七年级上册 Modules 1~ 5(含 Starters) 一、单词拼写与运用 按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1.(2021·江苏镇江二模)Though Zhao Yafu is in his ________(eighty), he makes a contribution to Zhenjiang agriculture. 2.Lisa is not good ________(介词) English. So she practises speaking it every day. 3.—What about ________(go) to the park? —Good idea. 4.There ________(be) a live basketball match on CCTV5 tomorrow. 5.(2021·贵州铜仁中考改编)It's important for us to keep ________(health) eating habits. 6.Thank you for ________(tell) me the good news. 7.—Is that your father? —No, he is my ________(叔叔). He is my father's twin brother. 8.(2021·江苏盐城滨海一中一模)Kate lives on the ________(twenty) floor of the building. 9.There is a pen and ________(一些) books on the desk. 10.I want to look up a word. May I use your ________(词典)? 二、完形填空 (2021·内蒙古呼和浩特回民二模)When I was a kid, my family didn't live a rich life. As a result, we couldn't 1 to eat out in a restaurant. My mother always cooked in the evening after she returned home from work. One day, my mother had a very tiring day in the office and was exhausted. After returning home, she went into the kitchen and started preparing supper for us. When she was frying some eggs, she 2 to concentrate on her cooking and the eggs got burned. She wanted to throw them away, but eggs were 3 for a family like mine back then. So she placed them in a plate and decided to eat them herself. After the eggs were 4 on the table, my father looked at them for a while. But he said nothing. He just smiled at my mum and then asked me how my day was at school. Then he started eating the eggs. He finished them 5 so that my mother and I wouldn't have to eat them. Later that night, I heard my mum 6 to my dad for burning the eggs. And I'll never forget what he said, “Honey, I love burned eggs.” The next day, with 7 I asked Dad whether he really liked burned eggs. He held me in his arms and said, “Your mum had a 8 day at work yesterday and she was really tired. I didn't want to 9 her. Besides, a little bit burned egg won't hurt anyone.” My father was a very 10 man, and I learned to be such a man from him. 1.A.agree B.afford C.promise D.proceed 2.A.meant B.failed C.refused D.managed 3.A.rare B.fresh C.cheap D.delicious 4.A.shown B.laid C.separated D.prepared 5.A.easily B.calmly C.carefully D.completely 6.A.lie B.complain C.apologise D.shout 7.A.curiosity B.shame C.guilt D.excitement 8.A.sad B.tough C.formal D.rich 9.A.cheat B.lose C.upset D.disturb 10.A.humorous B.generous C.serious D.understanding 三、阅读理解 (2021· 山 东 德 州 中 考 )Isn't fast food delicious? Aren't fast food restaurants cool?... The answer to these questions is yes. However, there are growing facts that fast food is one of the worst parts of modern life. And studies have shown that burgers and fried chicken, which we enjoy so much, can cause a lot of health problems. In spite of(尽管) this, why are fast food restaurants so attractive(吸引人的)? The first and most important reason is that their service is fast. Their staff( 员 工 ) are friendly and very smartlooking in their clean and bright uniforms(制服). Moreover, most fast food restaurants are near places that people always pass by. It is so easy to grab a burger and eat on the way to work. Fast food is often so conveniently packed(包装方便) that it will not cause a mess even if you stand and eat it. Fast food restaurants are also very clean. A lot of clever ads(广告) have made them the coolest places in town, but none of them has ever told and will never tell you that too much fast food is not good for your health. Such attractive places are selling junk food! Isn't it a pity? Is there a way to change the fast food restaurants into special places where you get the best possible, healthy and fresh food? Well, why not? As people realise the health problems that fast food causes, it is quite likely that fast food restaurants may go out of date. It may happen sooner or later. Therefore, instead of resisting(抵制) fast food restaurants, a better idea may be to persuade(说服) them to change their menu! Fast food restaurants can be places to go to when you want to eat something that will be good for your body. If they could combine( 结 合 ) healthy food with their speed of service, delicious tastes and comfortable feelings, that will be the next best thing on the earth for the human beings! 1.What does “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A.Fast food is delicious. B.Fast food restaurants are cool. C.People enjoy fast food. D.Fast food ca

doc文档 2022年外研版英语中考考点训练七年级上册 Modules 1~5(含Starters)

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