Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 知识要点 1 Do you have a soccer ball? 1. have have a good day “经历” I have a ball.“有” I’ll have it.“买” have sports 做运动 2. have/has 的疑问句和否定句借助于 do /does. 即一般疑问句: 疑问句: ①Do +主语(非三单)+have ….? ②Does +主语(三单)+have ….? 否定句: ① 主语(非三单)+don’t +have …. ② 主语(三单)+doesn’t +have …. 3. 注意: 加了 does 后,谓语动词不再用单数,has 改为 have She has a dictionary. (变为否定句和一般疑问句) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 即学即练 1 I. 用 have 或 has 填空 1. We ______ friends , parents and teachers. 2. She ________ an apple. 3. Do you ________ a ball? 4. She doesn’t _________ a ball. 5. Mary ________ a dog. II.句型转换 1. He has a soccer ball. (主语改为 I) _______ ________ a soccer ball. 2. She has a basketball . (改否定句) She ________ ________ a basketball. 3. ---Does he have a ping-pong bat? ( 作否定回答) ---_______, _________ __________. 4.I have two books. (变一般疑问句) _______ ______ ________ two books? 5. David doesn’t play basketball every day. (改肯定句) David ________ ________ every day. 知识要点 2 Let’s play soccer. 1. let’= let us “让,允许” 1 let +宾格人称代词或名词+动词原形。“让某人做某事” 注意:let us 和 let’s 的区别 2 Let’s….是祈使句,用来表示说话人的请求,建议或命令等。 肯定回答: OK./ All right. / Good idea. / That sounds good(great). 否定回答: Sorry, I… 2. 建议的如: What/ How about+V-ing+其他? play 的用法 动词: 1 play+the+乐器 2 play+球类运动 名词:戏剧 一部有趣的电视剧:_______________________ 即学即练 2 III. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空 1. Let ________ (we) go home. 2. His teacher lets ________(he) play. 3. Let’s _________(play) basketball. 4. What about _________(play) ping-pong? 5. ---Let’s play volleyball. ---_________. A. That sound good. B. That’s sound good. C. That sounds good. 知识要点 3 That sounds… “听起来……”常用来回答对方的建议,表达自己的观点。 1. That 指代对方提出的建议, 属于固定用法。 不能用 it 或 this 替代。 2. sound 动词 sound +形容词。 (interesting, funny, good, great, boring, bad) 类似的感官动词有:look,看起来, feel 摸起来, smell 闻起来, taste 尝起来 名词, “声音”指各种声音的总和,包括人的声音(voice)和嗓音(noise)。 即学即练 3 1. Her voice _______ sweet(甜). A. sound B. sounds C. looks 2. You can hear(听到)all kinds of (各种各样的)______ in the street(街上). A. sound B. voice C. noise 知识要点 4 We go to the same school. 我们去同一个学校。 ①Same “同样的, 相同的” ,前面往往要加 the ____________________他们在同一个班级。 ②the same … as.. . 与…..一样 They have the same books as him. 他们与他有相同的书。 即学即练 4 1. 他的衣服与我的一样。 His clothes are _______ _______ ________ mine. 2. 他们在同一所学校。 They are in ________ ________ school. 3. Li Lei and Li Hua ________ _________ __________(看起来一模一样). 知识要点 5 It’s easy for me. 对我来说容易。 It’s + 形容词+ for sb to do sth. 做某事对某人来说如何。 形容词:________________________________________ ___________________________ 学英语对我来说是有趣的。 It’s difficult for me to work out the problem. 解决这个难题对我来说是困难的。 即学即练 5 1. ______ is difficult for me to learn English well. A. This B. That C. It 2. It is relaxing _______ the park . A. go B. go to C. to go to 3. I think it is interesting for us ____________soccer together. A. playB. plays C.to play D. played 4. It isn’t easy for us ________English well. A. learn B. learns C. learning D.to learn 知识要点 6 We play it at school with our friends. 1.at school “上学,求学,上学念书” in the school 在学校 He is an English teacher in the school. 2.with “和...在一起” play ...with+名词/人称代词宾格“和谁一起玩” “带有” I have a house with a garden. “使用” I write the letter with my pen. with /and“和...一起” 区别 with 介词,表伴随,句中作状语,常放句末。介词后面的成分是宾语。 and 连词 连接并列的成分,可连接两个并列的主语,宾语,表语。 3.and ,but 之别 and 和 but 属于并列连词,可连接单词,短语或分句。连接的成分形式要一致。 and 表示顺承,but 表示转折关系,前后意义相反。 and 作为 “和”意义,变否定句,变为 or . I, you , he 三个人称并列时摆放的顺序是, you , he and I 即学即练 6 1.Mike and his friend Mary often ______ sports after class. 2.Mike with his friend Mary often ______ sports after class. A. play B.plays C.doesn’t plays 3.My brother and I______(be)good friends. 4.Li Ming goes to school_________ me every day. A. with B. toC. on D. about 5.They are going to buy a house_________ a garden and a garage(车库). A.in B. with C. from D. on 6.It’s a nice house(房子)__ it doesn’t have garden.(花园) A. and B. or C. but D. so 7.Peter has 8 tennis balls _____ he doesn’t have a tennis bat. A. and B. but C. with D. in 知识要点 7 We’re late. late adj.迟到的 be late (for) ...迟到 即学即练 7 1.—Why are you___________ school today? —I’m sorry. I missed(错过)the bus. A. late B. late for C. later D. latest 2. The traffic(交通)was so heavy this morning that I was nearly _______ for school. 3.我上学从不迟到。I _________ never_________ for school. 知识点 8 Let me get it. get ,take,bring 区别 get 双向 get sb. sth.=get sth. for sb.“为某人取某物” take 带去 把东西带离说话人的地方 bring 带来 把东西带到说话人的地方 即学即练 8 1.Lily, where is your mother?Go and __________ her for lunch. A. gets B. get C. to

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