七年级上册英语期末词汇专项复习 名词(注意可数名词复数形式) 1. I like traveling so I want to study G____________. 2. I don’t know his a____________. Maybe he is about 18 years old. 3. I live beside the busy street. Sometimes, we can hear the s____________ of the passing cars and the noisy people at night. 4. Baiyun M____________ is a famous place in Guangzhou. 5. I think g____________ is the most difficult part in my English study. 6. All c____________ in the world should work together to fight against COVID-19. 7. He likes playing the piano and my h____________ is singing. 8. Tim is from America and Tom is from G____________. 9. My sister is good at dancing. Her d____________ is to be a dancer. 10. My father is an e____________. He studies machines. 11. His dream is to buy a new f____________ for his parents to live in. 12. There are many good a____________ in the book. 13. When the b____________ rings, I run to the playground with my best friends. 14. I often play table t____________ with my friends after school. 15. Tom can play the piano, but he can’t play the g____________. 16. I like to write down what I do in my d____________ every day. 17. After a lot of p____________, she dances better than before. 18. We have a 20-minute b____________ between the second lesson and the third lesson. 19. My grandma usually goes to that m____________ buy fruit and vegetables. 20. The 11 young women from the television show Produce 101 formed(组成)a Chinese girl b____________. 21. My elder brother is a junior high school student and he is in Class 1, G____________ 8. 22. My home is half a k____________ away from here. 23. Many people like to go to the b____________ and swim in the sea. 24. When he was young, he lived in a small t____________ with his parents. 25. We need to have a good breakfast to get enough e____________ for the whole morning. 26. Water p____________ is a big problem. It makes our drinking water dirty. 27. I like the second p____________ better because it’s much easier. 28. The factory is trying to find a new way to save E____________. 29. Complete a r____________ on protecting the Earth. 30. I want to go on a p____________ this afternoon because of the nice weather. 31. The farmers work in the f____________ from morning to evening. 32. The glass fell to the g____________ and broke into pieces. 33. Legs and hands are p____________ of the body. 34. They got married and took a honeymoon(蜜月)t____________ to France. 35. After following the f____________ on the ground, he found the dog. 36. There are too many r____________ on the mountain. Plants can’t grow. 37. There is a small g____________ in front of my house. I plant roses in it. 38. Can you help me take a photo with this c____________? 39. In some poor a____________, students go to school on foot every day. 40. People in Beijing like to eat d____________ very much. 41. Before travelling, you should look up a travel g____________. 42. He looked at the room in every d____________. 43. My sister likes to stay at home during the winter holidays, but I prefer to go s____________ to enjoy the beautiful scenery(风景)in Beijing. 44. This stone b____________ over the river has a history of 1000 years. 45. Have you got enough i____________ about the great cities in Asia? 46. What color is your m____________ plane? 47. I like reading the h____________ of the newspapers only. 48. The scientists are trying a new way to use solar p____________. 49. Only the people with some computer s____________ can get the job. 50. Our country wants to launch a r____________ next year. 51. I remember that I took part in this f____________ in 2009. 52. The Earth travels around the sun in s____________. 53. There is not much s____________ to hold(容纳)60 students in the classroom. 54. Come in, my dear g____________ and grandson! 55. My friend sent me a letter with a beautiful s____________ on it. 56. Guangzhou Daily(《广州日报》)is a kind of wonderful n____________. 57. A q____________ is a short test a teacher gives to a class. 58. Birds fly in the sky and tigers run on the l____________. 59. Houyi shot nine suns out of the sky --- that’s not a f____________. That’s a myth(神话). 动词(时态) 1. Can you c____________ homework before playing basketball? 2. Our afternoon classes e____________ at 4:30 p.m. 3. Mike’s house is a little far away from school. He r____________ a bike to school every day. 4. Every time the phone r____________, he runs to answer it 5. Leaves t____________ yellow in autumn. 6. H

docx文档 期末词汇专项复习(首字母填空、词形变化、完成句子)2021-2022学年牛津深圳版英语七年级上册

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