第一部分 词类语法 非谓语动词(Non Predicate verb) All things are difficult before they are easy. 万事开头难 必考考点 1:动名词 动名 ① 动名词出现的位置 a. 用在[动词]之后的[动名词] a1. 用在[及物动词]之后,做[宾语] 某 些[ 及物 动词 ]之 后, 必须 接 [动 名词 ]作 [宾 语] ,例 如: [dislike], [imagine], [consider], [mind], [suggest], [understand], [avoid], [enjoy], [practice], [miss], [finish], [keep], [admit], [delay], [consider] 动词[do]后也常常跟[动名词],不过前面须带[限定词][the], [some], [a lot], [a little]等。 ·do some reading ·do some cleaning ·do the shopping a2. 用在 [不及物动词 ][go]后某些表示 [室外活动 ]的[动名词],如: [climbing], [driving], [fishing], [riding], [sailing], [shopping], [skiing], [walking], [surfing], [diving]等,可以跟在[go] 后面,表示要进行的活动 a3. 用在[need], [want], [require]之后,在动词[need, want, require]之后,可以跟[动名词],表 示[被动意义] ·He needs encouraging. ·My shoes want mending. 他需要被鼓励。 我的鞋子需要被修理。 b. 用在[形容词]后的[动名词] 两个[形容词]后可以用[动名词]:[busy]和[worth],需要注意:[be worth doing]表示[被动意 1 义] ·Harry Potter is worth reading. 哈利波特值得被读。 c. 用在[介词](或者[副词小品词])后面的[动名词],常见的有:[thanks for], [be good at], [ be interested in], [instead of], [prevent… from…], [stop… from…], [keep… from…], [keep on], [succeed in]。需要特别注意的是:介词[to]后应该跟[动名词],如:[give birth to], [be/get used to], [look forward to], [make a contribution to], [be accustomed to], [pay attention to], [get down to]。此外,一些[副词小品词],如[give up], [put off], [feel like]后面也要跟[动名词] d. 用在[名词]前的[动名词] [动名词]可以用在[名词]前作[定语],表示该事物的[用途]。 ·a swimming pool = a pool for swimming ·a writing brush = a brush for writing ·a reading room, a washing machine, a sleeping car, a dining room ② 常用动名词的句型 a. [How/What about + 动名词] = [How do you like/find…?]或[What do you think of…?]怎么样 常用来征询别人的意见 ·What about playing a game of chess? 下一把国际象棋怎么样? ·How about going to the cinema tonight? 今晚去电影院怎么样? b. [It is no use/good + 动名词] = [It is useless to do] = [It is useless doing] 做……是无益的 ·It’s useless trying to argue with Sherlock. 尽力和夏洛克争吵是没用的。 ·It is no use learning theory without putting it into practice. 学习理论不联系实际是无用的。 必考考点 2:不定式和省略(to)的不定式 不定 ① 有些动词后面要跟省略 to 的不定式 记住[八字箴言] 一感:feel; 二听:hear,listen to; 三让:have,let,make; 五看:see,look at,observe,watch,notice ·My mother made me clean the room 2 我的妈妈让我打扫房间。 ·I saw him enter the bank. 我看见她进入了那个银行。 ② 有些动词后面既可跟动名词也可跟不定式 a. [regret to do sth.] 和 [regret doing sth.] a1. [regret to do sth.] [后悔接下来要做的事] ·We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. 我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。 a2. [regret doing sth.] [后悔做过某事] ·His father says that he has never regretted sending his son to study abroad. 他的父亲说他从未后悔把他儿子送到国外学习。 b. [remember to do sth.] 和 [remember doing sth.] b1. [remember to do sth.] [记得去做某事] ·Remember to turn off the light before you left class. 在你离开教室前记得关灯。 b2. [remember doing sth.] [记得做过某事] ·Do you remember closing the window? 你记得你关了窗户这件事吗? c. [forget to do sth.] 和 [forget doing sth.] c1. [forget to do sth.] [记得去做某事] ·I won't forget to count eleven. 我不会忘记数十一的。 c2. [forget doing sth.] [记得做过某事] ·I forget doing homework this morning. 我忘记今天早上做过作业了。 d. [try to do sth.] 和 [try doing sth.] d1. [try to do sth.] [设法做某事] ·We should try to save water. 我们应设法节约用水。 d2. [try doing sth.] [尝试做某事] ·Try doing things together. 试着一起做事。 e. [stop to do sth.] 和 [stop doing sth.] e1. [stop to do sth.] [停下手上的事去做另一件事] ·Stop to have a rest. 大家停下来去休息一下吧。 e2. [stop doing sth.] [停下手上做的事] ·If it hurts you, then you have to stop doing it. 如果做这件事让你受伤,那么你要停止做这件事了。 巧记:快速区分[to do],[doing]和[do] ①[to do]是指“没做要去做”,由前面的[动词]引出 3 如:ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做(ta 没做过的)事 ②[doing]是指“正在做”或“做过还要做”,由前面[动词]引出 如:avoid doing sth. suggest doing sth. ③[do]适用于特殊的[单词]后,[八字箴言] (现在正在做)的同时避免一些新情况 (正是自己做过)才会建议别人做 须知考点:过去分词 过分 过去分词与现在分词的区别 ① 语态上不同 a. [现在分词]表示[主动]的意思 ·I heard someone opening the door. 我听见某人在自己开门。 b. [过去分词]表示[被动]的意思 ·I heard the door opened. 我听见门被开了。 ② 时间关系上不同 a. [现在分词]表示一个[正在进行]的动作 b. [过去分词]表示一个[已经完成]的动作 ·the changing world 正在改变的世界 ·the falling leaves 正在下落的叶子 ·the changed world 已经改变结束的世界 ·the fallen leaves 掉到地上的叶子 4 非谓语专练 I. 单项选择 1. (2021·上海·中考真题)The manager asked his secretary ________ the report before Friday. A. finish B. finishes C. finishing D. to finish 2. ( 2021· 湖 南 郴 州 · 中 考 真 题 ) Many university graduates go to work in the countryside ________ villagers live a better life. A. to help B. helping C. help 3. (2021·四川乐山·中考真题)一 Do you always get up so early? —Yes, the first bus. My home is far away from school. A. catch B. to catch C. catching 4. (2021·湖北鄂州·中考真题)—What did the teacher say just now? D. caught —He told us ________ in the river. A. swim B. swimming C. not to swim D. not swim 5. ( 2021· 辽 宁 营 口 · 中 考 真 题 ) The

doc文档 10 非谓语动词专题 -2022年“超细”中考英语语法专题精讲精练

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