2022 年高考语法复习百题斩-介词 一、单句语法填空精练 1.(2021·吉林·长春北师大附属学校高三开学考试)According to Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest, only those species that were able to adapt ________ the sudden great changes of their living conditions survived. 2.(2021·广东·佛山市南海区南海执信中学高三月考)Facing up to your problems instead_________ running away from them is the best approach to working things out. 3 . ( 2020· 河 南 · 南 阳 中 学 高 三 月 考 ) The better approach _______building up your body is to take regular exercise. 4.(2020·黑龙江·双鸭山一中高三月考)I feel what I am buying is ________great value, I will pay the price. 5.(2020·黑龙江·双鸭山一中高三月考) All cases _________(concern)children are dealt with in a special children’s court. 6.(2020·黑龙江·哈师大附中高三月考)Vegetables contain minerals which is ______ great benefit to keeping bones and teeth healthy. 7.(2020·黑龙江·双鸭山一中高三月考)We should accommodate ourselves ________the changing situation. 8.(2020·黑龙江·哈师大附中高三月考)_______ the influence of my high school biology teacher, I will take up a job as a middle school teacher. 9 . ( 2020· 黑 龙 江 · 哈 尔 滨 三 中 高 三 月 考 ) After experiencing the loss of her beloved husband,she wondered what fate had_________store for her next. 10 . ( 2020· 福 建 · 厦 门 外 国 语 学 校 高 三 月 考 ) I was very angry. I opened my window and shouted_________________the other driver. 11.(2020·福建·厦门外国语学校高三月考)Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search______________survivors in an earthquake. 12 . ( 2020· 福 建 · 厦 门 外 国 语 学 校 高 三 月 考 ) In the earthquake, the large city lay in ruins_________________fifteen terrible seconds. 13.Parents should not show preference ____________ any one of their children. 14.While abroad, she had no one to turn __________ for help. 15.Two days later, the fighting between the two countries left the area ____________ ruins. 16.Some time after 10,000 BC,people made the first real attempt to control the world they lived ___ ,through agriculture. 17.The artist was finally humbled (谦卑) by the greatest artist _____ earth, Mother Nature. 18.Museums must compete ____ people’s spare time and money with other amusements. 19.This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)________ a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side effects (effect) such as overweight and heart disease — the very thing the medical community was trying to fight. 20.After school she plans to take a year off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree ______ engineering or architecture. 21 . For those who fly to Guilin, it’s only an hour away _______ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. 22.Most of us are more focused ______ our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day. 23.---You are quite free now, I think. ---_________ the contrary, I have tons of things to do. 24.She sliced her finger _______ accident when cutting vegetables. 25.If you are not familiar ____ the topic, you may write something that is familiar ____ you. 26.You can’t rely________ him to pick you up. He is still a green hand. 27.We can’t have some students getting away ______ cheating in the exam. 28 . Most smokers say they benefit from smoking to some degree but health experts suggest that they should give it up _________the benefit of their health. 29 . The little boy, ________ of curiosity, took apart the toy to see how it worked, but couldn’t put it together. 30.He is heavily ____ debt now, so he can’t pay for a new house. 31._______ general, a learned man makes fewer mistakes in life than a man without knowledge. 32.As there is no butter, we must content ourselves ____dry bread. 33 . Generally Andrew takes advantage of the public transport, but _____ occasion he drives to his workplace. 34 . The good result lies ___________the correct methods, that is to say, correct methods lead ___________good result. 35.Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world __________ hunger. 36.The recent wave of bombing has focused public attention ________ the area. 37.She entertained the children __________ stories, songs and drama. 38.Don’t look______ on a person only because he has failed in an examination. 39.Two-thirds of the French are ________ favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe. 40.Mitochondria can only be passed ________ the next generation by the mother. 41.In short, I believe that it is ________ great use to keep a dairy in English… 42.It represents the positive effect that an act of generosity can have ________ the world. 43 . It has the ability of heating up

docx文档 第4斩 介词-2022年高考英语语法重难点复习百题斩

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