江苏省扬州市梅岭中学 2019-2021 年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编 缺词填空 江苏省扬州市梅岭中学教育集团 2021 年九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷 六、短文填空(共 10 空;每空 l 分, 计 l0 分) 根据短文内容和首字母提示, 在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题号的 横线上, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词) They went in. Scrooge saw an old gentleman sitting behind a high desk. “It’s old Fezziwig!” he said e 66 . Old Fezziwig rubbed his hands and laughed. Then he called out in a cheerful voice, “Ebenezer! Dick!” Scrooge’s former self, now a young man, came quickly into the room, with Dick, the other apprentice(学徒) “Dick Wilkins!” said Scrooge to the Ghost. “There he is. We were good friends. ” “My boys!” said Fezziwig. “No more w 67 tonight. Christmas Eve, Dick. Christmas, Ebenezer! Let’s close the shutters, ” cried old Fezziwig. The two young man ran into the street and c 68 the shutters. “Clear everything away, boys. Let’s make some r 69 for the party!” It was done in a m 70 . They washed the door. They put coal on the fire and soon the warehouse was the warmest, brightest balloon. In came a fiddler with a music book. In came Mrs Fezziwig, with a big smile on her face. In came the three pretty Miss Fezziwig. In came the six young man whose hearts they broke. In came all Mr Fezziwig’s employees. In they all came, one after a 71 . And soon there were twenty couples dancing round the room. When the clock struck eleven, the party e 72 . Mr and Mrs Fezziwig stood by the door. They said g 73 to everybody when they left. And they wished them a Merry Christmas. For the whole time, Scrooge i 74 he was in the scene with his former self. He remembered everything and e 75 everything. 答案: 66. excitedly 67. work 68. closed 69. room 70. minute/moment 71. another 72. ended 73. goodbye 74. imagined 75. enjoyed 江苏省扬州市广陵区梅岭中学 2019-2020 学年九年级下学期第一次中考英语 模拟试卷 七. 首字母阅读 Two months after returning to England, Gulliver sets sail on a ship, travelling to the Cape of Good Hope( 好望角). On the way, a strong storm draws the ship off course and the ship finally a__86__ at an unknown land. Gulliver sees a g__87__ following the boat. He runs away, and when he stops, he is on a hill. He is greatly s___88__ to see that the grass around is about twenty feet tall. He walks d__89__ a path through a field but cannot see anything over a crop because it is forty feet tall. He tries to climb a set of steps into the next field, but he cannot climb over them because they are too high. When he sees another giant, Gulliver hides from him, but the giant calls for more people to come, and they begin to cut the crop with scythes(大镰刀). Gulliver lies down and feels sad about his s__90____, thinking about how unimportant he must be to these giant objects. A giant finally notices him, and p__91___ him up between h is fingers to get a closer look. Finally the giant puts him in his pocket and begins to walk towards his master. The giant’s master, the farmer of these f__92__, takes Gulliver from his man and watches Gulliver more closely. He asks the other men if they have ever s__93__ anything like Gulliver, then puts him onto the ground. They sit around him. Gulliver begins to speak as l__94__ as he can. He gives a purse full of gold to the farmer but the farmer cannot understand what the t__95__ thing is. 答案: arrives giant surprised down situation picked fields seen loudly tiny 扬州市梅岭中学 2019 届九年级中考第一次模拟测试英语试卷 七、缺词填空(共 10 空:每空 1 分,计 10 分) 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 I saved the grain carefully and finally had enough to plant. I built a wall around my garden to keep the wild goats away. Then when my crop bore its fruit, the birds d 86 it. The birds were not afraid of my dog at all. I shot them but as soon as I walked away, they r 87 . At last, I killed some birds and hung them among the crop, hoping they would serve as the scarecrows, which turned out to be s__ 88 . By harvest time, I had nearly two bushels of rice and two and a half bushels of wheat. With my new grain to store, I found a new problem. The fine grain ran t 89 my baskets. It took me nearly two months to form and dry two ugly pots— one for r 90 and one for wheat. Next I formed a clay oven and made some other tools from hard wood and cloth to bake bread. I made and baked bread in my oven. I spent the t 91 year on the island in farming and baking. Soon after that, I began to think of my days sailing in a tidy boat with Xury. I wished to have a boat and explore the island by sea. I tried to turn over the ship's boat that I had seen washed up. B 92 failed. I was still determined to have a boat. So I chose a st

doc文档 江苏省扬州市梅岭中学2019-2021年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编:缺词填空

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江苏省扬州市梅岭中学2019-2021年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编:缺词填空 第 1 页 江苏省扬州市梅岭中学2019-2021年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编:缺词填空 第 2 页 江苏省扬州市梅岭中学2019-2021年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编:缺词填空 第 3 页
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