八下(外研版)Module1 单项选择专项练习题 Class_________ Name__________ Number________ ( )1. ---Would you like _________a film with us tonight? ---Sorry, I have to help my mother do housework. A.see B.to see C.seeing D.to seeing ( )2. ---Look at my new dress. ---Wow! _________beautiful it is! A.How B.How a C.What D.What a ( )3. ---Look, Linda. The flowers in our classroom came out in one night. ---I can’t believe it. They are beautiful and colorful. They _________great. A.sound B.smell C.taste D.feel ( )4. ---Hey, Mary. Tony and I want to ________the new Italian restaurant tonight. Come with us? ---Why not? A.try B.taste C.choose D.search ( )5. ---What else do we need to make cold beef? ---_________. A.Two spoons salt B.Two spoons of salts C.Two spoons of salt D.Two spoom salts ( )6. ---Susan, would you like another cake? ---_________. I’m full. A.Yes, please. B.My pleasure. C.No, thanks. D.Not at all. ( )7. Tim is a successful boy. His parents are proud ________him. A.on B.to C.in D.of ( )8. ---What’s your __________? ---Skating. A.hobby B.job C.name D.address ( )9. Helping others makes us very __________. A.lonely B.proud C.lazy D.harmful ( )10. ---I do feel a bit________before making a speech. ---Take it easy. The more you prepare, the better you will feel. A.upset B.disappointed C.nervous D.bored ( )11. We are _______about the ______news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022. A.excited, exciting B.exciting, excited C.excited, excite D.exciting, exciting ( )12. I haven’t seen my grandparents for long. I can’t wait _______them. A.visiting B.visit C.to visit D.visits ( )13. ---Do you spend an hour_______volleyball every day? ---Yes,I play it after school. A.play B.playing C.plays D.to play ( )14. Bob works in London. It ______him about half an hour to get to work by bus every day. A.costs B. spends C.takes D.pays ( )15. My grandparents wrote letters to keep in touch with others_______they were young. A.when B.since C.after D.before ( )16. It is smart________Linda to make up her mind_________to play the piano. A.for, learning B.for, to learn C.of, learning D.of, to learn ( )17. It is very kind ________you to lend me your shopping bags. A.of B.for C.to D.with ( )18. I know that you will arrive here in a few days, and I can’t wait__________you. A.meeting B.to meet C.to meeting D.of meeting ( )19. Tom is a shy boy. He often feels _______when he speaks in front of many students. A.tired B.excited C.confident D,nervous ( )20. Mike ________a lot of time _________computer games every week. A.takes, to play B.spends, to play C.spends, playing D.pays, for ( )21.---Tom, your phone is ringing. ---Wait a moment. It’s dangerous__________it while crossing the street. A.answering B.answer C.to answer D.answered ( )22. We have tried our best, even though we fail, our teacher __________us. A.are strict with B.are worried about C.are proud of D.are angry with ( )23. ---The cheese doesn’t ______good. Why don’t we go to buy some fresh? ---Sounds great. A.see B.find C.sound D.taste ( )24. ---Dad, I was the first to reach the top of the hill. ---Good job, Mary. I’m________of you. A.afraid B.proud C.tired D.careful ( )25. ---I often have hamburgers for lunch. ---You’d better not. It’s bad for you________too much junk food. A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.ate ( )26. Bob missed his grandparents very much, so he can’t wait_______them. A.see B.saw C.seeing D.to see ( )27. ---Would you like to join us for the party tomorrow? ---________, but I need to drive my wife to the airport then. A.You’re welcome B.Don’t worry C.I’d like to D.I’m busy ( )28. ________nice weather! Shall we go for a walk? A.How B.How a C.What D.What a ( )29. Now, I spend time ________what I love to do. A.to do B.doing C.do D.did ( )30. How long will it _______you to fly to Beijing from your hometown? A. spend B.take C.pay D.use ( )31. _______smart the car is! I really want to have one. A.What B.What a C.What an D.How ( )32. ---Is it necessary _______us _______some photos before saving the old man? ---Yes, it is. We can protect ourselves if we do so. A.of, taking B.for, taking C.of, to take D.for, to take ( )33.The cheese cake_______so good that I can’t wait to eat it. A.tastes B.feels C.sounds D.smells ( )34. Lucy’s mother will be _______her if she wins the reading competition. A.proud of B.tired of C.worried about D.strict with ( )35. ---It takes me half an hour________playing the piano. How about you? ---I usually spend 20 minutes ______it. A.practicing, on B.to practice, in C.

doc文档 Module1 单项选择专项练习题2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册

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Module1 单项选择专项练习题2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册   第 1 页 Module1 单项选择专项练习题2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册   第 2 页 Module1 单项选择专项练习题2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册   第 3 页 Module1 单项选择专项练习题2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册   第 4 页 Module1 单项选择专项练习题2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册   第 5 页
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