2021-2022 学年七年级英语上学期期末冲刺易错题精练 专题 09 词形转换、句型转换 专题过关 一、语法填空 1.(2018 七上·义乌期末)He works so hard and he is always the ________(one) to come to school. 2.(2020 七上·汽开区期末)Do you want___________ (go) to school with me? 3.(2020 七上·绿园期末)Here are two ___________ (photo) of my family. 4.(2020 七上·铜仁期末)Tom's mother works in a restaurant. She is a ________ (cook). 5.(2020 七上·绿园期末)This hat is my___________ (father). He likes it very much, 6.(2020 七上·铜仁期末)In the afternoon, he flies a kite at 4:40 and at 5:45 he ________ (go) home. 7.(2020 七上·宽城期末)Tom's birthday is next week. Let's ___________ (has) a party for him. 8.(2020 七上·绿园期末)Mrs. Green speaks English very ___________ (good). We all like her. 9.(2020 七上·铜仁期末)—What are those in English? —They're ________ (bus). 10.(2020 七上·绿园期末)Thank you for ___________ (help) me with my English. It is very kind of you. 11.(2020 七上·绿园期末)September is the ___________ (nine) month o£ the year. Teachers, Day is in this month. 12.(2020 七上·铜仁期末)I'll buy some bread and apples. Oh, we don't have ________ (some) Coke. 13.(2020 七上·汽开区期末)Our Chinese history is___________ (real) interesting. 14.(2020 七上·汽开区期末)—Are those your pencil boxes? — No, they aren't. They are___________(he). 15.(2020 七上·铜仁期末)________ (this) are Ruby's and Ruth's gloves. 16.A)根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 (1)What color are your___________(radio)? (2)Jim is my friend and___________ (he) last name is Green. (3)He must___________(thank) his brother for his help. (4)Some___________(dictionary) are in the box. (5)Those five___________(tape) are mine. 17.Some eggs and bread________ (be) on the table. 18.We have seven________ (lesson) at school every day. 19.Wu Lei is a great star. His________ (nineteen) birthday is on December 26th. 20.David is very busy on Sunday. He________ (need) to do some things. 21.I live (住) with my parents. This is my________ (parent) room. 22.My last class________ (finish) at 3: 00 in the afternoon. 23.It's Linda's________ (twelve) birthday today. 二、句型转换 24.(2020 七上·海曙期末)Amy likes geography best.(同义句转换) Geography is Amy's ________ ________. 25.(2020 七上·吴兴期末)—_______________________________? —My telephone number is 685-6034. 26.(2020 七上·余姚期末)I like Friday because the next day is Saturday. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ you like Friday? 27.(2020 七上·海曙期末)This is my friend.(改为复数句) ________ are my________. 28.(2020 七上·余姚期末)Eric has a volleyball and two baseballs. (改为否定句) Eric ________ have a volleyball ________ two baseballs. 29.(2020 七上·吴兴期末)—Are those Jim's keys? —No, ________ ________. 30.(2020 七上·海曙期末)The T-shirt is 15 dollars.(对划线部分提问) ________ ________ is the T-shirt? 31.(2020 七上·海曙期末)She likes playing baseball.(改为一般疑问句) ________ she like ________baseball? 32.(2020 七上·余姚期末)That is Gina's pencil box. (改为复数句) Those are Gina's ________ ________. 33.(2020 七上·鄞州期末)This is a tomato. (改成复数) These ________ ________. 34.(2020 七上·余姚期末)Are these your schoolbags? (做肯定回答) ________, ________ are. 35.(2020 七上·余姚期末)How about buying a radio for grandpa? (改为同义句) ________ ________ buying a radio for grandpa? 36.(2020 七上·绿园期末)Those are orange schoolbags. (改为单数句) an orange schoolbag. 37.(2020 七上·鄞州期末)Jenny's English teacher is Mr. Liu. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Jenny's English teacher? 38.(2020 七上·绿园期末)Frank and Bob have P. E. on Monday. (划线部分提问) Frank and Bob have P. E.? 39.(2020 七上·鄞州期末)I like carrots and eggs. (改否定句) I ________ like carrots ________ eggs. 40.(2020 七上·鄞州期末)Jane has a good weekend with her mother. (改一般疑问句) ________ Jane ________ a good weekend with her mother? 41.(2020 七上·绿园期末)Sam often watches TV after dinner.(改为否定句) Sam often TV after dinner. 42.(2020 七上·绿园期末)Is his grandfather's birthday on June 1st?(肯定回答) Yes, . 43.He is my friend Joe . (对划线部分提问) he? 44.Jack is in the library . (对划线部分提问) Jack? 45.My QQ number is 3541889 . (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ your QQ number? 46.—Are these your pens? (补全肯定答语) . —Yes, 47.—Is this Alice's schoolbag? (补全否定答语) —No, . 48.Tom has an art lesson next Monday. (对划线部分提问) Tom next Monday? 49.Annie's birthday is on July 2nd. (对划线部分提问) Annie's birthday? 50.—Do you like this ping-pong star, Alex? (补全否定答语) —No, . 答案解析部分 一、语法填空 1.【答案】 first 【解析】句意:他学习这么努力,他总是第一个到学校。结合句意,由定冠词 the 可知此处用序数 词,故答案为 first。 【点评】考查语法填空,熟记单词,理解句意,注意序数词的基本用法。 2.【答案】 to go 【解析】句意:你想和我一起上学吗?固定词组,want to do sth.,想要做某事,后接动词不定式, 故填 to go。 【点评】考查语法填空。掌握词组 want to do sth.。 3.【答案】 photos 【解析】 句意:这是两张我家人的照片。photo,照片,名词。two 后接可数名词复数,故填 photos 。 【点评】考查名词复数。注意识记 photo 的复数是 photos 。 4.【答案】 cook 【解析】句意: 汤姆的妈妈在一家餐馆工作。她是

doc文档 专题09 词形转换、句型转换专题过关-2021-2022学年七年级英语上学期期末高分必备易错题精练(人教版)

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