邹城市第六中学 人教版八年级上册英语期末考前基础知识训练——阅读理解 A Become a volunteer and help those who need your help in your community(社区)! Volunteer work includes(包括)helping the poor, helping the families whose houses were destroyed by natural disasters(自然灾 难)or creating green areas for neighbourhood families. Whichever service activity you choose, you have the right to make a difference and create a real change in the community! Join the Volunteer Service Center today! Volunteers are the greatest people in the world. Let's work together to make the world a better place. Our summer holiday volunteer jobs are open to all Americans. You don't need any special skills to join and there are no age limits(限制).With Biosphere Expedition(生物圈探险), you can be a wildlife and environmental volunteer to go anywhere from two weeks to two months. You’ll work with local scientists, leaders from Biosphere Expedition will be by your side. We need students at the age of 16 and up who study at school and want to give them chances to use their talents, skills and knowledge to help the little kids. They must have enough patience and be warmhearted. 1.The volunteers can ________in the community. A.clean up the houses B.help the people who are poor C.look after pet animals D.build a house for the homeless 2.Biosphere Expedition may be held________. A.for three months B.only by local scientists C.in the summer holiday D.between America and China 3.If Wu Dong is ________ years old, he can be a volunteer to help the little kids. A.11 B.15 C.17 D.13 4.Which of the following is TRUE? A.The volunteers can choose from the service activities in the community. B.The volunteers should create green areas for all the families. C.To join the holiday volunteer work,special skills are required. D.Everyone can be a volunteer to help the little kids. 5.What is the best title for this passage? A.Volunteers Wanted B.An Expedition Club C.Education Service D.A Job Interview B Experts say that students usually need eight to ten hours' sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard, but not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10year-old boy put up one finger with his eyes still closed, begging(请求) for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of students " early birds" in China, he has to get up before six every morning. A report shows that without a good night sleep, students seem to be weaker (虚 弱) than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night. Experts have ever said that the students should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, and they are able to work well in class. 6.The l0-year-old boy begged for one more minute to sleep because________. A.he didn't want to go to school B.it wasn't time for him to get up C.he didn't have enough sleep D.he wanted his mother to wake him up 7.In this passage we know if students don't get enough sleep, they may________. A.not work well in classB.go to bed early C.be weak in English D.become too weak to sleep 8.In this passage "early birds" means "persons who________" A.don't want to sleep B.get up late C.get up early D.sleep less 9.How many hours should students sleep at night in experts’ opinion? A.Less than 6 hoursB.8 to 10 hours C.6 to 8 hours D.over 10 hours 10.According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT? A.If you want to study better, you must work hard at night. B.Some clever students are able to work well in class because they have good study habits. C.Students don't have enough sleep because they have lots of homework to do. D.Sleeping less means working hard. C Want to be an astronaut? Then study hard, stay healthy and have perseverance(毅 力).This is what Chinese astronaut Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng said in a talk with some students. Students were interested in the astronauts' space lives. They asked questions like “Did you see the Great Wall from space?” Fei and Nie said they didn't see the Great Wall. But they felt excited when they passed over China, including Taiwan, “The island looks very beautiful, like a jade.” Speaking of their lives outside the earth, the two astronauts said working well with each other was the most important

doc文档 山东省邹城市第六中学2021-2022学年人教版八年级上册英语期末考前基础知识训练——阅读理解

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