八年级下册 unit2 section B 检测 一、根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子,每空一词 1.I thank the old man for his (善良) 2.He can't hear anything because he is 3.It’s hard to (聋的) (修理)the bike. 4.Yang Guang is a ( 瞎 的 ) young man.He can’t see,but he sings very well. 5.--Could you help me (拿;提)the box? 6.It’s necessary for us to have a high-level 7.I can’t (训练) (想象) how the little girl achieved her dream. 8.The students in class One all felt (兴奋) about the trip to Mount Tai. 9.My brother has (困难)in learning math,so he often asks his father for help. 10.Don’t touch the 二、词组互译 1.赠送 2.建立 3.修理他 4.用尽 5.对。。。产生影响 6.对。。。兴奋 7.与。。。像 (破损的) glass.It may hurt your hand. 8.我的一位朋友 9.六个月的训练 10.因为你的善良 11.特别训练的狗 12.help me out 13.work out fine 三、单项选择 1.Look! A man is crossing the street.Let’s go and help him. A.rich B.blind C.deaf D.clever 2.I’d like to volunteer my money to a school for the poor children in the mountain. A.set up B.give up C.think up D.cheer up 3.The Internet is so important in our daily life.Can you the life without it? A.understand B.imagine C.expect D.change 4.Their house is similar ours,but ours is bigger than theirs. A.with B.to C.for D.at 5.Tom his father,because they are both cheerful and kind. A.takes after B.looks like C.isn’t like D.looks after 6.The plans that they made fine.I’m sure they’ll succeed soon. A.put out B.come out C.work out D.give out 7.--Why didn’t you buy that skirt?It looks so good on you. --It’s a pity.I my money today. A.saved B.ran out of C.gave out D.ran out 8.A friend of helped me when I lost my job. A.my;with B.me;out C.mine;with D.mine;out 9.We all feel after hearing the news. A.excited;excited B.exciting;exciting C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excited 10.The woman all of her money to charity the poor. A.gave out;to B.gave up;helping C.gave away;to help D.gave out;helping 11.I found great to be a volunteer in an old people’s home. A.that B.one C.it D.this 12.I can’t imagine with you in the future.Why not ? A.to live;stop to fight B.living;to stop fighting C.living; stop fighting D.to live;stop to fight 13.After training,the dog Lucky makes a big difference my life. A.six month’s;to B.six-month;with C.six months of;for D.six months’;to 14.--It’s too noisy here.I can’t stand it. --Me,too.We have to new ways to solve the problem. A.catch up with B.keep up with C.come up with D.put up 15.--How do you like this speech? --I like it very much and it can me to achieve my dream. A.cheer;up B.connect;with C.let;down D.take;up 16.Many teenagers the old and they often offer their seats to the old on buses. A.agree with B.worry about C.laugh at D.care for 17.--Would you like camping with me? --I’d like to.But I’m busy my homework. A.to go;to do B.to go;doing C.going;to do D.going;doing 18.--Let’s go out for dinner. --Great!But Clean-Up Day is two weeks from now.We can’t making a plan. A.take off B.see off C.put off D.cut off 19.--Miss Li,could you please help me this math problem? A.look up B.work out C.set up D.clean up 20.Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy over 10000000yuan to help the poor last year. A.gave up B.gave off C.gave out D.gave away 四、六选五 Homework is a problem for students all over the world . As a student,you have a lot of homework to do every day.1. .And it helps you understand important knowledge . Luckily , there're several things you can do to make homework less difficult. 2. . Write your homework down in your notebook if you need to.Don't be afraid to ask questions about it.Understand why you should do your homework. 3. .Many schools have study halls.The students can study there.It's more interesting to play with your friends.But the more homework you finish at school,the less you'll have to do that night at home. 4. .It is difficult to hold your attention for too long.So take some breaks while doing your homework.Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good idea for most people. 5. you don't finish your homework at school , think A.Be sure you the homework . If understand B.Use some time to do homework at school about how you to have left what a have good learned idea to make a . It'syou C .It's themuch best way review in class homework when you want to enjoy sports or other D.Makeplan,especially a plan E.Take a break activities. F . It's necessary for you to do more homework at home.

doc文档 unit2 section B检测山东青岛人教新目标2021-2022学年八年级下册

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unit2 section B检测山东青岛人教新目标2021-2022学年八年级下册 第 1 页 unit2 section B检测山东青岛人教新目标2021-2022学年八年级下册 第 2 页 unit2 section B检测山东青岛人教新目标2021-2022学年八年级下册 第 3 页 unit2 section B检测山东青岛人教新目标2021-2022学年八年级下册 第 4 页 unit2 section B检测山东青岛人教新目标2021-2022学年八年级下册 第 5 页
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