代词 过关训练 一、单项填空 1.(2021·江苏常州中考) ________ is better worth my respect than Yuan Longping. He is the pride of China. A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Everybody 2.(2021·辽宁鞍山中考)—What club would you like to join, the chess club or the music club? —________. I've already joined the paper cutting club. A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None 3.(2021·辽宁铁岭、葫芦岛中考)—My school ID card is on the desk. What about ________? —It's in my schoolbag. A.his B.hers C.yours D.mine 4.(2021·辽宁朝阳中考)—Who is that tall man over there? —Oh, he is ________ teacher and he teaches ________ geography. A.our; us B.us; us C.our; our D.us; our 5.(2021·广西梧州中考) —Excuse me, is this ________ car? —No, it isn't. Mine is over there. A.my B.your C.his D.her 6.(2021·山东滨州中考)—Dad, could you please teach ________ English? —Sure! But it's more important to learn it by ________. A.my; yourself B.my; you C.me; you D.me; yourself 7 . (2021· 山 东 东 营 中 考 )—Four children were walking under a small umbrella. ________ of them got wet. Can you guess why? —Because it was not raining! A.All B.None C.Most D.Some 8.(2021·广西百色中考)—Jenny, is that bag ________ on the desk? —No, it isn't ________ bag. It is Lily's. A.yours; mine B.your; mine C.your; my D.yours; my 9.(2021·黑龙江大庆中考)On the website, you can chat with ________ in English to improve your spoken English. A.other B.another C.the other D.others 10.(2021·四川广元中考)—How cold here! —Yes. The weather in Guangyuan is much colder than ________ in your hometown. A.that B.it C.this D.those 二、单词拼写与运用 用括号内所给单词的适当形式或根据首字母提示完成所给句子。 1 . (2021· 江 苏 常 州 中 考 )Billy, you should keep ________(you) calm when in trouble. 2.(2021·湖南常德中考)—Is this Linda's watch? —No, it isn't. ________(she) is red. Red is her favorite color. 3.(2021·云南中考)When I fell and hurt ________(I), my mother encouraged me to stand up and gave me a hug. 4.(2021·甘肃武威中考)We couldn't do all the work by ________(us). 5 . (2021· 江 苏 盐 城 中 考 )Sandy listened intently to the classical music, losing ________(her) in its beauty. 6 . (2021· 贵 州 安 顺 中 考 )The Communist Party of China( 中 国 共 产 党 ) has ________(it) 100year anniversary this year. 7 . (2021· 广 西 北 部 湾 经 济 区 中 考 )Children must learn how to protect ________(they) in an earthquake. 8 . (2021· 黑 龙 江 大 庆 中 考 )Each of ________(we) should study hard and do something for our country. 9.(2021·江苏泰州中考)—My father will take me to the West Lake in Hangzhou this Saturday. —Really? I hope you'll enjoy ________(you) weekend. 10.(2021·四川眉山中考)—Did anyone help them finish the work? —No. They finished it by t________. 11 . (2021· 四 川 南 充 中 考 )These two sweaters are so expensive that I can afford n________ of them. 12.Their school is as big as o________. 13.If you can come to ________(me) birthday party, please call me. 14.There are many differences between you and ________(I). 15.Whether we'll have a good time depends on w________ we are going with and where we are going. 参考答案 一、1~5 CBCAB 6~10 DBDDA 二、1.yourself 2.Hers 3.myself 4.ourselves 5.herself 6.its 7.themselves 8.us 9.your 10.themselves 11.neither 12.ours 13.my 14.me 15.whom

doc文档 2022年人教版英语中考复习过关训练 代词

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