初一英语 7B Unit1 错题好题集 姓名:________ 一、 词汇 1. ---Do you know those _________________(Canada) , Lydia? ---Yes they are our new teachers. 2. The foreign friends enjoyed ___________________(they)during their stay in Wu Xi . 3. Children , enjoy _____________________ (you) to some cakes . I am sure you will love them. 4. You should put a comma between the ______ (zero). 5. While you’re staying with your home-stay family , try to keep your __________ (live) area heat and tidy. 6. Tom has about two _________________(百)stamps. 7. ______________ (千)of people live in the area . 8. He had a short ______ (停留)in Paris on the way to London. 9. I am so glad to receive his ______ (invite)letter. 10. Three ______ (four) of them are women teachers. 二、单项选择: ( ) 1. Can you _____ a message and I will tell Mr. Smith after he returns. A. take B. tell C. say D. leave ( ) 2. They’ll arrive_____ London ____ the afternoon of February 20th A. at ; in B. in ; in C. in ; on D. at ; on ( ) 3. _____ nice _____ you to show me around your new house. It’s modern and beautiful A. This is ; for B. This is ; of C. It’s ; for D. It’s ; of ( ) 4.According to a survey (调查),four out of five women do housework at home , but only ______of men would do it. A. four fifth B. four fifths C. two fifth D. two fifths ( ) 5.—What is Tom doing? —He is _____Angela about his new school on the phone. A. talking B. speaking C. calling D. telling ( ) 6. — May I take the book out of the reading room? —No , you _____ . You must read it here. A.won't B. needn't C. mustn't D. may not ( ) 7. —Mum, _____of my classmates _____ glasses. —Oh , my God. You need to protect your eyes well. A. three-fourths; wears B. three-fourth ; wear C. three-fourth ; wears D . three-fourths; wear ( ) 8. Please turn to page _____ and take a look at the pictures on it. A. The eightieth B. eightieth C. eighties D. eighty ( ) 9. —Which city do you like best in France? —______ A. Tokyo B. Moscow C. Paris D. Sydney ( ) 10. —What's your dream home like? —It's ______ A. My favorite house B. a bedroom C. polite and friendly D. large and modern ( ) 11. -_____is the capital of Russia? -It's ______ Moscow A. What ; in B . what; / C . Where ; in D . Where; / ( ) 12. -______is it from your home to school? -About 10 minutes' walk. ( ( ( A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How often ) 13. Lily knew Ann in her _____ year in the middle school. A. two B. second C. the second D. a second ) 14. -Are you the ______of the Benz car? -No, I'm not. But I hope to have one of my ______ some day. A. own ; self B. owner ; owners C. own ; own D . owner ; own ) 15.Thank you very much ______ me ______ your birthday party. A. for inviting ; on B. on inviting ; for C. for inviting ; to D. to invite ; for 三、完成句子 1、我们很幸运有这样的一位老师 We're teacher. 2、在她的帮助下,我学到了很多关于如何设计我家的知识 ,I have learnt my home. 3、让我们互相帮助,共享不同的技能 Let’s other. 4、大学生们帮助别人修理坏了的机器,真是太好了 It’s really kind of the for others . 5、小姑娘做梦都想拥有一只小狗 The little girl a puppy. 初一英语 7B Unit2 错题好题集 一、 词汇 1. The girls are helping look after their_____________(邻居) pet dogs. 2. Jerry was ____________(luck) today , he missed the last bus and had to walked home all the way. 3. ___________(luck) , a policeman helped me find my wallets at last. 4. ____________(luck) enough , no one was hurt in the accident. 5. One of my ____________( 邻居)houses needs repairing. 6. May I use your bike ? Mine is _____________ (break). 7. You can enjoy many famous ____________ (art) works in the Lourre in Parris. 8. The __________ (wait) are busy at the time every day. 9. Any _____________ (人)who wants to enter the museum must have a ticket. 10. Her parents became ________________(worry) when she didn’t come home by bus . 二、单项选择: ( ) 1. Are there______ the picture and that one? A. any differences between B. some difference among C. some differences among D. any difference between ( ) 2. He lives______ from the city center of Beijing, so he goes to work ______his father's car. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( A. 15 miles far ; on B. 15 miles; in C. 15 miles away ; by D. 15 miles far; in ) 3. Come on, ______you will be the first to______ at the finishing line. A. And ; get B. or ; arrive C. and arrive D. or ; come ) 4. -What ______Cathy______ -she's quiet and a little shy. A. does ; like B. Is ; like C. is;/ D. does ; look like ) 5. The lovely girl______ her mother than her father. A. is like B. more like C. looks like D. looks more like ) 6. It's kind______ Kitty______ after my pet cat when I am away. A. For ;

doc文档 Unit1-Unit2易错题好题集2020-2021学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册

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Unit1-Unit2易错题好题集2020-2021学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 1 页 Unit1-Unit2易错题好题集2020-2021学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 2 页 Unit1-Unit2易错题好题集2020-2021学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 3 页 Unit1-Unit2易错题好题集2020-2021学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 4 页 Unit1-Unit2易错题好题集2020-2021学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 5 页
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