完成句子专项训练 1. 我上周和朋友去看了一场电影。 I went to 2. with my friends last week. 很多孩子正在公园里踢足球。 There are many children playing football 3. . 我认为我们应该多了解中国文化。 I think we should learn more about 4. 金庸的书给我们留下了深刻的印象。 Jin Yong’s 5. . left a deep impression on all of us. 他创建了一个网站来卖旧衣服。 He a website to sell old clothes. 6. 他几乎没有空闲时间和她的朋友玩。 She has little 7. to play with her friends. 为了在比赛中表现出色,我每天练习打鼓。 I practice 8. every day so that I can perform well in the match. 多么激动人心的一场比赛啊! What an 9. ! 你们应该按时到达会议厅。 You should 10. the meeting hall on time. 港珠澳大桥将会使其连接的三个地区交通更加便利。 The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will make it much more three areas it connects. 11. 我已经足够大可以照顾自己了。 I’m old enough to look after 12. . 每天写日记可以提高你的英语写作能力。 every day can improve your English writing skills. 13. 太阳消失在云层里。 The sun disappeared 14. . 因为她乐于助人,所以我们能够相处得很好。 to travel among the We can get along well with each other because she is 15. 许多外国朋友来上海参加了 2018 年中国国际进出口博览会。 A lot of 16. came to Shanghai to take part in China International Expo in 2018. 我们学校图书馆有舒适的座位。 There are 17. in our school library. 露西喜欢在周末帮妈妈做家务。 Lucy likes helping her mother 18. on weekends. 房子周围有许多漂亮的花。 There are many beautiful flowers 19. . 世界环境保护日是每年的 6 月 5 日。 World Environment Day is on the 20. of June every year. 很多人对主持人李咏因癌症去世的消息感到吃惊。 Many people were 21. everyone. the news that the host Li Yong died of cancer. 健康的早餐应该有一杯牛奶。 A is supposed to have a glass of milk. 22. 他每天早上都浏览杂志。 He magazines every morning. 23. 我们应该少吃甜食,因为那对牙齿不好。 We should eat less sweet food because it’s 24. our teeth. 在阳光下读书对我们来说不是一个好习惯。 It isn’t a good habit for us to read books 25. 我们要学会感谢那些帮助过我们的人。 We should learn to be 26. What an 28. to those who helped us. 这个小女孩在生日派对上许了一个愿。 The little girl 27. . on her birthday party. 你刚才给我讲了一个多么有趣的故事啊! you just told me! 坚持你的梦想,总有一天它会实现。 Stick to your dream, and it’ll one day. 29. 我们学校在我心中留下了很多美好的回忆。 Our school has left many sweet 30. in my heart. 多亏了网络,我们彼此可以更好地交流。 the Internet, we can communicate with each other better. 31. 河面上有一座石桥。 There is a stone bridge 32. . 你今晚给我们提供了那么多美味的食物啊! What you served us tonight! 33. 嫦娥四号因成功登陆月球而闻名于世。 Chang’e-4 is 34. its successful landing on the far side of the moon. 他们看起来玩的很愉快。 They seem to enjoy 35. . 玛丽和她家人们在圣诞节度过了一段快乐的时光。 Mary with her family at Christmas. 36. 长大后,我想帮助贫困地区的人们。 I want to grow help those people in 37. when I grow up. 丰富多彩的活动为我提供了很多放松的机会。 The colorful activities provide many 38. 对我来说,自己做出一个选择很难。 It’s hard for me to 39. by myself. 所有人都到了。没人缺席这节英语课。 Everyone is here. No one is 40. for me to relax myself. the English class. 我们不应该一直依赖我们的父母。 We shouldn’t depend on our parents 41. 孙杨在 2018 年亚锦赛上赢得了 4 枚金牌。 Sun Yang won four gold 42. . in the 2018 Asian Games. 青少年应该学会独自处理生活中的困难。 Teenagers should learn to deal with the problems 43. 昨天晚上,我一直忙着为期末考试做准备。 . Last night, I was 44. the final examinations. 在过去的几年里,我们家乡变得越来越漂亮了。 Our hometown has become 45. in the past few years. 我们通常在星期一举行班会。 We usually hold the class meeting 46. . 在大家的努力下,空气变得更清新了。 With the efforts of everyone, the air 47. . 父亲晚饭后常常去散步。 My father often goes for a walk 48. Please 49. . 及时改错,为时不晚。 at once before it is not too late. 志愿者工作是我做过最有意义的事情之一。 Volunteer work is one of the most things I’ve done. 50. 随着互联网产业的快速发展,“互联网+”吸引了很多关注。 “Internet Plus” has caught wide attention with the 51. 所有警察都在努力营救这个从石头上掉下来的男孩。 All the police managed 52. who fell down from the rocks. 电影《红海行动》代表中国角逐了奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。 The movie Operation Red Sea 53. China for the Best Foreign Language Film at Oscar. 超市不再为顾客提供免费的塑料袋。 Supermarkets no longer provide free 54. of the Internet industry. for shoppers. 许多人都喜欢来西安旅游,尤其是夏天。 Many people enjoy travelling to Xi’an, especially 55. . 下个月我将和我的家人去北京旅行。 I’ll go on a trip to Beijing with my family next 56. 多亏了政府,学生们可以有免费的教科书。 Thanks to the government, students can have 57. . . 实际上,学生发自内心的感谢对老师来说就是全世界。 ,a sopken “thank you” from a student’s heart means the whole world to a teacher. 58. 我们必须每天按时上交我们的作业。 We must 59. our homework on time every day. 要成为一名学生,我们就应该严格要求自己。 To be a good student, we should be 60. ourselves. 虽然你在比赛中获得了第一名,但是仍要保持谦虚。 Though you have gotten the first prize in the 61. , you still should be modest. 保持健康将会在生活中给你带来很多好处。 Keeping healthy will bring you many 62. in your life. 期末考试中,我起初很紧张,但是很快就放松了。 In the final examination I was nervous 63. 我们班下周要去参观陕西历史博物馆。 Our class will 64. , but soon I started to

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