牛津译林版英语中考专项练习词汇专练 1.Each of our English class begins with an_______talk. (日常的). 2.People are ____________(要求)to think like computers in this big company. 3.Mr.Wang has made several ___演讲 in our school, so all of us are familiar with him. 4.After being (分)into several groups, the students began to do experiments carefully. 5.We are not sure what has caused her_______(sad). 6.The Internet  (it) is nothing wrong. It is the way we use it that really matters. 7.Wearing red can help you make_______(decide) easily. 8.The ____________(hot) from the fire will soon dry your coat. 9. I wonder why John, who is the president of the organization, is ___________(缺席的) from the meeting today. 10. He soon _______________ (发觉) that the job wasn’t as easy as he’d expected. 11.The photos on the wall are from those old _____________(开拓者) 12. Taiwan has been a part of China since __________ (古代) times. 13. He said he ______________ (prefer) reading a book to watching TV. 14.You should depend on yourself. It is you who make final ______________(decide). 15. Thanks to the light and ______ (hot) from the sun, living things on earth can survive. 16.The public _______________(必定地) gets tired of hearing about such boring things. 17.We have never met a ____________(活泼的) young man than him before. It seems that he never runs out of his energy! 18.When will the bridge _______________(连接) the two sides of the river be built ? 19.His brother_________(从事)medicine after he left college. 20.Helping others is the most _____________(有价值的) thing in the world. 21.He is an __________(patient) person, so he doesn’t like to wait for anybody for long. 22.The _______________(decide) made by our leader don’t seem so practical. 23.Have you ever heard of the proverb that “Speech is silver, _______________(silent) is golden.” ? 24.Daniel makes many mistakes in maths tests because he always does the exercises_______________(careless). 25.Tom felt ________(sleep) than before because he stayed up too late the night before. 26. We all know the ___________ (关系) between them, but she never shows off . 27. When learning something, we should first learn what ___________ (影响) us most. 28. The story she told us means she’s ____________(从事) it as an accountant for long. 29. I wonder why John, who is the president of the organization, is _________(缺席的) from the meeting today. 30. Now and then the ___________ (care) stopped the boy from being successful. 31. His words started an even ______ (lively) discussion on who would join in the game. 32 Before we make any ___________ (decide), we’d better listen to what the others say. 33. In fact, I have failed over and over and that is why I ______ (certain) won finally. 34. The epidemic this July could be under control in such a short time (仅仅, 简直) because of the rapid reaction by the government. 35. For a very long time, folded-paper cranes have been symbols of __和平 and love. 36. _______(古代的) farming methods can still be seen in the Middle East. 37. Friends need _________ (信任), it’s impossible for him to say bad words about you. 38. Mr. King has _____ 从事 criminal law for many years.You’d better follow his advice. 39. A man has to work hard if he wants to _______ (成功). 40. The young man started to become _________(patient) after waiting at the gate for three hours. 41. His ________(think) of being a voluntary teacher in the poor area makes us surprised. 42.Tom likes science best because it’s interesting and he is impressed with the teacher’s_______(live) teaching style. 43. The whole world is surprised at so many great ____________ (achieve) of China these years. 44. There was _____(寂静) for a moment and then Mr Green offered some useful advice. 45. The boy gave us a ______________ (总的) idea of the work to let us know it better.. 46. Jim’s______粗心 was the cause of the fire. He didn’t notice the sign which says “danger”. 47. The plane ______________ (逗留) on the ground because of the storm yesterday.. 48. They often meet and share their ______ (think), feelings and experiences. 49. You can’t imagine what great difficulty he has _______(pronounce) these words correctly. 50. Some ___ (German) set up an organization to save the poor people during the Nanjing Massacre(南京大屠杀). 51. When Tom heard the news that British Football Team lost a game again, he _____ (simple) couldn’t believe his ears. 52. There was a ________ on the wall above, with large squares around the dates. (日历) 53. Spud Webb finally realized his dream___________ (凭借) his eff

doc文档 2022年牛津译林版英语中考专项复习—词汇

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2022年牛津译林版英语中考专项复习—词汇 第 1 页 2022年牛津译林版英语中考专项复习—词汇 第 2 页 2022年牛津译林版英语中考专项复习—词汇 第 3 页 2022年牛津译林版英语中考专项复习—词汇 第 4 页
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