动词填空专项训练 (一) (A) 1.The geography teacher told us that light___________ (travel) faster than sound. 2.COVID-19 broke out in January,2019 and I ______________(not travel) to any other cities since then. 3. _________(get) out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest tasks. 4.Having a calm smile to face with being ____________(laugh) at means a kind of confidence. 5.Success is the ability_________(go) from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. 6.Things_________ (do)by halves are never done right. 7.Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people_________(want)to be important.   8.Nothing is difficult to the man who _________(try). 9. __________(plan) everything carefully, and you'll get more organized. 10.It's terrible for her _______________(make) so many careless mistakes in the English exam. (B) 1.The high-speed railway_________(connect)Beijing to Shanghai has been in service since June 26, 2017. 2.The price of the house here is so high that I can't afford _________(buy) one. 3.If we pay attention to_________________(save) a little power in our daily life, everyone can do something _________ (protect)the environment. 4.Whatever is worth doing__________________(be) worth doing well. 5.Success often depends on ______________(know) how long it will take to succeed. 6.Great changes_______________(take) place in my hometown over the years. 7.Keeping is harder than _________(win). 8.Not everything that is faced can _________ (change) , but nothing can be changed until it is faced.   9.The girl is so helpful that she devotes all her spare time she has to_________(help) others. 10.---What do you think_________ (represent) our country best?---I think the sign of a dragon does. (C) 1.He who wishes his own happiness by _________(cause)pain to others is not happy. 2.How much truth of heart in one’s life ____________(tell) in a joke? 3.Have an aim in life, or your energies ____________(waste).   4.Do not ____________(lead)by reports, or tradition, or hearsay. 5.You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop _____________(think) about yesterday.   6.To travel hopefully is a better thing than____________(arrive), and the true success is to work.    7.— I didn't notice you _____________(wear) a new shirt today. So cool! — Thank you. I bought it last month. 8.My advice made it easier for him ____________ (work)out the problem. 9.Can ____________ (wear)red help you make a decision easily? 10.---How much difficulty did you have ____________(solve)this problem? ---None. It's quite easy. (D) 1.Life is a journey that is meant to ____________(experience) in full. 2.Since she is so hard-working, she won't mind ____________(do)extra work in the near future. 3. Only those who have the patience ____________(do)simple things perfectly can own the skill to do difficult things easily.   4.Health is certainly more valuable than money, because it is by health that money ____________ (earn).  5.I had no difficulty making myself ____________(understand) on the chat show. 6.---Are you going to have a party to celebrate your birthday? ---Sorry, I____________ (decide). 7.Miss Brown prefers reading at home to ____________(walk) outside. 8.My family can't decide whether ________(go) on a picnic in the park this Sunday. 9.__________(keep) warm, people in cold areas have to burn something to get heat. 10.The more carefully you think, the better decisions you____________(make). (E) 1.Wang Tao works so hard that he'll have no difficulty__________ (enter) his ideal high school. 2.I might say that success__________ (win)by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort.  3.Remind me __________________(buy) some milk tonight. 4.People paint their homes in warm colours__________(create) a warm and comfortable feeling. 5.My computer doesn't work. I think it requires __________(mend) . 6.You can never imagine the great difficulty I had__________(get) her QQ number. 7.My aunt said she __________ (prefer) reading books to watching TV at home.7. 8.Our geography teacher told us that the earth __________(go) around the sun. 9.---John is not coming for the birthday party tonight. ---Why? But he __________(promise) ! 10.---Did you use to __________(feel) stressed when you saw the school report from your teacher? ---Certainly, I was just a little child, you know. 动词填空专项练习(一)答案 (A) 〖答案〗: 1. travels 2.haven’t travelled 3.Getting 4.laughed 5. to go 6.done 7.wanting 8.will try 9.Plan 10. to make (B) 〖答案〗: 1.connecting 2.to

doc文档 2022年九年级英语牛津译林版中考专项复习练习---动词填空

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2022年九年级英语牛津译林版中考专项复习练习---动词填空 第 1 页 2022年九年级英语牛津译林版中考专项复习练习---动词填空 第 2 页 2022年九年级英语牛津译林版中考专项复习练习---动词填空 第 3 页 2022年九年级英语牛津译林版中考专项复习练习---动词填空 第 4 页
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