七年级下册 Units 7~ 9 一、根据首字母或汉语提示,在横线上写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。 1.We went to build a s________ but before it was half finished I was chilled to the bone(寒冷刺骨). 2.Go a________ the street, and you will find the post office on your right. 3.You can get a job e________, because you can speak English well. 4.Joe is a police a________, and he often draws pictures of criminals. 5.Lucy may come here a little l________. The speech has started. 6.It's kind of hot because it's ________(晴朗的). 7.He can't speak ________(俄语), but he can speak English and Chinese well. 8.How many ________(猴子) can you see in the zoo? 9.Lucy is a great ________(演员); she is really cool. 10.The boy with ________(眼镜) impressed the interviewer with his attitude and sense of humor. 二、完形填空 (2021· 山 东 日 照 港 务 局 中 学 模 拟 )My kids and I were heading into the supermarket last weekend. 1 the way, I saw a man wrapped in a blanket. He was 2 a sign that said, “Lost my job. Family to feed.” It was clear the man was embarrassed and 3 . My 10yearold daughter and 7yearold son 4 him, too. They felt 5 and said he must be feeling bad to stand outside in the cold wind. While we were in the store, I asked my daughter to pick 6 she thought our “friend” outside would need. She picked some apples, a sandwich, some cheese and a bottle of juice. Then my son asked, “Can we buy him a 7 ?” I 8 it. We were not rich and we need to buy lots of things, but... well, sometimes helping others is just 9 we need to do! We talked about the fact that we had to do away with( 去掉) some of the things we were going to buy 10 we bought a coat for the man. My kids 11 take some snacks off the shopping list. When we found the man, we 12 him the bag of food and the coat. He was very glad and 13 us. I think the 14 has been a wonderful opportunity for our family. kids agreed that helping others made them happier. 1.A.On B.To C.At 2.A.holding B.reading 3.A.happy B.tired C.helpful D.helpless 4.A.said B.asked 5.A.crazy B.nervous D.Of C.buying C.noticed D.selling D.looked C.disappointed D.sorry 6.A.everything B.something 7.A.sweater 8.A.thought over C.came across 9.A.what B.hat C.anything D.nothing C.coat D.Tshirt B.thought about D.came out B.where C.which D.who 15 of my 10.A.unless B.because 11.A.waited for B.wrote down C.gave up D.agreed to 12.A.sold B.handed 13.A.welcomed B.pleased C.thanked D.invited 14.A.experience B.entertainment C.instruction D.decision 15.A.All B.Either C.if D.when C.received D.lent C.Both D.Neither 三、阅读理解五选五 (2022· 原 创 )For three nights in a row, Mike received a strange phone call. 1.________ It was for a chicken dish. This really troubled Mike, since he had a chicken phobia(恐惧症). He decided to call the police. “I feel sick if someone just talks about it,” he said after telling a police officer about the strange call. “I understand. Who else knows about your fear?” the officer asked. “No one. I did tell my coworkers about it once years ago. I tried to dial the caller back, but no one answered when I tried to call.” “2.________” “I don't know. When I told them about the call after the first night, they laughed at me!” After finishing his discussion with Mike, the police officer called in three of Mike's coworkers. 3.________ Hoffmann: I sleep like a log at night. I wouldn't waste precious sleeping time playing a telephone prank(恶作剧)! Manning: 4.________ I used to play telephone pranks when I was a kid, but recording these kinds of prank messages isn't that fun when you're an adult. Boris: No, I don't even have a telephone. And it's probably just Mike's imagination anyway. After the questioning was over, the officer was sure that he knew who the telephone prankster was. Who was it? Answer: 5.________He was the only one who mentioned Mike's phobia, as well as the only one who knew that the prank message was recorded. A.Do you believe that your coworkers have something to do with this? B.I remember that Mike once told us about his chicken phobia. C.In it, he heard a recorded voice reciting a cooking recipe. D.Here is what they said. E.It was Manning. 四、阅读理解 (2021·安徽综合模拟四)When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Doctor Gibbs. He was very kind. After Doctor Gibbs retired, he was planting trees. His dream was to turn his land into a forest. The good doctor had some interesting ways about planting trees. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked why and he told me that watering plants spoiled( 宠 坏 ) them because it made them grow w

doc文档 2022年人教版英语中考第一轮复习课后训练 七年级下册 Units 7~9

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