11 端午节(二)短文填空、补全对话题型 备战 2022 年英语中考中华传统节日专题 一、语法填空 Dear Cindy, How are you? We had a 1. (tradition) Chinese festival last Monday. It is called the Dragon Boat Festival. This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, one of the 2.(great) Chinese poets. He killed 3. (he) by jumping into the Miluo River on May 5th of the lunar calendar, 278 BC.People there tried to save him, 4. it was too late. They were very sad and then they 5. (throw) rice into the river to feed the fish so that they would stay away from his body. From then on, every year on this day, people enjoyed 6. (make) zongzi which is made of rice with meat, eggs and so on. Now we regard it as our daily food. We can have it at any time we like. Have you ever watched the dragon boat races on TV? It is another important 7. (act) of this festival. Several teams row their dragon-shaped boats as 8. (quick) as they can. 9. first team to reach the finishing line wins. If you have a plan to visit China next year, would you like to spend this festival 10. us? Best wishes! Yours, Tim 【答案】 1.traditional 2.greatest 3.himself 4.but 5.threw 6.making 7.activity 8.quickly 9.The 10.with 【分析】 本文主要介绍了中国传统节日端午节的由来,以及人们会用一些什么活动来庆祝端午节。 1.句意:我们上周一过了一个传统的中国节日。此处作定语修饰其后名词 festival,应该用形容词。 tradition 意为“传统”,是名词,其形容词为 traditional,故填 traditional。 2.句意:这个节日是为了纪念屈原,他是中国最伟大的诗人之一。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数意 为“最……之一”,所以此处应该用形容词最高级。great 意为“伟大的”,是形容词,其最高级为 greatest,故 填 greatest。 3.句意:他在公元前 278 年的农历 5 月 5 日跳入汨罗江中自杀了。此处作宾语,和主语指同一个人,所以 宾语用反身代词。he 意为“他”,是人称代词,其反身代词为 himself,故填 himself。 4.句意:那里的人们想要救他,但是太迟了。此处连接前后两句话,表示转折,可知用表转折的并列连 词 but,故填 but。 5.句意:他们非常悲伤,于是他们将大米扔进河中喂鱼,这样鱼就会远离他的尸身。此处作谓语,根据 前后文都用一般过去时,可知此处也用过去时。throw 意为“扔”,是动词,其过去式为 threw,故填 threw。 6.句意:从那以后,每一年的这一天,人们都会做粽子——由大米混合肉和蛋等物制成。此处作 enjoy 的 宾语,构成 enjoy doing sth.,意为“享受做某事”,所以应该填动名词。make 意为“制作”,是动词,其动名词 为 making,故填 making。 7.句意:这是这个节日另一个重要的活动。此处作表语,其前被 another 限定,可知填名词单数。act 意为 “行动”,是名词,变为 activity“活动”符合语境,故填 activity。 8.句意:一些队伍尽可能快地划着龙形的小船。此处修饰其前动词 row,应该用副词。quick 意为“快的”, 是形容词,其副词为 quickly,故填 quickly。 9.句意:第一个到达终点线的队伍获胜。此处修饰其后名词 team,表示“第几”,应该用 the+序数词,故填 The。 10.句意:如果你计划明年来中国玩,你要不要和我们一起度过这个节日呢?此处缺介词,表示“和某人一 起”,可知用 with,故填 with。 二、短文综合填空 词语运用。根据短文内容及所给英文或首字母提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is 11. lunar (阴历) May 5th. It is an important festival for Chinese people. A lot of people 12. (not) go to work on that day. They usually 13. (watch) the boat races and 14. (make) zongzi with their family. Do you like zongzi? It tastes very d15.. Look, this is Liu Qing’s family. All the family 16. (member) come back home and get together. They are 17. (enjoy) the nice zongzi. Grandpa is 18. (tell) a story about Qu Yuan. They are 19. (have) a great time. W20. a happy family! 【答案】 11.on 12.don’t 13.watch 14.make 15.(d)elicious 16.members 17.enjoying 18.telling 19.having 20.(W)hat 【分析】 文章讲了端午节的庆祝活动及刘强一家在这一天做些什么。 11.句意:它在阴历五月初五。根据“lunar May 5th”可知此处指再具体的某一天,用介词 on。故填 on。 12.句意:很多人那天不去上班。陈述一般事实,用一般现在时,谓语 go 是实义动词,主语是复数,此处 用 don’t 表示“不”。故填 don’t。 13.句意:他们通常看龙舟比赛,和家人一起包粽子。根据“usually”可知用一般现在时,主语“They”后用 动词原形 watch。故填 watch。 14.句意:他们通常看龙舟比赛,和家人一起包粽子。and 连接并列谓语,make 与 watch 一致,用动词原 形。故填 make。 15.句意:它尝起来很美味。“tastes”后接形容词作表语,结合首字母 d 可知用 delicious 表示“美味的”,符 合语境。故填(d)elicious。 16.句意:所有的家庭成员回家并聚在一起。根据“All”可知此处用 member 的复数形式作主语。故填 members。 17.句意:他们正在享受美味的粽子。are 后接 enjoy 的现在分词形式构成现在进行时,表示“正在享受”。 故填 enjoying。 18.句意:爷爷正在讲一个关于屈原的故事。is 后接 tell 的现在分词形式构成现在进行时,表示“正在讲”。 故填 telling。 19.句意:他们玩得很开心。are 后接 have 的现在分词形式构成现在进行时,表示“正玩得很开心”。故填 having。 20.句意:多快乐的一家人!根据“W... a happy family!”可知此处是感叹句,用“What a+形容词+可数名词单 数”结构。故填(W)hat。 三、填写适当的句子补全对话 A: Hi, Lucy! I haven’t seen you for many years. 21.? B: Oh, I went to London and lived with my parents. A: 22.? B: Yes, they worked there. A: I’m very glad to see you again. You have changed a lot. 23.. B: That’s true. But now I prefer long hair. A: You look beautiful with long hair. B: Thank you. A: By the way, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. 24.? We can eat zongzi and watch the boat races on TV in my house. B: Sure, I’d love to. That’s very kind of you. A: 25.. See you on that day. 【答案】 21.Where did you go?/What did you do? 22.Did they/your parents work there? 23.You used to have short hair./You had short hair. 24.Can you come to my house on that day?/Would you like to come to my house on that day? 25.You’re welcome./No problem./My pleasure. 【分析】 本文是两个人 A 和 B 的对话,主要说两个人很久没见询问一下各自的情况,又表明端午节到了,可以一起 吃粽子看赛龙舟。 21.根据下文“I went to London and lived with my parents.”可知上文询问的是“你去哪了?”或者“做什么了呢”, 又根据 went 可知时态是一般过去时,故填 Where d

doc文档 11 端午节(二)短文填空、补全对话题型 备战2022年英语中考中华传统节日专题

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