was solved smoothly. (词性: ______意思: _______ __) 10. He is very tired, and the warmth from the fire make him feel sleepy. (词性: ______意思: _________) 11. Dear fellow students, let’s start fight now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute! (词性: ______意思: _________) 12. The squirrel is a small animal with a long thick tail and red, grey or black fur. Squirrels eat nuts and live in trees. (词性: ______意思: _________) 13. It is traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. (词性: ______意思: _________) 14. They said that Jim was suspected of being a spy. (词性: ______意思: _________) 15. It is known to all that the dove (鸽子) is a symbol of peace. (词性: ______意思: _________) 16. We know that he is leaving soon, for he is only working here temporarily. (词性: ______意思: ________ _) 17. Let’s have a toast to the happy couple. (词性: ______意思: _________) 18. They are red, green, yellow and so on, so there are various colors for them to choose from. (词性: ______ 意思: _________) 19. Her friend says that she is very

doc文档 专题21-2020年高考英语考纲词汇80天通关特训月考测试卷(Day 61--Day 80)

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