课前预习记录: 月 日 星期 Unit 3 Times change! 3.1 Starting out & Understanding ideas Ⅰ. 根据语境写出正确的单词 1. in recent ____________      在最近的数十年里 2. a ____________ hero 一位传奇式的英雄 商店的老店主 3. the store’s ____________ owner 4. read e-books on ____________ 在平板电脑上读电子书 5. some words of ____________ 一些同情的话语 一群孩子 6. a ____________ of kids 7. a ____________ shelf 一个布满灰尘的书架 8. comfortable ____________ 舒适的家具 9. a thick ____________浓雾 10. old ____________ exterior 旧砖瓦外墙 11. under Jennifer’s ____________ 在珍妮弗的领导下 12. sell ____________ food 卖有机食物 13. poetry ____________ 诗歌朗诵会 14. my ____________ bookstore 我的简陋书店 15. ____________ with large bookstore chains 与大型连锁书店竞争 Ⅱ. 选词填空 combine with, drop in, under the leadership of, pop up, take over, in good hands, come back to, a bunch of, for good, wave goodbye to 1. Anyone could __________________ and connect through their love of books. 2. __________________ the local government people living in that area have been lifted out of poverty. 3. Childhood memories __________________ me so clearly, as if the events had happened only yesterday. 4. __________________ us kids would frequently drop by the store after school. 5. I turned to __________________ Casey, but both he and his bookstore were already hidden in a thick mist. 6. Just eight years ago, many investors seemed to have deserted emerging markets __________________. 7. Clearly, parents want to put their children __________________. 8. A saleswoman had __________________ the bookstore from Casey. 9. Readers’ comments kept __________________. 10. As you can see, corporate knowledge __________________ creativity has brought Casey’s humble bookstore into the 21st century! III.根据课文及汉语提示补全句子 1. _________________________(深深地叹了口气), he told me how it was becoming difficult to run an independent bookstore. 2. _________________________( 越 来 越 多 的 顾 客 )were being attracted by chain stores and online discounts. 3. We _________________________(花数小时阅读), seated on the store’s old but comfortable furniture. 4. Casey _________________________________(鼓励我们分享对书的想法和评论 ), by writing them on a large board in one corner of the store. 5. I’m so pleased to see that _________________________________(我想让它提供给社区的所有东西) is still here. IV.课文内容填空     The day I heard that the Rainbow Bookstore was closing after 50 years of business, I was heartbroken. The bookstore was a place (1)____________ anyone could drop in and connect through their love of books. When I hurried to the store, I had a long chat (2)____________ Casey, the store’s elderly owner. Sighing deeply, he told me how it was becoming difficult (3)____________(run)an independent bookstore. Most young people preferred (4)____________(read) e-books on tablets. Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, as if the events (5)____________(happen) only yesterday. I turned to wave goodbye to Casey, with he and his bookstore (6)____________ (hide)in a thick mist. A few months later, I was (7)____________(surprise)to see that the Rainbow Bookstore was still there and open for business. (8)____________(clear), the Rainbow Bookstore was in good, creative hands. I joined Casey, who was looking up at the screen on which readers’ comments kept popping up. “Well, as you can see, corporate knowledge combined with (9)____________ (creative)has brought my humble bookstore into (10)____________ 21st century! ” 参考答案 Ⅰ. 1. in recent decades      在最近的数十年里 2. a legendary hero一位传奇式的英雄 3. the store’s elderly owner 商店的老店主 在平板电脑上读电子书 4. read e-books on tablets 5. some words of sympathy 一些同情的话语 6. a bunch of kids 一群孩子 一个布满灰尘的书架 7. a dusty shelf 8. comfortable furniture 舒适的家具 9. a thick mist 浓雾 10. old brick exterior 旧砖瓦外墙 11. under Jennifer’s leadership 12. sell organic food 在珍妮弗的领导下 卖有机食物 13. poetry recitals 诗歌朗诵会 14. my humble bookstore 我的简陋书店 15. compete with large bookstore chains 与大型连锁书店竞争 Ⅱ. 1. Anyone could drop in and connect through their love of books. 2. Under the leadership of the local government people living in that area have been lifted out of poverty. 3. Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, as if the events had happened only yesterday. 4. A bunch of us kids would frequently drop by the store after school. 5. I turned to wave goodbye to Casey, but both he and his bookstore were already hidden in a thick mist. 6. Just eight years ago, many investors seemed to have deserted emerging markets for good. 7. Clearly, parents want to put their children in good hands. 8. A saleswoman had taken ove

doc文档 3.1 Starting out & Understanding ideas-2021-2022学年高二英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019选择性必修第二册)

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3.1 Starting out & Understanding ideas-2021-2022学年高二英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019选择性必修第二册) 第 1 页 3.1 Starting out & Understanding ideas-2021-2022学年高二英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019选择性必修第二册) 第 2 页 3.1 Starting out & Understanding ideas-2021-2022学年高二英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019选择性必修第二册) 第 3 页 3.1 Starting out & Understanding ideas-2021-2022学年高二英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019选择性必修第二册) 第 4 页 3.1 Starting out & Understanding ideas-2021-2022学年高二英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019选择性必修第二册) 第 5 页
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