2021-2022 学年内蒙古通辽市霍林郭勒市九年级 (上)期末英语试卷 As teenagers,you have many dreams.The dreams can be very big,such as (1)the Nobel Prize,or they can be small---you may just want to become the best student in your class.Once you find a dream, (2)do you deal with it?Do you ever try to make your dream real? Andrew Mathews,an Australian writer tells us that making our dreams real is (3)biggest challenge.You may think you're not very good at some school subjects,or it is (4)for you to become a writer.These kinds of thoughts stop you from(5)your dream.In fact,everyone can make his dream(6).The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.Don't let it leave your (7)Keep telling yourself what you want.Do this step by step and your dream will be achieved faster because a big dream is made up of many small dreams. Your must also(8)give up your dream.There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams.But the biggest difficulty comes from (9).You need to decide what is the most important. Without dreams,you won't make up your mind to learn more(10)and find new interests. 1. A. winning B. writing C. reading D. watching 2. A. what B. how C. when D. why 3. A. teachers' B. life's C. boys' D. parents' 4. A. impossible B. easy C. important D. necessary 5. A. to achieve B. achieving C. achieved D. achieves 6. A. come out B. come in C. come on D. come true 7. A. heart B. activities C. practice D. eyes 8. A. seldom B. never C. always D. sometimes 9. A. study B. environment C. yourself D. your experience 10. A. skills B. languages C. plans D. culture B There was a village in India.The people were poor.However,they were not unhappy.After all,their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries. Then one day,some visitors from the city arrived.They told the villagers there were some people elsewhere liked to eat frogs' legs.However,they didn't have enough frogs of their own,so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.This seemed like money for nothing.There were millions of frogs in the fields around,and they were use to the villagers.All they had to do was to catch them.Agreement was reached,and the children were sent to the fields to catch frogs.Every week a truck arrived to collect frogs and hand over the money.For the first time,the villagers were able to dream of a beautiful future.But the dream didn't last long. The change was hardly noticed at first,but it seemed that the crops were not doing so well.More worrying was that the children fell ill more often,and there seemed to be more insects around lately. The villagers decided that they couldn't just wait to see the crops falling and the children getting weak.They would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides and medicine. Soon there was no money left. Then the villagers realized what was happening.It was the frog.They hadn't been useless.They had been doing an important job—eating insects.Now with so many frogs killed,the insects were increasing more rapidly.They were damaging the crops and spreading diseases.. Now,the villagers are still poor.But in the evenings,they sit in the village square and listen to the sounds of insects and frogs.These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning. 11. From paragraph 1 we learn that the villagers ______ . A. worked very hard for centuries B. were poor but satisfied C. dreamed of having a better life D. lived a different life from their forefathers 12. Why did the villagers agree to sell frogs? ______ A. Because the frogs made too much noise. B. Because they needed money to buy medicine. C. Because they wanted to please the visitors. D. Because the frogs were easy money. 13. What might be the cause of the children's sickness? ______ A. There were too many insects. B. The crops didn't do well. C. The visitors brought in diseases. D. There were too many frogs. 14. In what order did the following events take place? ______ a.Crops didn't grow well and children got ill. b.Villagers bought pesticides and medicine. c.Some visitors arrived at the village to buy frogs. d.Villagers had no money left. e.Children went to the fields to catch frogs. A. ceabd B. decab C. cbead 15. What is the main idea of this passage? ______ A. Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country. B. Health is more important than money. C. The balance between man and nature is important. D. Good old days will never be forgotten. C D. daecb Visit Chicago Children's Museum Chicago Children's

doc文档 内蒙古通辽市霍林郭勒市2021-2022学年九年级(上学期)期末考试英语试题

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