2022 高考英语语法填空综合强化 05 (各地名校最新高考模拟真题) (2022·辽宁·东北育才学校一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号 内单词的正确形式。 Many scientists believe our love of sugar may actually be an addiction. When we eat or drink sugary foods, the sugar enters our blood and affects parts of our brain that make us feel good. Then the good feeling goes away,1. (leave) us wanting more. All 2. (taste) foods do this, but sugar has a particularly strong effect. In this way, it is in fact an addictive drug, one that doctors recommend we all cut down on. Our bodies 3. (design) to survive on very little sugar. Early humans often had very little food, so our bodies learned to be very efficient in storing sugar as fat. In this way, we had energy 4. (store) for when there was no food. But today, most people have more than enough. So 5. very thing that once saved us may now be killing us. So what is the 6. (solve)? It’s obvious that we need to eat less sugar. The trouble is, in today’s world, it’s extremely difficult to avoid. From breakfast cereals 7. after-dinner desserts, our foods are increasingly filled with it. Some manufacturers even use sugar to replace taste in foods that are advertised as low in fat. But there are those 8. are fighting back against sugar. Many schools are replacing sugary desserts with healthier options like fruit. Other schools 9. (grow) their own food in gardens, or building 10. (facility) like walking tracks so students and others in the community can exercise. The battle has not yet been lost. (2022·新疆师范大学附属中学一模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或 括号内单词的正确形式。 One of the biggest environmental problems of our time 11.(be) plastic bags. They wind up in our waterways and eventually the sea. There, they take hundreds of years to break down and 12. (eat) by sea life from time to time. When we consume seafood,the plastic particles (微粒) end up finding their way into our bodies, which continues the cycle of 13. (pollute) and damages our health. 14.(fortunate), a HongKong startup has an eco-friendly solution:a bag 15. can break down in water. 16.(call) the “Invisible Bag” it can break down completely in hot water over 80°C.What remains of 17. bag is a kind of nonpoisonous material. What’s more, no micro-plastics are left behind. Micro-plastics normally get swallowed(吞掉) by sea life, potentially 18. (kill) them. These eco-friendly bags are already turning up 19.some small shops, such as coffee shops, secondhand clothing stores, and restaurants in Hong Kong. It is hoped that these bags, made from plant starch(淀粉) and other materials, will replace plastic bags altogether one day. Some countries, such as India and Italy, have already banned plastic bags. As more places follow suit, look for the “Invisible Bag” to take over in years 20. (come). (2021·上海虹口·一模)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Something to Boast about Are your information data safe and reliable? In an ideal world such data, however informative and exploratory they are, 21.a scientific study is based on should be, if not publicly available, then at least available to other researchers. Sadly, this is not always the case. Many scientists are still quite unwilling to have their data revealed though attitudes are changing. This attitude, 22.selfish, is understandable. But sometimes it can cover a darker secret. The statistics presented in a paper may have been controlled to achieve a desired result. The author may, in other words, have cheated. If he releases the data, that cheating will be obvious. Now Sean Wilner and his colleagues 23.(come) up with a way of reconstructing all the possible data sets that could have given rise to that result, which includes 24. (release) the data. And they call the way CORVIDS (Complete Recovery of Values in Diophantine Systems). 25. (simplify) the task of spotting abnormal data, CORVIDS turns the possible data sets into a three-dimensional (三维的) chart. This makes any unusual patterns apparent. For example, every 26.(reconstruct) data set may be missing values at one end of the scale. That might make sense occasionally. Generally, though, such a gap would be a red flag. It would suggest either that the statistics were reported incorrectly or 27.there were problems with the fundamental data. CORVIDS is likely to be 28.immediate value to

doc文档 专题28 语法填空综合强化05(各地名校最新模拟真题)-2022年高三英语一轮复习之语法填空

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