2020-2021 译林版九年级(上)期末必备知识点 1. mistake sb.for sb.把某人误认为...(被动 mistaken) 2. 短语辨析 ①get out 出去/give out 分发/turn out 结果是/put out 扑灭(火) ②break down(机器)发生故障/break out(战争)爆发/break into 闯入/break off ③come up 发生/turn up 出现/make up 编造/take up 占据(时间) ④Not only ..but also..不但。。而且。。/Neither...nor..既不。。也不。。 Either..or..要么。。要么。。/Both..and..都是。。 ⑤ be charged with..被控告有。。罪/be guilty of.. 有…之罪./ be wounded with..手上/be arrested for+原因/of+人 ⑥as a result 因此/as a result of..因为(=because of) ⑦as good as 几乎/快。。怎样 ⑧be known to sb. be known as...作为。。。而出名 be known for...因为。。。而出名 ⑨have a gift/talent for..有...的天赋 ⑩get along well with = get on well with 与某人相处 3. so that 与 such that 区别 ①so 后面+adj. such 后面+名词/名词词组 ② 当名词前面有 much,many,few,little 修饰的时候,只能用 so 注意:little 表示“小”用 such,例:such little bird,little 表示“少”用 so,例:so little food 4. 宾语从句考点 ① 从句必须为陈述句语序----I doubt whether/if 和 I never doubt that ② 时态考点 (1)若主句是一般现在时,从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。 例:He says Mary often plays with the cat at weekends He says Mary will play with the cat this weekend. (2)若主句是过去时,从句用过去时,过去进行时和过去将来时 例:He asked me what time it was. He said that he would go back home soon. He said that he was watching TV at 6 o’clock yesterday. 5. 词义辨析 ①imaginative 有想象力的/organized 有条理的/energetic 精力充沛的/modest 谦虚的 ②though 尽管/until 直到/unless 除非,如果不/if 如果 ③lively 生动的,活泼的/alive 活着的(后置)/living 活着的(前置)/live 直播 ④dicover 发现/review 回顾/revise 复习/test 测试 ⑤choice 选择/invention 发明/instruction 说明书/conclusion 结论 ⑥beyond 超过(能力/时间/职责)/through 凭借,通过/during 在。。期间/as 因为 ⑦may 可能/must 必须/can 能够/need 需要 Must 开头的问句,否定回答:sb.+needn’t/don’t have to. 6. Why not do..?=why don’t sb.do..?=How about doing..?为什么不做。。 7. be of+n.=be+adj.(例:be of value=be valuable) 8. 感叹句汇总 What great fun! What bad weather! What great progress! What a heavy snow/rain! What a useful suggestion! What an unusual experience! 9. 固定搭配 ①can/could not never..too 再。。。也不为过 ②have sth. done=have sb.do..让(某人)做。。 ③ 问句用法:How long+延续性动词/When+瞬间动词/How soon+will do 答句:Not until+时间 ④find/make/think+it+adj.+to do sth.认为做某事。。。 ⑤make a great contribution to..对..做贡献 ⑥have no choice but to do sth.别无选择只能做。。 10. against 几种易混淆意思搭配 fight/play against 对抗 be against 反对 stand/lie against 站/倚靠 beat against 击打 11.价格的高低:high 和 low(例:The price of house is high/low.) 物品的昂贵与便宜:experince 和 cheap(The ipad is experience/cheap.) 12.prefer 和 would rather 短语 Prefer to do A rather than do B Prefer A to B Prefer doing A to doing B= would rather do A than do B 宁愿做 A 不愿做 B 被动语态特殊的用法 13. Not until/until/as soon as/if+sth(主)+be done. 14. 常考 doing 短语 pay attention to doing.. devote one’s time to doing.. have difficulty (in) doing.. allow doing.. require doing.. insist on doing.. be worth doing 15.take place,happen,hold 区别 发生 happen sth happen to sb 无被 take place 无被动→hold→sth be held 被动 定语从句(that/which/who/whom/whose 使用区别) 16. 先行词 人 物 关系代词 that who whom that which 成分 Do you know the man who/that is lying on the 主语/宾语 宾语 作宾语时, grass?(作主语) 关系代词可 The man (that/whom/who)I talked with just 省略 主语/宾语 now was my father.(作宾语) I live in the house that/which was built last year.(作主语) whose 表示“某个人的”,作定语,在定语从句中修饰名词。 I have a good friend whose mother is very tall. 17.be based on 以…为基础,注意定语用法,考察较多 This film is based on a novel The film based on this novel(定语) is interesting. 18. a little,little,few,a few 区别 a little/little+不可数名词(a little 肯定/little 否定) a few/few+可数名词(a few 肯定/few 否定) 19. 句中有 little,never,hardly 关键词,整句要看成否定句 20.倒装用法 Neither +did/have/do/does/can+sb.某人也不是(否定) So +did/have/do/does/can+sb.某人也是(肯定) 20. 不定代词,形容词,名词放在一起的位置关系 不定代词+形容词 例:something new 形容词+名词 例:new face 21. What do you think of..?=How do you find..?你觉得...怎么样? 22. How 系列疑问句 How long+延续性动词? 答句:For+一段时间。 How far 问距离? 答句:具体距离。 How often 问频率? 答句:次数/频率。 How soon 问多久? 答句:In +一段时间。 23. pass away+on+具体时间(例:pass away on a winter morning) 24. 关于“死”搭配 be found dead 被发现死亡 bleed to death 流血身亡 25. 区分副词 high 和 highly high 指的是具体含义上的“高”, highly 指的是抽象意义上的“高度地,非常好地”。 高度赞扬 speak highly of 26. 形近词辨析 ①realize 实现/reduce 减少/require 需要/receive 得到 ②acquire 得到/attract 吸引/arrest 逮捕/attack 攻击 ③choice 选择/chance 机会/challenge 挑战/change 改变 ④standard 标准/price 价格/height 高度/result 结果 ⑤however 无论如何/wherever 无论哪里/whatever 无论什么/whenever 无论何时 ⑥director 导演/engineer 工程师/pioneer 先驱 ⑦appearance 外表/influence 影响/experience 经历/silence 安静 ⑧certainly 确切地/hardly 几乎不/simply 简直/heavily 沉重地 27.lie/lay 现在分词,过去时,过去分词区别 单词 lie lie lay 意思 说谎 躺,位于 下蛋,放置 现在分词 lying lying laying 过去时 lied lay laid 过去分词 lied lain laid 28.区别 die of 与 die fro

doc文档 2020-2021学年江苏省牛津译林版英语九年级(上学期)期末必备知识点

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