备战 2022 高考英语七选五热点话题+体裁分类训练 (高考模拟+名校真题) 专题 17 学校活动 Passage 1 (2020·河南开封·一模) Quite simply, school trips are the journeys which take place outside a student's normal environment. 1. Educational trips are normally done in a museum or a historic place. They could provide a better understanding as the students would be able to make a connection between a place, time, or even people in history and something they've seen on a field trip. A trip to the zoo could provide a better understanding of animals. Biology is even better when there are proper animals to be named. 2. Teachers and headmasters are advised to give the students prizes and rewards for different accomplishments done on a field trip. Planetariums(天文馆) could help students remember constellations (星座) better. 3. Planetariums could help them see that the earth is just a small planet in the universe and that there is no reason not to explore. If you are a teacher and you 're lucky, you may have taken the next greatest astronaut to the planetarium on a school trip. 4. Also they could help them see that there are so many living things that depend on them and how they can take care of nature. Children are very easily inspired. 5. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to often take their students to field trips, where they can have fun learning. A.Make sure that these trips are interesting. B.The importance of school trips can't be ignored. C.A school trip is done mostly for educational purposes. D.So it's best to instill in them good characters and education. E.Games like naming animals could provide hours of fun and education. F.School trips to farms could help students understand the value of nature. G.They could also help students imagine how far the sun is from the earth. Passage 2 (2020·山东五莲·三模) School Spirit Week can be held any time throughout the year in America. It is a special time when youthful exuberance (活力) is allowed full expression. 6.There are spirit band sessions, spirit assemblies and spirit teams that have one primary goal. That goal is to promote school tradition and encourage students to recognize their school as an important part of their life.7.Some schools will use it as a kick-off for a charity (慈善) event such as collecting food for the local food bank. A Spirit Week program can include many types of supporting activities. At most events, students like to wear identifying clothing or articles that show they are a unified group and support their school. Spirit week agendas often encourage students to wear fun and modern clothes.8.Monday might be funny hat day, followed by Tuesday's Hawaiian shirt day and Wednesday's silly T-shirt day. Thursday could be pajama day, rounded off with Friday's school colors day.9.Students decorate the walls, halls and classrooms with banners, posters and other adornments. Spirit Week posters and banners can reflect the theme of the week, the pride in the school, or show any other creative support of the school. Parents love this special week as much as students and teachers do because parents have a great interest in the success of their children.10. A.Spirit Weeks often have a central theme. B.Spirit Week is about having loads of fun at school. C.They can wear a different one for each day of the week. D.The kids aren't the only ones dressed up for Spirit Week. E.It makes them very happy to see the kids enthused about school activities. F.It is also a time to recognize athletic teams competing during that season. G.The main purpose of Spirit Week is to get the kids supportive of the school. Passage 3 (2019·四川内江·三模) If you’ve done your last year of school but are not yet ready to settle down to life at university or college, why not think about taking a break and having a gap year? Over 200,000 people between the ages of 18 and 25 did this last year. 11. You will become more confident and independent and learn to get on with all sorts of different people during the year, which will help you when you go to university or college. 12. Students who have had a gap year are more likely to be satisfied with their chosen courses and, therefore, are more likely to finish them. 13. Doing voluntary work overseas is one of the most rewarding ways of spending your gap year. If you don’t want to work, there are plenty of other exciting educational possibilities to consider. How about studying art history in Italy? Perhaps you would like to take up acting and want to try a drama course in your gap year. 14. Maybe it h

doc文档 专题17 学校活动-备战2022高考英语阅读七选五热点话题+体裁分类训练(高考模拟+名校真题)

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