2021 年湖南省益阳市中考英语试卷 一.单项填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分) 1.(1 分)— Becky,do you know ______ woman there? — Oh,she is my neighbor.She is ______ excellent volunteer. A.an;an B.the;an C.the;the 2.(1 分)— The watch in your hand looks nice.Is it ______? — Yes,but I will give it to Kate as ______ birthday present. A.your,her B.yours,hers C.yours,her 3.(1 分)Although the Yangtze is the longest river in China,it is ______ than the Nile,the longest river in the world. A.short B.shorter C.the shortest 4.(1 分)— Hey,Clark.Would you like to have a picnic with us this weekend? — Sorry,I'll have an exam next Monday,so I ______ prepare for it. A.can B.may C.must 5.(1 分)My father always tells me never to ______ when I am in trouble. A.give up B.put on C.help out 6 . ( 1 分 ) — Jack , how do you like the new movie Hi , Mom!directed ( 导 演 ) by Jia Ling? — Well,it's really a funny movie.I ______ it for three times. A.am watching B.will watch C.have watched 7.(1 分)— How clean the roads are! — They ______ by the hard﹣working cleaners every day. A.are cleaned B.clean C.will clean 8.(1 分)Our teachers don't allow us ______ mobile phones in the school. A.to use B.use C.using 9.(1 分)This dress is very beautiful,______ it doesn't look good on me. A.for B.so C.but 10.(1 分)— I wonder ______. — Where there is a will,there is a way. A.if will I pass the exam B.if I can become an artist C.if can I enter a good senior high school 二.完形填空(共 1 小题,计 10 分)通读下面的短文,然后从短文后所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案填空,使短文完整通顺。 11.(10 分)Mark started middle school when he was twelve.He studied very hard and always got good grades.He was very interested in(1)   ,especially running.He got up early every morning and(2)    to school. In his second year , Mark took part in the school's sports meeting and ( 3 )   race.His parents were happy with him and(4)  change.Mark stopped getting up(5)    a   him a computer.But things began to  .He also lost interests in sports.His grades were not so good as before. One night,about one o'clock in the morning,Mark's mother(6)  computer games in his room.Then she knew why he(7)    him playing  so much.But she didn't take his(8)    away.Instead,she had a(9)    talk with him.She told him he was old enough to know well what to do,and what not to do. After hearing his mother's(10)   words,Mark was sorry for his change and decided to make good use of his time from then on. (1)A.sports B.music C.drawing (2)A.climbed B.drove C.ran (3)A.won B.lost C.played (4)A.took B.collected C.bought (5)A.late B.early C.quickly (6)A.questioned B.talked C.found (7)A.happened B.changed C.learned (8)A.computer B.book C.table (9)A.meaningless B.serious C.tiring (10)A.silly B.wrong C.kind 三.阅读技能(三个部分,计 50 分)A)选择(共 3 小题,计 30 分)阅读下面三篇材料, 从每题所给 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。 12.(10 分) Traditional Chinese Cultures Chinese Folk Music Weiqi Chinese folk music is connected with ancient Weiqi,called yi in ancient China ,is a Chinese stories.One of the classics (经典著作) , smart board game between two players shijing , included some folk songs from the West with a history of over 3 , 000 Zhou to the Spring and Autumn Period.Traditional years.People Chinese musical instruments believe weiqi is the include beginning of all ancient chess games. guzheng,pipa,erhu,xiao and so on. Chinese Handwriting Chinese Painting Chinese handwriting is a special art of Asian In ancient China , most of the Chinese cultures.Brush handwriting is much loved around paintings were done on paper or the world.Wang Xizhi was very famous for brush silk.Traditional Chinese painting includes handwriting.He made a great achievement in mountains and water , flowers and Chinese handwriting. birds , figures ( 人 物 ) .The highest form of Chinese painting is mountains and water. (1)What is Chinese folk music connected with?     A.Weiqi. B.Ancient Chinese stories. C.Chinese painting. (2)Traditional Chinese musical instruments do NOT include    . A.xiao B.piano C.guzheng (3)What have we learned about Wang Xizhi from the passage?     A.He was a great weiqi player. B.He was good at Chinese painting. C.He made a great achievement in Chinese handwriting. (4)In ancient China,people often painted    . A.on wood or cloth B.on paper or wood C.on paper or silk (5)The highest form of Chinese painting is    . A.mountains and water B.flowers and birds C.figures 13.(10 分)In order to help teenagers build a strong body ,students in Grade 9 have to take part in zhongkao P.E.test every yea

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