Unit1 单元考点突破卷 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________ 一、单项选择题。 1.—I think I am the shyest in my class. What should I do? —Be more active in class________ you can improve your ability to express yourself.【2020·滨州】 A.so that B.unless C.or D.although 2.(2020 四川甘孜州中考)The nurse is looking after the old man________ is Tom’s sister. A.which B.who C.what D.when 3.For everyone’s safety, we________ always remember the law against driving after drinking. A.could B.should C.might D.would 4.Nobody taught the old lady how to use WeChat. She learned it all by ________. A.she B.her C.herself D.hers 5.(2020 山东滨州中考) —Mum, must I be a teacher like you when I grow up? —No, you needn’t. You can make your own________. A.difference B.discussion C.discovery D.decision 6.Many students didn’t realize the ________ of exercise until they faced the high school entrance P.E. examination. A.decision B.independence C.spirit D.importance 7.Mr. Black, you are becoming healthier and healthier. Please keep on________. A.ran B.to run C.runs D.running 8. ( 2020 安 徽 亳 州 涡 阳 王 元 中 学 月 考 ) My pocket money________, so I wanted to find a part-time job to get more money. A.got out B.went out C.ran out D.ran away 9.The children decide________ their school yard this Friday afternoon. A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.cleaned 10.—Ella’s arm was________ in an accident on a farm. —I’m sorry to hear that. A.cut off B.turned off C.got off D.taken off 二、完形填空。 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的 最佳答案。 It’s known that smiling is common in our life. Sometimes, we have difficult to speak out. At this time, we can show a 2 1 to others. They will understand the magic of a smile. 3 I went to the kindergarten, I could not understand how helpful a smile could be. It was my teacher Mrs. Lin who, 4 her actions, taught me what a 5 teachers just left me there. But smile really meant. One day I was crying for some reason and Mrs. Lin came over and 6 me a smile. At that moment, the sunlight through the windows was shining on us. Her smile made me feel warm just like the sunshine. She gave me candy, and I stopped 7 . She said, “If the sweetest candy doesn’t have a strong package ( 包装), it will melt (融化) 8 . It’s the same for a person. You may be made of sweet candy, but you also need a hard shell - a strong heart to help you go forward.” It was so meaningful and I will never forget it. A smile can shine into our 10 9 with magic. It makes us behave well and be happy every day. It’s amazing. ( )1.A.nothing B.everything ( )2.A.magic B.smile ( )3.A.After B.If B.of ( )5.A.the other B.others B.taught ( )7.A.smiling B.giving ( )8.A.carefully B.quickly ( )9.A.likes ( )10.A.hearts C.something C.problem B.is like B.minds C.on D.anything D.question C.Before ( )4.A.through ( )6.A.gave sunshine, and it D.Unless D.for C.another C.saw D.other D.returned C.shouting D.crying C.quietly D.hardly C.looks like C.thoughts D.like D.bodies 三、阅读理解。 A (2020 成都月考改编) Tina Smith is a 911 operator(接线员). She takes calls and sends help to those in need. She got four calls this morning. Name: Susan Wendle Telephone: 780-374-596 Age: 36 Place: Next to the River Ouse in Norfolk I can see the town of King' s Name: Brian Morton Telephone: 781293-745 Age: 48 Place: Crossing 4 of the M25 near the village of Shoreham with my friend. Lynn on the other side of the river. I’m Problem: I drove off the road and hit a in Ferry Road with my son. Problem: My son fell in the river and cannot get out. He is holding on to a tree after trying not to run over a dog. I broke my leg. My friend's head is bleeding. boat. He is very cold and tired. I tried to go in to help but I don't swim very well. Name: Andrea Shelly Name: Steven Carter Telephone: 781-003-578 Telephone: 784-384-924 Age: 78 Age: 33 Place: At home by myself in the hall. Place: At home by myself and Fm 27 Mycroft Street. upstairs. 18 Sunderland Avenue. Problem: My house is on fire. I can’t Problem: I fell down the stairs ( 楼 get out. 梯)and can't move my legs. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )1. Who is in the river? A.Susan Wendle . B.Brian Morton . C.Brian Morton's friend . D.Susan Wendle ’ s son . ( )2. How many people got hurt in the car accident? A.One . B.Two . C.Three . D.Four . ( )3. Who is the oldest of the four people? A.Brian Morton . B.Andrea Shelly . C.Steven Carter . D.Susan Wendle . ( )4. What's the matter with Steven Carter?

docx文档 Unit1单元考点突破卷2021-2022学年人教版八年级英语下册

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