2021-2022 学年吉林省长春市德惠市七年级(上)期末英语试 卷 二、基础知识(15 分)VI.单项选择。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1.(1 分)This is orange and that's A.a,a B.an,an map.(  ) C.a,an D.an,a 2.(1 分)﹣ Your room is tidy and clean. ﹣ .(  ) A.I clean my room B.Thank you C.Excuse me D.It's so﹣so 3.(1 分) where is the school library?(  ) A.Sorry B.Thank you C.I'm fine D.Excuse me 4.(1 分)﹣Is this a pencil﹣box? ﹣ (  ) A.Yes,this is. B.No,this is not. C.Yes,it isn't. D.No,it isn't. 5.(1 分)﹣ Can I help you? ﹣ Yes.I want for my son.(  ) A.two pair of socks B.two pair of sock C.two pairs of socks D.two pairs of sock 6.(1 分)﹣________ is the TV?﹣It's 2000 Yuan.(  ) A.How many B.How much 7.(1 分)The music is C.How about D.How big .I like it.(  ) A.interesting B.well C.boring D.bad 8.(1 分)﹣Who teaches Chinese? ﹣Mr.Wu does.They like him very much.(  ) A.they B.their C.them 9.(1 分)Sonia and Jeff ________ sports every morning.(  ) D.your A.doesn't play B.don't play C.plays D.not play 10.(1 分)His brother ______ a tennis ball.(  ) A.have 11.(1 分)Let's B.is C.has D.there is C.playing D.plays C.watch D.to watch C.How D.What a game,OK?(  ) A.to play B.play 12.(1 分)﹣ What about _______TV? ﹣That sounds good!(  ) A.watching B.watches 13.(1 分)﹣______do you like music? ﹣Because it's relaxing.(  ) A.Why 14.(1 分)Here A.is B.When a book and some pencils on the table.(  ) B.are C.am 15.(1 分)Mr.Brown found some keys in the library.You can ask him A.of B.for C.at D.be them.(  ) D.with 三、交际运用(共 5 分)VI.根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选 项中有一项是多余的。 16.(5 分)A:Hello,Lucy!Do you have a good friend at your school? B:Yes. A:What's his or her name? B: (1)    A: (2)    B:She is 15. A: (3)    B:Her birthday is on May 15th. A:Does she like basketball? B:Yes,she does. A:Do you have a basketball game at your school? B: (4)   It's on July 8th. A: (5)    B:Thank you. A.Her name is Gina. B.He is Bob. C.Have a good time! D.Yes,we do. E.When is her birthday? F.How old is she? 四、阅读(共 45 分)X .完形填空。(15 分) 17.(15 分)My name (1)   Simon.I'm 13.It's (2)   .December 4th.I'm busy. I go to school at 7:00 (3)   the morning.The first class is (4)  7:40.Math is difficult,but it's very(5)  teacher is Mr Wei.He's about ( 6 )   history.It's ( 7 )    and it's at  .Then I have English at 8:00.Our English   .After that I have history at 9 : 30.I don't like   but boring.But at 10 : 20 I have music.It's ( 8 )     favorite subject.I eat lunch at school and our lunch (9)   is from 12:00 to 13:00.For lunch I always eat rice(10)  geography(11)   chicken.In the afternoon,I have PE and a geography test.I like  it's interesting.My last class (12)   at 3.30.Then I (13) soccer with my classmates (14)   an hour.Next day is (15)   ,so I needn't go to school. (1)A.is B.am C.are D.be (2)A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Sunday D.Friday (3)A.on B.in C.at D.of (4)A.math B.art C.Chinese D.science (5)A.easy B.useful C.late D.big (6)A.nine B.seventeen C.fifteen D.thirty (7)A.right B.difficult C.easy D.fun (8)A.my B.your C.his D.her (9)A.fruit B.game C.time D.price (10)A.and B.but C.or D.in (11)A.because B.but C.so D.and (12)A.gets B.finishes C.thinks D.finds (13)A.play B.see C.have D.buy (14)A.for B.in C.a D.about (15)A.Saturday B.Sunday C.Monday D.Tuesday IX.阅读理解。(30 分) 18.(5 分)Hello, everyone! My name is Clock. I have a round face. On my face I have three hands. One is short, the other two are long . I have no arms. But my hands can turn round and round. I have no feet or legs, but I can move all day and all night. I have no mouth, I can say, "Time to get up." (1)What does Clock's face look like?    A.Round. B.Sad. C.Tired. D.Hot. (2)How many long hands does it have?    A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. (3)What can turn round and round?    A.Its arms. B.Its hands. C.Its feet. D.Its mouth. (4)What can Clock do?    A.Talk. B.Walk. C.Sing. D.Play. (5)What's the meaning of "clock"?    A.布娃娃 B.玩具猫 C.气球 D.钟表 19 . ( 5 分 ) My name is Jeff . I'm English . But now I live ( 住 ) in China . I am a student. This is my classroom. Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in the classroom. They are for (给) classmates (同班同学), too. It's for my teacher. A clock is on the back (后面)wall of the classroom. Next to the clock is a map. It's a map of China. My classroom is nice and clean. I like it very much. (1)Who is Jeff?    A. A schoolboy. B. A schoolgirl. C. A Chinese student D. American. (2)What is Jeff talking about?    A. The family. B. Th

doc文档 吉林省长春市德惠市2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末英语试卷

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