第一部分 过教材 九年级  Units13 ~ 14 过词汇拓展 过短语 过语法 过作文 训练 过熟词生义 过考点 过课文改写 备考跟踪 基础盘点 litter bottom fisherman coal ugly advantage disadvantage cost cost wooden wood plastic cruel harmful harmless be harmful to industry law lawyer scientific scientist science afford afford to do sth. recycle gate bottle president work metal survey standard row in a row keyboard method instruction double shall overcome overcame overcome caring care careful careless carefully ours senior senior high (school) text level degree manager manage manage to do sth. gentleman congratulate congratulation thirsty be thirsty for thankful be thankful to sb. task ahead ahead of separate separate from wing 词汇拓展 1. fisherman ( n. ) →fishermen ___________ ( pl. )渔民;钓鱼的人 2. advantage ( n. ) →disadvantage _____________ (反义词)缺点;不利因素 lawyer 3. law ( n. ) → _________ ( n. ) 律师 scientist 4. science ( n. ) → scientific __________ ( adj. ) 科学上的;科学的 → __________ ( n. )科学家 5. thirst ( n. ) →thirsty ________ ( adj. ) 渴望的;口渴的 6. instruct ( v. ) →instruction ____________ ( n. ) 指示;命令 7. overcome ( v. ) → overcame ___________ (过去式) →overcome ___________ (过去分 词)克服;战胜 8. care ( v. ) → caring ________ ( adj. ) 体贴人的;关心他人的 9. congratulate ( v. ) →congratulation _______________ ( n. ) 祝贺 10. thank ( v. ) →thankful __________ ( adj. ) 感谢;感激 cost 11. cost ( v. & n. ) → ______ (过去式 / 过去分词)花费 12. harm ( v. & n. ) → harmful _________ ( adj. ) 有害的 A D B C C B D A E 熟词生义 3. instruction (n.) ► 熟义:指示;命令 ► 生义: A. 教导 B. 操作指南 Always read the instructions before you start.________ B 熟词生义 4. cost 熟义: (n.) 花费;价钱 (v.) 花费 生义: A . (n.) 成本 B. (n.) 损失 Good news is that the cost of electric cars has been lower and there are more and more places for the cars to get electricity ever since 2010. [2021 重庆 A 阅读 E]________ A 重点短语 动词短语 cut ________ down 减少使用;砍倒(树木) 1. ______ cut _____ off 切断 2. ______ make ____ a ___________ difference 起作用;有影响 3. _______ lead _____ to 导致;通向(某地) 4. ______ throw ... ______ into ... 把……扔进 5. ________ take ______ part _____ in 参加 6. ______ turn _____ off 关掉 7. ______ pay _____ for 付费;付出代价 8. ______

pptx文档 单元复习13 九年级(全)Units 13--14 【复习课件】-2022年中考一轮英语单元复习过过过(人教版)

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