长沙市初中 八年级下 Unit2 单词默写 班级:_________ 姓名:__________ 学号:___________ 分数:___________ 一、重点词汇及短语(5’/个) 1.影响;有作用 ______________ 2.瞎的;失眠的 adj _____________________ 3. 聋的 adj __________________________ 4. 想象;设想 v________________ 4. 困难;难题 n__________________ 6. 开;打开 v _________________________ 7.门 n_________________________________ 8.拿;提;扛 v______________________ 9. 训练;培训 v_________________________ 10. 激动的; 兴奋的 adj______________ 11.训练;培训 n__________________ 12.仁慈;善良 n________________ 13.聪明的;聪颖的 adj_______________ 14.理解;领会 v_____________ 15.变化;改变 n/v_____________________ 16.n 兴趣;关注 v 使感兴趣;使关注______ 17.先生 n__________________________ 18.夫人;女士 n___________________ 二、根据下列语境用上面预习的词汇或短语的 正确形式填空。每空一词。 1. He is_________. He can’t see anything. 2. Although she lied (说谎), he still loves her. Love is_______. (Love is blind 表示“情人眼里出西施”) 3. There is something wrong with her ears. In fact, she is_______. She can’t hear anything. 4. He almost never listens to his parents. In other words(换句话说), he always turns a _______ ear to what his parents said. (turn a deaf ear to… 对…充耳不闻) 5. Everyone should play a part in protecting out environment. Remember: even a little thing can _______ ______ big______ to the environment. 6. We may have many ______ in our life. When we’re in a difficult situation, we should try our best to get out of it. 7. He had a strong feeling of excitement when he heard the good news. That is to say, he felt very _____at the sound of the good news. ( at the sound of… “一听到…” ) 8. The box is too heavy for him to ____. In other words, he is unable to _____ the box because it’s too heavy. 9. At first, he had difficulty finding a job. But after six months of______, he found a job easily. 10. What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or __________ (that) you can’t walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties. 11. Lucy got an important gift at the age of 5. It _________her life. 12. It’s very kind of you to help me. I want to say , “Thank you for your______________.” 13. _________ people are able to learn and understand things quickly. They usually do very well at school if they work hard. 14.In my opinion, if you talk to your parents more often, they will _________ you better. And you will think (that) your parents are very understanding. 15. He is very interested in mountain climbing. I would say (that) he takes a great __ _in taking risks. (be interested in …= take an interest in …对…感兴趣) 16. I knocked (敲) at the ___________, but there was no answer. 答案 一、重点词汇及短语(5’/个) 1.影响;有作用 ___make a difference___________ 2.瞎的;失眠的 adj _____blind__________________ 3. 聋的 adj ______deaf_____________________ 4. 想象;设想 v______imahine_____________ 4. 困难;难题 n______difficulty____________ 6. 开;打开 v _____open_____________________ 7.门 n________door__________________________ 8.拿;提;扛 v_______carry________________ 9. 训练;培训 v_____train_____________________ 10. 激动的; 兴奋的 adj_____excited__________ 11.训练;培训 n________training__________ 12.仁慈;善良 n______kindness___________ 13.聪明的;聪颖的 adj____clever_____________ 14.理解;领会 v_____understand_________ 15.变化;改变 n/v_____change________________ 16.n 兴趣;关注 v 使感兴趣;使关注___interest____ 17.先生 n______sir______________________ 18.夫人;女士 n_____madam_______________ 二、根据下列语境用上面预习的词汇或短语的 正确形式填空。每空一词。 1. He is___blind______. He can’t see anything. 2. Although she lied (说谎), he still loves her. Love is__blind_____. (Love is blind 表示“情人眼里出西 施”) 3. There is something wrong with her ears. In fact, she is___deaf_____. She can’t hear anything. 4. He almost never listens to his parents. In other words(换句话说), he always turns a ___deaf_____ ear to what his parents said. (turn a deaf ear to… 对…充耳不闻) 5. Everyone should play a part in protecting out environment. Remember: even a little thing can __make_____ __a____ big___difference____ to the environment. 6. We may have many __difficulties____ in our life. When we’re in a difficult situation, we should try our best to get out of it. 7. He had a strong feeling of excitement when he heard the good news. That is to say, he felt very __excited___at the sound of the good news. ( at the sound of… “一听到…” ) 8. The box is too heavy for him to __carry___. In other words, he is unable to _carry____ the box because it’s too heavy. 9. At first, he had difficulty finding a job. But after six months of__training______, he found a job easily. 10. What would it be like to be blind or deaf? Or _imagine_________ (that) you can’t walk or use your hand

doc文档 2022年湖南省长沙市中考英语复习专题---八年级下册Unit2单词默写

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2022年湖南省长沙市中考英语复习专题---八年级下册Unit2单词默写 第 1 页 2022年湖南省长沙市中考英语复习专题---八年级下册Unit2单词默写 第 2 页 2022年湖南省长沙市中考英语复习专题---八年级下册Unit2单词默写 第 3 页
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