时文阅读 1(共和国勋章) In the fight against COVID-19, many national heroes have become well-known to the public. On August 11, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping commended four of them for their outstanding contribution. Zhong Nanshan was given the Medal of the Republic ( 共 和 国 勋 章 ) . He has been leading the Chinese government’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19. The old expert got a result that COVID-19 could be spread between humans. “The People’s Hero” was given to three others. They are Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei. Zhang Boli is a traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) expert. He has been in charge of the research of COVID-19 treatments connecting TCM with Western medicine. Zhang Dingyu was the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital in 2020. He got an illness in 2018. However, he chose to stay with his partners in Wuhan to save lives. Chen Wei is a professor. She has made great achievements in the research on COVID-19. She is also one of the key leaders in China’s Ebola vaccine(埃博拉 疫苗)research. The purpose of giving the nation’s top honors to these people was to show the great courage and the spirit of working together of the Chinese people. 1. How many people was given “the People’s Hero” by Chinese President Xi Jinping? A . One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 2. Who got an illness in 2018 according to the passage? A. Zhong Nanshan.B. Zhang Boli. C. Zhang Dingyu. D. Chen Wei. 3. Which of the following is right in the passage? A. Chen Wei is the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital. B. Zhang Dingyu is a traditional Chinese medicine expert. C. Zhong Nanshan got a result that COVID-19 could not be spread between humans. D. Zhang Boli has been in charge of the research connecting TCM with Western medicine. 【文章大意 】文章介绍了在与 COVID-19 的战斗中,涌现出了许多民族英雄,其中四位杰 出的贡献者受到了国家主席的表彰。 commend 表彰 outstanding contribution 杰出的贡献 in charge of 负责 treatment 治疗 professor 教授 时文阅读 2( 张桂梅 ) Zhang Guimei, the principal of Huaping High School for Girls, has been given the title “Role Model of the Times” for helping girls from poor families. The school was the first high school in the country to provide free education for girls who woul d otherwise have been unable to continue their studies after completing their nine years of education. Zhang moved to Lijiang at the age of 17 to teach in the middle school in Huaping County. Once, she got badly ill but had no money for the treatment. With the help of the people there, she was able to get the necessary treatment. “From then on, I told myself that I must do something for those people who helped me,” Zhang said. Slowly, a dream of setting up a free high school for girls in Huaping County appeared in Zhang’s heart. From the year of 2002, she began a six-year journey to look for funds. In 2008, Zhang finally set up Huaping High School for Girls at the foot of the Shizi Mountain in Huaping. Thanks to her efforts, more than 1,800 girls from poor families have entered universities through her education until now. Zhang has been helping to improve the area as a whole. Influenced by her, many of her students have chosen to teach in poor areas. Now, with Zhang having got the honorary title, education for girls from poor areas will receive more attention. What she has done will be long remembered and encourage more to follow her example. 1. Why was Zhang Guimei named “Role Model of the Times”? A. For helping girls from poor families. B. For do ing something for people in need. C. For looking for funds to treat sick girls. D. For providing free education for poor children. 2. when she once got badly ill. A. Zhang refused to get help from others B. Zhang had to borrow money from her relatives C. Zhang was able to get the necessary treatment D. Zhang continued to teach students despite of her illness 3. How di d many girls enter universities? A. Through Zhang’s own education and efforts. B. By getting special chances from universities. C. By working hard on their own without others’ help. D. With the help of the education provided by the school. 4.Why have many of Zhang’s students chosen to work in poor areas? A. They had no choice but to accept. B. They didn’t want to work in rich areas. C. They needed to do as Zhang had ever told them. D. They followed Zhang’s example to make a contribution. 【文章大意】 文章讲述了“时代楷模”张桂梅为贫困地区创办女子学校,为贫困 家庭的女孩提供免费教育的光荣事迹。 【 重点词汇】treatment治疗 funds 资金 influence 影响 honorary title 荣誉称号 时文阅读 3( 神舟 13 号 ) China launched the Shenzhou XIII manned spacecraft early on Saturday morning, carrying

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