Unit 3 现在完成时的被动语态专项练习 一、单项选择 1.It is said that this tradition________ for around 1,000 years. A.is preserved B.has been preserved C.has preserved D.will be preserved 2.So far nothing ________ clear about the meeting. A.has done B.has been done C.has made D.has been made 3.Delete the short message at once! Many a man ________by such tricks so far. A.are cheated B.is cheated C.has been cheated D.have been cheated 4.The living conditions ________ by the country in the past ten years. A.have been improvedB.were improved C.are improved D.have improved 5.Great discoveries ________in space exploration since the last century. A.was made B.made C.has made D.have been made 6.So far millions of pounds’ worth of damage ______ by a storm which swept across the north of England last night. A.has been caused B.had been caused C.will be caused D.will have been caused 7.They can't go to school tomorrow because the school houses A.have been damaged B.have damaged in a fire. C.will be damaged D.were being damaged 8.In the USA in the last 100 years, 23 men _______ to death wrongly. A.have transformed B.had announced C.had been condemned D.have been sentenced 9.As is reported, many a military medical worker _______ in Wuhan to help fight the deadly epidemic. A.has been stationed B.has stationed C.have stationed D.have been stationed 10.— How does Jane put on so much weight? — Large quantities of fat ____ recently. A.are consumed B.is being consumed C.has been consumed D.have been consumed 11.Till now, three films ________ in our village this month. A.have shown B.have been shown C.were shown D.will be shown 12.A great number of small power stations _____ up in their province since 1960. A.are set B.have set C.have been set D.will have been set 13.Neither Mary nor her parents __________ of the exciting news, which surprises us a lot. A.has informed B.have informed C.has been informed D.have been informed 14.—The window is dirty. —I know. It ___ for weeks. A.hasn’t cleaned B.didn’t clean C.wasn’t clean D.hasn’t been cleaned 15.Since 1949, the people’s living standard ____, causing a big ____ in population. A.has been raised; rise B.has been risen; raise C.has raised; rise D.has raised; rose 16.All the preparations for the task ___________, and we’re ready to start. A.were completed B.have been completed C.had been completed D.complete 17.—The room is dirty. —Sorry, It ______ for weeks and I will do it now. A.hasn’t cleaned B.hasn’t been cleaned C.wasn’t cleaned D.didn’t clean 18.A fire ______ in the center of the market last night. Luckily, no death ______ so far. A.broke out; is reported B.had broken out; was reported C.broke out; has been reported D.had broken out; has been reported; 19.I intend to buy that kind of clothes because I ________ that they ________ well. A.had been told; washed B.was told; washed C.have been told; wash D.have told; wash 20.Large quantities of oil _____to Japan since one year ago. A.was shipped B.has been shipped C.were shipped D.have been shipped 二、用单词的适当形式完成句子 21.-The window is dirty. —I know. It ________(not clean)for weeks. 22.The Chinese food ________(consider)to be the healthiest in the world. 23.— I feel very happy that I ________(choose) to be the host. — Congratulations! 24.Today Chinese ________(speak) by more and more people around the world. 25.The important problem ________(discuss) for nearly two weeks. 26.The team has________(weaken)by injury. 27.“I________(give)two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it together?” 28.The subject of these lectures ________(announce) by the lecture committee. 29.A great number of colleges and universities ________(establish) since 1949. 30.Tim ________(unemploy) since he lost his job three weeks ago. 31.It __________(prove) that active people tend to have better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseases. 32.The opinion that learning is a lifelong process________(express)by education experts throughout the years. 33.Their new house________(decorate) for two months and they will move in soon. 34.He ________ (send) to study the new technology in the company. 35.A pen-like computer ________ (develop). 36.A wrist - worm PC ________ (invent) recently. 37.The lake smells terrible because large quantities of water ________ (pollute). 38.This novel ________ (translate) into several languages. 39.The team ________ (weaken) by injury in the past weeks.

doc文档 3.3 Discovering Useful Structures现在完成时的被动语态专项练习-高一英语同步精品课件+课后习题(人教版2019必修第二册)

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