2022 年中考复习专项—单项选择 ⾳标专练: ( ) 1. Which of the following words is pronounced /leɪk/? ( A. like B. lock C. lake ) 2. Which of the following words is pronounced /əˈləʊn/? ( A. alone B. along C. aloud ) 3. Which of the following words is pronounced /striːt/? ( A. strange B. street C. strict ) 4. Which of the following words is pronounced /ʃʌt/? ( A. short B. shut C. shoot ) 5. Which of the following words is pronounced /spiːtʃ/? A. speech B. speak C. speed ( ) 6. Which of the following words is pronounced /kəʊt/? ( A. coat B. cost C. coast ) 7. Which of the following words is pronounced /fruːt/? A. foot B. fruit C. first ( ) 8. Which of the following words is pronounced /lɑːf/? ( A. leaf B. love C. laugh ) 9. Which of the following words is pronounced /ˈkwaɪət/? ( A. quite B. quarter C. quiet ) *10. Which of the following words is pronounced /fiːl/? A. fell B. feel C. fill 七年级(上) ( ) 1. Kindle is A. a ( ) 2. — Hello, Tom. (2021 厦门质检) app to read e-books on the phone. B. an C. the my sister, Amy. — Nice to meet you! A. She’s ( A. My name is Jane. B. This is C. She is ) 4. — Is this scarf yours, Kate? — ( C. There’s ) 3. — Hello! May I speak to Jane, please? — Hello! ( B. This is No, it isn’t A. his B. yours C. mine ) 5. Many people find that drinking milk at night helps . (2021 南平质检) to sleep well. (2021 宁德质检) A. him ( B. her ) 6. This is classroom. They are in Class Four. A. Nick and Mary’s ( C. them ) 7. — Have some B. Nick’s and Mary’s C. Nick’s and Mary , please. — No, thanks. I am not thirsty at all. A. vegetables ( ( ( B. cakes C. water ) 8. — Maria, what’s your favorite ? (2021 宁德质检) — Orange. Two thirds of my clothes are orange. A. fruit B. drink C. color ) 9. Be careful of the . You may cut yourself. A. knife B. fire C. traffic ) 10. — Dear, I will go to work. You should look after (2021 福州质检) . — OK, I will. A. myself ( ) 11. People often A. tell ( ( ( ( ( B. say C. speak . I can’ t carry it. Can you help me? B. old C. heavy ) 13. — Would you like to buy a car here? — Yes, but I’d like to buy made in Shanghai. A. it C. that B. one ) 14. — Jim, do you know the lady purple? — Oh, she is our new physics teacher. A. in B. with C. behind ) 15. Lily helped an old woman her way to school. A. on B. at C. in ) 16. — are you going to pay me for the cleaning? — Let me see. What about 40 yuan for an hour? A. How many B. How heavy C. How much )17. — Thank you for inviting us to this big dinner. — Welcome! . A. I hope so ( C. yourself “Hello” or “Hi” to friends when they meet each other. ) 12. This bag of rice is too A. strong ( B. oneself B. That’s fine ) 18. — May I take your order, sir? — A glass of apple juice, please. (2021 厦门质检) (2021 龙岩质检) (2021 三明质检) (2021 厦门质检) C. Help yourself A. Good idea. ( B. Not at all. C. Yes, please. ) 19. — What does the woman do? — A. She is an English teacher. B. She is singing an English song. C. She speaks English very well. ( ) 20. — How about having a swim? — . We need to relax. A. My pleasure ( B. Sounds great C. Of course not ) 21. — Let’s go for a picnic this Sunday. — . I have to look after my little brother at home. A. Sorry, I can’t B. Never mind C. Good idea 七年级(下) ( ) 1. The 2022 Winter Olympics was held A. in ( B. at February in Beijing & Zhangjiakou. C. on ) 2. —China’s FAST(中国天眼)was officially opened to the world (2021 —Great! We are so proud of it. A. in B. on ( ( C. in front of club. My favorite poet is Du Fu. B. chess (2021 龙岩质检) C. science ) 5. — Which subject do you like best, Linda? — ( B. in the front of me. ) 4. — What club would you like to join? — The A. poem ( . Drawing is my favorite. A. Art ) 6. —Mom, why do we B. Music order food on apps? C. Math —My baby, I’m afraid take-away food is not good for our bodies. A. seldom B. sometimes C. always ( 莆⽥质检) C. at ) 3. I can’t see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys sit A. behind March 31, 2021. ) 7. — How long can a person a shared bike for free in Nanjing? — For an hour. A. keep (2021 宁德质检) B. buy C. borrow ( ) 8. It often rains here. You should A. fetch ( B. take ) 9. The TV show Planet Earth II A. makes ( an umbrella when you go out. C. bring more people interested in documentary. B. causes ) 10. — Could you please turn down the TV? I C. improves a phone call. — No problem! A. answered ( B. was answering ) 11. — Where do you plan C. am answering during the summer vacation?

doc文档 2022年福建省中考英语复习(单项选择)

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