2021 学年牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期教案 unit 7 First Period Teaching Aims: to enable students 1. 2. 3. to learn some new words to ask Wh-questions to find out specific information: What does this sign mean? to use the simple present tense to express simple truth: It means: We can turn left and go to Green Mountain. 4. to use modal verbs to express obligation: We must not leave rubbish. Teaching contents: Reading: Signs and rules (P. 48) Teaching Procedures: I. Pre-instruction: 1. Think and say Where do we have rules? In the library, in the classroom, on the road, and in the park. 2. Look and learn 1) learn a new word: hike Ⅱ. Performance 1. Look and read Ben and Mr. Li are hiking in the countryside. They see many different signs. 1) listen to the record, and try to repeat it. 2) ask students to read after the record. 3) ask the whole class to read. 2.Write the four kinds of signs on the board: warning, instruction, information, direction. 3. Look, think and write 1) ask students to discuss the four signs and decide what kind of sign they are. 2) ask some students to read a completed sentence. Ⅲ. Promotion Odd one out You will see three groups of signs. In each group, there is a sign which isn’t the same kind as the others. Pick this one out and give your reasons. Check their understanding of the four kinds of signs. Ⅳ. Homework 1. copy the phrases on page 48 twice and recite them, prepare for the dictation next day. 2. recite Look and read 3. preview the next page. Second Period Teaching Aims: to enable students 1. to use Wh-questions to find out specific information: What do they mean? 2. to use modalverbs to express obligation and prohibition: We must turn left here. We must not fly kites here. Teaching contents: Reading: Signs and rules (P.49) Teaching Procedures: I. Pre-instruction: 1. ask and answer Practise the modal verbs: can, can’t, must, mustn’t 1) Can you swim in the reservoir? 2) Can you ride your bicycle in a park? 3) What must you do when there is a typhoon? 4) What mustn’t you do when there is a fire warning? 2. Look and say Look at the pictures and tell us what each sign means. Kelly: Mum, what does this sign mean? Mum: It means: ______________________. This is a ____________ sign. Ⅱ. Performance 1. Look and learn Look at the picutes and learn some new words: silence, camp, go camping. 2. Look, read and match Look at the signs on page 49. Match the signs we can find in Garden City with their meanings. Ask: What does Sign Number One mean? 3. Think and write Look at the signs and put the numbers in the correct columns. Ask: Which are warning signs? 4. Look, ask and answer In pairs, discuss what the sign means, like this: S1: (name of S2), what does this sign mean? S2: It means:_______________. S1: What kind of sign is it? S2: It’s a(n) directiopn/warning/information/instruction sign. Ⅲ. Promotion • Look, label ane say • Look at the picture, and label the each sign. Ⅳ. Homework 1. copy the phrases on page 49 twice, try to keep them in mind, and prepare for the dictation next day. 2. recite page 49 3. preview the next two pages. Third Period Teaching Aims: to enable students 1. 2. to use imperatives to give instructions: Go back to 45. to use Wh-questions to find out specific information: What kind of sign is this? 3. to use Wh-questions to find out place: Where can we find it? Teaching contents: Reading: Signs and rules (50) Listening and speaking: What kind of sign is this?(51) Writing: Finding signs(52) Teaching Procedures: I. Pre-instruction: 1. Look, choose and say Look at the signs and choose what kind of sign it is, and say something about the sign. 1) a warning sign We mustn’t ride our bicycles here. 2) an instruction sign We can go out here. 3) a warning sign We mustn’t walk our dogs here. 4) an instruction sign We must wash these clothes in warm water. 5) an information sign We can use the telephone for help. 6) a direction sign We must turn left here. 2. Look and learn Look at the pictures and learn some new words: dice, player Ⅱ. Performance 1. Play a game 1) listen to the record, and try to repeat it. 2) read after the record. 3) ask the whole class to read. 4) aks the students to play the game after class. 2. Listen and say 1) listen to the record, and try to repeat it. 2) read after the record. 3) ask the whole class to read. 3. Look, listen and match Look at the signs below. Listen and write the correct number in each box. Ask some to check the answer. 4. Ask and answer In pairs, ask and answe

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Unit 7 教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语七年级上册 第 1 页 Unit 7 教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语七年级上册 第 2 页 Unit 7 教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语七年级上册 第 3 页 Unit 7 教案 2021-2022学年牛津上海版英语七年级上册 第 4 页
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