选择性必修二 Unit 1 Science and scientists 单元重点词汇讲练 1. P2 As a young doctor, John Snow became frustrated because no one knew how to prevent or treat cholera. frustrated adj. 懊恼的,沮丧的(形容人或人的表情、声音等);失意的;不得志的  frustrate vt. 使沮丧; 使懊恼 frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的; 令人懊恼的 frustration n. 懊恼;令人懊恼 的事物 常见搭配:be/feel/get/become frustrated at/with sth. 因…感到沮丧/懊恼  1). 语 境 串 记 : What __________ me most was the _______________ news about the football match, whose result made everyone here _____________. (frustrate). 2). After a long and __________(tire) flight, Ritz was ___________(frustrate) at the news __________ his luggage had been sent to Hang Kong _________ mistake. 3). Mary failed in the exam and her father worried that she couldn’t stand the _____________(frustrate) of it. 4). 当我们没有做到我们自己的期望时,我们往往会感到沮丧。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 2. P2 The other was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water. infection n. 感染;传染  infect vt. 使感染;传染 infected adj. 受感染的 infectious adj. 传 染性的 be/become infected with 感染上…;传染上…  infectious disease 传染病 1). In heavily ____________(infect) areas, half the population become blind. 2). When a person has an ___________(infect) disease, he is usually ______________(separate) from others. 3). 因为有效预防,很少有人感染这个病毒 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 3. P2 Snow subscribed to the second theory.  subscribe to 赞成,同意;定期订购;定期捐助 1). Ever since he entered university, he _____________(subscribe) to a monthly magazine about tennis. 2). All scientists subscribed _____ the view that the increase _______ the earth’s temperature is due to the ______________(burn) of fossil fuels. 3). 经理同意了 Tim 提出的我们订一些有用杂志的建议。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 4. P2 Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame. suspect v. 怀疑;认为 n. 嫌疑犯,可疑对象 suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做)某事  suspected adj. 有嫌疑的;被怀疑的 suspicious adj. 感觉可疑的;令人怀疑的 be suspicious of 对…怀疑 blame v. 指责;责备;谴责把…归咎于…; n. 责任;责备;指责  blame sb. for…因…责备某人 blame sth. on …把某事归咎于… be to blame for 因…责备/负 责任 take /bear/shoulder the blame (for sth.) (对某事)承担责任 put/lay the blame on sb. (for sth) (因 …)把责任推给某人 1). Older people tend ________(be) quite conservative and a bit ______________(suspect) of any possible advances. 2). The official is under ______________(investigate) by the police for _____________(suspect) of taking money from the bank. 3). ____________(blame) for the accident, the driver couldn’t get away __________ it. 4). Lots of people find ________ hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame ________ the alarm clock. 5). 警方怀疑他实施了两起袭击,尽管没有确凿的证据。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 6). 不要总是把失败归咎于别人,有时候是你自己而不是别人该担责任。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 5. P3 Moreover, Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and the different water companies in London.  link n. 联系;纽带 vt. 把…连接起来;相关联;挽住;钩住 There is a link between…and… …和…之间有联系  link…with…/be linked with 联系,连接 在一起 拓展:表示“联系,有关系”的短语:be related to; be associated with; be involved in; be connected with; have something to do with 1). The study further strengthens the evidence __________(link) smoking with early death. 2). 师生之间有紧密的联系。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 3). 健康问题和不良的饮食习惯以及缺乏锻炼有关系。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 6. P3 Through Snow’s tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water, and the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease. through one’s tireless efforts 通过某人不懈的努力 through great/intense/joint efforts 通过巨大的  /共同的努力  a substantial(dramatic/sharp/marked) decrease (in) (某方面)大幅的/明显的降低  decrease n. 减少,降低 v. (使大小、数量等)减少,降低 拓展:on the decrease 在减少 decrease to/by 下降到/了…; decrease from…to…从…下降到… 在动词 decrease/drop/fall/reduce (减少)和 increase/rise(增加、上升)之后,介词 by/to 表幅度。 1). Population growth rate is decreasing _________ 1.4% each year. 2). The pries of coal are low as a result of over-supply and a ______________ (decrease) demand. 3). Any decrease ________ tourism could have a serious effect ________ the local economy. 4). 骑自行车穿红灯的人在减少。 _________________________________________________________

doc文档 Unit 1 Science and scientists-单元重点词汇讲练-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二)

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