九年级上册 Modules 11~ 12 一、词汇运用 按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1 . (2021· 广 西 百 色 中 考 改 编 )Our teachers always encourage us to share our ________(感觉) after reading. 2.Listen, John. It's no use ________(live) in the past. 3 . (2022· 原 创 )They have different dishes on the ________( 菜 单 ). There are so many choices. 4.(2021·广西北部湾经济区中考)The young ________(sing) surprised us all with her wonderful voice. 5 . (2022· 原 创 )The maths teacher always divides our class ________( 介 词 ) ten small groups. 6.Dr Naismith ________(分开) the men into two teams and taught them to play his new game. 7 . It's unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a ________( 快 速 的 ) way! 8.Millie was presented ________(介词) the Best Student Award last term. 9.(2021·湖南怀化中考改编)—Do you know the woman ________(连接词) wears a blue skirt? —Oh, she's my aunt. 10 .(2021· 内蒙古通辽中考改编 )The government should take strict measures to carry out garbage sorting ________(政策). 二、完形填空 (2021·天津中考改编)Think of all the ways that you use your arms and hands. You use 1 to open doors, carry boxes, climb trees and ride bikes. Jessica Cox was born without 2 . But she didn't let that 3 her from doing things. She 4 to feed herself, paint and play the piano by using her feet. When she was at 5 , Jessica watched the other students on the playground. She did not have hands to catch balls with, 6 she did not have arms to climb with. Jessica imagined herself as a girl of unusually(不寻常地) great ability. She would 7 over the playground and take her friends into the sky. Many years later, when Jessica 8 , she did fly. She learnt to fly a plane! It was 9 work, but Jessica was patient, confident and brave. She controlled the plane with her feet. She made her 10 come true. 1.A.that B.them C.her D.it 2.A.arms B.ears C.feet D.legs 3.A.divide B.add C.lend D.stop 4.A.paid B.refused C.learnt D.forgot 5.A.school B.bed C.hospital D.town 6.A.so B.but C.and D.though 7.A.fly B.knock C.fall D.push 8.A.set up B.grew up C.gave up D.warmed up 9.A.comfortable B.lazy C.small D.hard 10.A.mark B.advice C.dream D.report 三、阅读判断 Most people agree that trees look nice, but not everyone knows that trees can also help cities save money. A few years ago, the US Forest Service studied trees in Chicago. They found that just one tree can save a city hundreds of dollars over its lifetime. Trees can save money by helping people save energy. Trees stop the summer sun shining on buildings. They also block(挡住) the winter wind. That helps people use less energy to make their homes or offices warm or cool. Saving energy is saving money. Trees have another way to help a city save money. When it rains, there will be a lot of water in a city's sewers(下水道). Cities need lots of money to clean that water. But before the rainwater gets to the dirty sewers, trees can take some into themselves. With the help of trees, there is less water to clean. 1.Everyone knows that trees can help cities save money. A.Right. B.Wrong. 2.One tree can save a city hundreds of dollars in one day. A.Right. B.Wrong. 3.Trees can help people save energy. A.Right. B.Wrong. 4.Trees can take all the rainwater into themselves. A.Right. B.Wrong. 5.With the help of trees, cities need less money to clean the rainwater. A.Right. B.Wrong. 四、阅读表达 (2020·山东聊城中考)We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day, and it is harmful to our environment. Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce Reduce means “use less”. Do not waste things. It saves money and causes less pollution. Do not order more food than you can finish. 当你不需要的时候就把灯关 上 。 Before you buy something new, think whether it is really necessary because maybe the old one is just as good! Reuse Reuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. Look after them so that they will last. Repair them if possible. Do not throw them away and buy new ones. Do not use paper cups or paper bags. Recycle Recycle means “change things into something else to be reused”. We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change.Divide your rubbish into plastic, glass, paper and rubber. Develop a recycling policy for the whole community. Buy products such as recycled paper to help save trees. 1.回答问题: What words are we advised to repeat every day? _________________________________________________________________ 2.回答问题: What does the underlined word “It” in the second paragraph refer to(指的是)? ______________________________

doc文档 2022年外研版英语中考考点训练 九年级上册 Modules 11~12

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