2021-2022 牛津译林版初二英语下册 8B Unit 1 单元检测 一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. Mrs. Lee is busy preparing for exam these days. She says exam will take place next Monday. A. an; the B. a; the C. an; an D. the; an ) 2. They got married _______ 1960. That means they have been married _______ 1960. A. in; for B. since; for C. in; since D. since; since ) 3. --- Do you enjoy your new life near the airport? --- I enjoy my life here except for the pollution. The planes make it hard for me to sleep well sometimes. A. air B. water C. noise D. light ) 4. ---- I have finished my homework. ---- When you it? A. do; finish B. will; finish C. have; finished D. did; finish ) 5. Though he is often _________ at home, he doesn't feel _____ for he has many things to do. A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely ) 6. She has never washed her clothes herself . A. before B. ago C. ever D. already ) 7. ---- Dave, we will leave in 10 minutes. Are you ready? ---- No, I ________ our guide book and towels. A. won’t pack B. didn't pack C. wasn’t packed D. haven't packed ) 8. 一 I will miss you when I go abroad for further study this autumn. 一 Don't worry. You can ( ( ( ( ( ( ( me by email. A. come up with B. get along with C. communicate with D. keep in touch with ) 9. Uncle Yu is a driving teacher. He’s worked in this driving-training school ______. A. two years ago B. since two years ago C. for two years ago D. since two years ) 10. He likes playing tricks on others, but ______, he is a good boy. He is willing to help others. A. in this way B. in some ways C. in that way D. in a word ) 11. --- I have _______ finished my homework. What about you? --- I finished it _______. A. just; just B. ever; just now C. just; just now D. ever; just ) 12. Suzy took a bus to school, but now she __________. A. is used to walking B. is used to walk C. used to walk D. used to walking ) 13. Anny_______ Jeff when they were both 25 years old. A. married with B. married C. got married with D. married to ) 14. ---- _______ you_______ the book_______ to the library? ---- Yes, I have. A. Have; returned; / B. Have; returned; back C. Did; return; / D. Did; return; back ) 15. ---- Have you finished your report? ---. But it's almost done. A. Yes, I have B. Not exactly C. More or less D. Of course I have 二、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) Every morning, I walked past a security guard (保安). He greeted ___1___ that walked by him. I wondered ___2___ he knew so many people by their first names. The first few times I saw him, I didn't say ___3___ back to him when he greeted me. I was lost ___4___ my own world. One Monday he ___5___, "How was your weekend?" I told him about my visit to my sick, elderly ___6___. "The time I ___7___ with my mother is so precious( 珍贵), because I know that each time could be the last." He told me how sorry he was for my mother's sickness. He shared how he had lost a parent to illness, too. "I ___8___ what you are going through. I ___9___ my father every day. " As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his ___10___. The following ___11___, I asked, "What's your name?" He answered, "Gary". I said, "I'm Deborah". After that, we talked several times a week. We ___12___ stories about our weekend, our dreams, and our families. Gary got another job and moved away. It's been years ___13___ I last spoke to him, ___14___ it seems like just yesterday we talked. I ___15___ at what became a friendship of sharing stories from the heart. When you say hello to a stranger you become a pebble (鹅卵石) in the pond(池塘). With each ripple (涟漪) you create, you spread love that continues to give. Make a point of saying hello to a stranger today. You will give the gift that keeps on giving. ( ) 1. A. everyone B. someone C. anyone D. no one ( ) 2. A. what B. when C. where D. how ( ) 3. A. hello B. sorry C. thank you D. excuse me ( ) 4. A. on B. at C. in D. to ( ) 5. A. said B. told C. talked D. asked ( ) 6. A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister ( ) 7. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend ( ) 8. A. imagine B. understand C. remember D. believe ( ) 9. A. think about B. think over C. think out D. think of ( ) 10. A. job B. age C. address D. name ( ) 11. A. day B. week C. month D. year ( ) 12. A. told B. made C. shared D. argued ( ) 13. A. until B. since C. before D. after ( ) 14. A. yet B. and C. so D. then ( ) 15. A. look over B. look forward C. look back D. look up 三、阅读理解(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) (A) Shenzhen is a city in South China. It is not very big, but

doc文档 Unit 1 单元检测2021-2022学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册

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